Hello I am....



  • hadden94
    hadden94 Posts: 2 Member
    What's your name? Catherine
    How old are you? 41
    Where do you come from? Georgia
    How tall are you? 5'5"
    Are you married? yes
    Where do you live? Georgia
    Do you have any children? 3
    What do you do in your spare time? crafting (mostly floral arranging)
    What sports do you like? softball
    Do you have a car? yes
    What's your favourite film? It's silly but, Finding Nemo
    What's your job? I'm a nurse
    Do you have any pets? yes, 3 dogs
    What kind of music do you like? most all types except rap
    Whats your family like in general or towards your diet? confusing. 2 children without weight issues, 1 with her teddy bear shape and overweight husband that thinks that the weight will magically disappear one day.
    What makes you splurge on your diet and what do you reach for? weakness for chocolate
    Do you have a calling? yes. Assistant Librarian, Enrichment Counselor, Compassionate Service Leader
    Do you have a testimony you would like to share? Very strong testimony of repentance and forgiveness for self and others.
  • Simone Renee
    Married yes
    Live in Concord CA
    Children yes 9
    Spare time infrared massages
    Sport's ice hockey j
    Football baseball basketball
    Car yes proud owner of a 2000 ford windstar
    Favorite film Golden child
    My job party bus on ice at around the world sailing
    No pet's
    Country gospel jazz
    My family is not supporting my diet
    My weakness ice cream
    Yes love ministry
    My testimony is Jesus gave me an extended Jesus job on earth
  • RockVixen
    RockVixen Posts: 63 Member
    What's your name? Rachel
    How old are you? 32 in April
    Where do you come from? Raised in California but I've been in Utah for 11 years now.
    How tall are you? 5' 8"
    Are you married? Yes, 8 years.
    Where do you live? Utah County, UT
    Do you have any children? Yes, a little girl turning 5 this year and a little boy turning 2
    What do you do in your spare time? I'm a geek culture and Disney enthusiast, I like face painting, playing with my kids, keeping an organized home, and researching new ways to better myself and my family.
    What sports do you like? Soccer, softball, basketball...
    Do you have a car? Yes
    What's your favourite film? I'm not sure anymore. I really like any movies that have anything to do with Jane Austen novels, modern adaptations included.
    What's your job? Mommy, Wife, and Teacher (homeschool)
    Do you have any pets? 2 dogs
    What kind of music do you like? Rock and Alternative...
    Whats your family like in general or towards your diet? My family will usually support my diets but they get to indulge much more than me.
    What makes you splurge on your diet and what do you reach for? candy bars/chocolate.
    Do you have a calling? I'm he Primary Secretary
    Do you have a testimony you would like to share? I've had a testimony in the church since I was very little even though my family was inactive. I've always known that it's true and the Heavenly Father knows and loves me even with all my quirks :)
  • Leah_62803
    Leah_62803 Posts: 292 Member
    What's your name? Leah McCord

    How old are you? 30 years old

    Where do you come from? I was born in Florida and that will always be my home.

    How tall are you? 5'3

    Are you married? Yes! :) For 11 years.

    Where do you live? Southeast Missouri

    Do you have any children? YES!! I am very, very happy to be the mother of 2 young children. Dylan is 5 and Lily is 3.

    What do you do in your spare time? I mostly like to spend time with my family. I also like to read.

    What sports do you like? Um....none. Haha. I wish I did.

    Do you have a car? A 2006 Ford Escape

    What's your favourite film? Too many to name. Off the top of my head though it would be the EDITED version of Love Actually.

    What's your job? I'm Asst. Manager of bookkeeping in a bank...but I really wish I was a SAHM.

    Do you have any pets? Yes, several. I have 2 dogs, 2 cats, a bird, some fish....and 7(!) guinea pigs!! Haha..long story.

    What kind of music do you like? Anything... favorites would be 80s pop and classic hymns.

    Whats your family like in general or towards your diet? Very supportive! I'm a lucky girl! My husband is overweight and so he's been trying to live healthier also. My kids are little bean poles and they love to watch mommy almost die working out!

    What makes you splurge on your diet and what do you reach for? Pizza! I love it so much but I can't seem to control myself around it. Also chewy candy.

    Do you have a calling? I was recently called as the 2nd counselor in Relief Society which is super exciting for me because I think I've only been in RS maybe 10 times since I turned 18. I was in Primary, went inactive for 10 years, returned to be put in nursery and then Primary.

    Do you have a testimony you would like to share?
    I do. I believe that our church is the true church. I believe that Joseph Smith was a prophet and that President Monson is our living prophet today. I believe in stengthening family.
  • KarrotCake11
    KarrotCake11 Posts: 4 Member
    What's your name? Karen

    How old are you? 25 (almost 26)

    Where do you come from? Athens, Georgia

    How tall are you? 5' 7"

    Are you married? YES

    Where do you live? Athens, GA

    Do you have any children? one boy

    What do you do in your spare time? INDEX!

    What sports do you like? UGA and FSU football

    Do you have a car? Mini Van

    What's your favorite film? Remember the Titans

    What's your job? currently a student

    Do you have any pets? one kitty, Daisy

    What kind of music do you like? country

    Whats your family like in general or towards your diet? My husband and I were married on 11-11-11 and 11 short months later, we welcome a beautiful baby boy. I have 5 brothers and 1 sister. Being southern, most family functions revolve around food. My family supports me in making the decision to lose weight, but tends to be my FALL when its family time.

    What makes you splurge on your diet and what do you reach for? stress & depression. When i have a busy day... I hit up mcdonalds and when i'm depressed i eat EVERYTHING!

    Do you have a calling? No. We aren't very active right now. Not due to a lack of faith.... but due to emotional issues stemming from from a hysterectomy in 2012. It's too hard to go to church with people who have a million babies, when i know i'll never have another one.
  • cincysweetheart
    cincysweetheart Posts: 892 Member
    What's your name? Shanon
    How old are you? 35
    Where do you come from? Utah
    How tall are you? 5'10"
    Are you married? No
    Where do you live? Northern Utah
    Do you have any children? No
    What do you do in your spare time? Sleep! Scrapbook.
    What sports do you like? Volleyball
    Do you have a car? Yes
    What's your favourite film? Ultimately? Fiddler on the Roof
    What's your job? Mental Health Worker at a residential treatment center
    Do you have any pets? No
    What kind of music do you like? variety. usually broadway soundtracks.
    Whats your family like in general or towards your diet? supportive, but not participatory
    What makes you splurge on your diet and what do you reach for? Family gatherings I guess. No particular food.
    Do you have a calling? Officially: Visiting Teaching supervisor Unofficially: Gospel Doctrine class president
    Do you have a testimony you would like to share? Not really comfortable with that at this point in the game.
  • dclove0912
    dclove0912 Posts: 13 Member
    What's your name? Liz
    How old are you? 30
    Where do you come from? I was born in New York state :)
    How tall are you? Average, 5'5"
    Are you married? Yes, this month will mark 21 months :)
    Where do you live? A small town in eastern Washington state.
    Do you have any children? I have three boys: D is 7, C is 4-1/2, and L is almost 8 months old :)
    What do you do in your spare time? I am an avid knitter! One of my goals for this year is to knit a pair of mittens for each of my nieces and nephews...I have 23 of them. I'm going to be busy this year!
    What sports do you like? I don't watch professional sports, but I do enjoy watching basketball and soccer. I swam competitively in high school, I'd like to start up an adult league where I live.
    Do you have a car? I do! It has 250k miles on it, I'm hoping it lasts another year or two so we can afford to buy a new one (we don't buy on credit).
    What's your favorite film? I'm not sure I have one anymore. I converted in 2014 and made significant changes in my life. Movies that I used to love are now so crass and don't bring the spirit.
    What's your job? I work as a bookkeeper for a family-owned corporation which reclaims wood from barns and silos for use in residential and commercial buildings, mainly as wood flooring.
    Do you have any pets? I have one cat and one dog.
    What kind of music do you like? I love southern gospel music but I don't have the voice for it. I also enjoy classic Italian and Latin pieces...the more complicated, the more fun!
    What's your family like in general or towards your diet? My husband has lost close to 150 pounds, he's very supportive!
    What makes you splurge on your diet and what do you reach for? Anything chocolate!!
    Do you have a calling? I am a Valient 8 teacher normally, but I'm currently on maternity leave ;)
    Do you have a testimony you would like to share? I know that Christ gave us the power to atone - to ask forgiveness and to forgive. It is this forgiving nature that allows me to be a better, less bitter person than I used to be, and I will always be grateful for that knowledge.
  • BeckThePenguin
    BeckThePenguin Posts: 5 Member
    What's your name? Becky
    How old are you? 27
    Where do you come from? Texas
    How tall are you? 5'5"
    Are you married? Divorced
    Where do you live? Texas
    Do you have any children? Lost 1 in miscarriage w/ ex-husband, none living
    What do you do in your spare time? research and spending time with friends
    What sports do you like? ALL - I used to do competitive gymnastics and bowling as a kid, injuries kept me from continuing. I love to watch football (Dallas Cowboys, BYU and Texas Tech), baseball (Texas Rangers), basketball (Dallas Mavericks, Utah Jazz, BYU, Texas Tech), Hockey (Dallas Stars, Allen Americans), and gymnastics
    Do you have a car? Yes. I love my Toyota
    What's your favorite film? anything to do with Penguins!! Happy Feet is probably it.
    What's your job? I'm finishing my undergraduate degree (Summer 2017) and looking for employment in Linguistics before graduate school in Fall 2018
    Do you have any pets? 1 yorkie, she's 3 pounds and 11 years old.
    What kind of music do you like? Country, pop, alternative, church
    Whats your family like in general or towards your diet? My family is all overweight or obese. Two of my family members have had the gastric sleeve surgery with good success, but still need to lose more. We are all trying to get to be healthier.
    What makes you splurge on your diet and what do you reach for? I'm an emotional eater and injuries happen easily, causing me to not be able to exercise often.
    Do you have a calling? Not currently as I just moved into a new ward. Hoping to start doing work in the Dallas Temple
    Do you have a testimony you would like to share? I am a convert to the Church for nearly 10 years. Of all the things I've accomplished and learned and now know... the greatest knowledge I have is of my Heavenly Father, His Son/my Savior Jesus Christ, and the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ in these latter-days. I am proud to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I consider it my greatest accomplishment in my life. And do not see how anything could be more important. I know that God loves each of us, and would love for every single one of us to return to live with him for all eternity.