
missar Posts: 32 Member
Hi everyone, I haven't started LNE yet but my first full delivery arrives next week and I am so excited to start!
How is everyone finding LNE so far?


  • berni6004
    berni6004 Posts: 1 Member
    How did you find LNE? I started today. .. was starving by the time dinner came around but dinner was so big i could barely finish it! It was tasty though :-)
  • ekardoulias
    ekardoulias Posts: 17 Member
    I've started lite n easy at the beginning of the year. And so far it has been great. The foods are perfectly sized and the oranges so far have been amazing.

    I am on a 1200 calories lunch and dinner plan.
    In saying that has anyone had issues completing an entry on 1200cals?
  • Doro6810
    Doro6810 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I'm just finishing my first week of LNE. Ive lost a bit over a kilo, shall see if this continues next week.
    How have others found it?
  • Ashermfp
    Ashermfp Posts: 2 Member
    I've just started 4 days ago and have lost 2 kgs already. I know is just the initial caloric adjustment but it's a great start. I get the 1200 cal 5 day plan so I have some flexibility with meals and days. I'm not super strict and so fat I haven't been hungry berween meals or after dinner. Will start walking more next week to continue the good start.