Priest fist bump!

jlr_405 Posts: 18 Member
I decided to attend Mass at Old Saint St. Joseph's Cathedral in Oklahoma City super bowl sunday. I have only been there twice as my parish is 30 min west and I usually go on Saturdays. During the part of the mass where the father asks us to offer each other the sign of peace hand shake, he and the other priest/deacon gave each other a fist bump and a hug at the alter. It was kind of odd because the parish is very traditional, it was really cool though seeing it and it didn't come off as disrespectful as the whole mass chuckled. I just thought that i would share as it made me smile and have a new deeper respect for our priests and their vocation. Pray for our priests!


  • ACSelkie
    ACSelkie Posts: 46 Member
    Thank you for sharing... I do enjoy hearing about other parishes and like you occasionally visiting a different Parrish from time to time.. The Priests of today are in short supple and have to wear many hats and most certainly need our prayers.

    sending you a fist pump..

  • orapronobis
    orapronobis Posts: 460 Member
    I'm more of a traditionalist. The sign of peace is supposed to be a reverent and sincere prayer that the person you are shaking hands with will receive the Peace of Christ, which is so much more meaningful and beautiful than a casual greeting. Not saying that the priests were being insincere, but the fact that it brought about chuckles in the congregation, diminishes (in my opinion) the beautiful, prayerful nature of what is supposed to go on at that moment in the Mass. What more beautiful thing could we pray for someone than that they receive the peace that is beyond understanding, and with how much awe and gratitude should we receive this prayerful greeting from our fellow congregants?
  • ZelleLarentia
    ZelleLarentia Posts: 29 Member
    I will be honest. I have never liked this part of the Novus Ordo, because so few people treat it with any degree of sincerity. This is not to belittle the fist-bump the priests did, as I'm certain they meant it, and a heartwarming chuckle isn't so bad (compared to being stuck in a pew behind or front of a couple of people just gossiping in a low whisper). I give a warm, honest smile and a wave if I'm not at a Latin Mass, more out of the need to protect myself (I have a compromised immune system due to a medication I take), and people don't seem to be good at keeping their hands reasonably clean these days. I realize some may think I'm being anti-social or rude, but such is how it has to be. I'm sure there are others in my situation, so if you receive a wave from someone during this portion of the Mass, return the favor warmly and sincerely. It will be appreciated, I assure you. <3
  • jlr_405
    jlr_405 Posts: 18 Member
    Yeah i came to find out that it was to prevent the spread of germs.