Weigh ins January



  • skinheaddh
    skinheaddh Posts: 32 Member
    Hi all
    Sw 15.8.8
    Cw 15.9
    Gw 14.stone
  • skinheaddh
    skinheaddh Posts: 32 Member
    skinheaddh wrote: »
    Hi all
    Sw 15.8.8
    Cw 15'8
    Gw14 stone
  • YinxFed
    YinxFed Posts: 1,092 Member
    SW - 186
    CW - 185.4
    GW - 145

    I've been ill this past week, so the gain was expected! Back to my exercise routine tomorrow, hopefully.
  • skinheaddh
    skinheaddh Posts: 32 Member
    Hi all,
    Sw 15.8'8
    Cw 15'7 1/4
    Gw 14 st
  • LoraineGB
    LoraineGB Posts: 926 Member
    Well, it's the last January weigh in for me and I am up 1.6 from last week but I have lost just over 4lbs for the month. I'll take an average of a pound a week all day long!

    SW: 217.8 CW: 213 GW: 185
    Wk4 Gain 1.6
    Total loss 4.8

    Had a mini vacay in Portland so I'm happy with my small gain.
  • YinxFed
    YinxFed Posts: 1,092 Member
    Last weigh in of the month:

    SW - 186
    CW - 185
    GW - 145

    Making a total loss of 1lb! It looks pitiful, doesn't it? But I am not disheartened.

    Moving forwards!!
  • tmharrison1985
    tmharrison1985 Posts: 39 Member
    SW: 272.4 (Jan 1, 2017)

    Weigh-In 1-16-17: .... 265.4 ( -6.8 LBs)

    Weigh-In 1-30-17: ... 261.0 ( -11.4 LBs)

    Woot, Woot.. Now if only someone other than myself noticed .... :-/

  • DietVanillaCoke
    DietVanillaCoke Posts: 259 Member
    Well done on all your tracking and loses so far everyone =D Easter is just around the corner! Keep up the good work =)
  • marf76
    marf76 Posts: 3 Member
    SW: 204.6
    CW: 198.4 (as if 1/28)
    GW: 184.6
  • emilyvictoria7
    emilyvictoria7 Posts: 102 Member
    SW ... 270
    CW ... 256.9
    GW ... 250 or more!

    Weigh in Jan 7/17 - 265.6 (-4.6lbs)
    Weigh in Feb 11/17 - 256.9 (-8.5lbs)

    Total loss in 56 days: 13.1lbs.

    Folks I am super proud... this is the biggest lost I've ever had when I've tried losing weight because I'm sticking to it and being honest with myself and my tracking.