Reset Introductions

Hi 'rettes! I figure if we're trying to jumpstart this group back into life we should have a new "introductions" thread, since I'm sure a lot of commenters have changed. I'm a regular commenter on blog, and have been trying to get back into fitness for the past year or so, with injuries and sickness getting in the way. My SO and I both love amazing food and drinks and we've gotten a bit complacent, and have both gained weight since getting together two years ago.

I'm currently aiming to do NROLFW twice a week and Zombies! 5k twice a week, with hiking, yoga, and low-impact cardio (bike and elliptical) thrown in whenever I can. I'm TERRIBLE at tracking calories (see aforementioned love of amazing food), but should do it more when we're not eating out. I did just finish the recipes from Bon Appetit's 2-week winter meals from their book "The Food Lover's Cleanse" (which is not a cleanse), spaced out over the course of a month, and I strongly recommend it to anyone who wants to eat a little better but twitches when people describe broiled chicken breasts with a little paprika as "delicious clean eating."

Let me know your story! Also, does anyone know how to make group messages show up in your newsfeed?


  • mascot100
    mascot100 Posts: 5 Member
    Also a regular on the site. I re-started my MFP tracking at the beginning of the year. I'm in my late thirties now and my body just doesn't look or act like it did when I was younger. I'd also fallen into the habit of being too lax with food and drink choices and then wondering why my clothes don't fit. Oh look, those delish craft beers aren't low calorie. Hmm. I've been making an effort to do more meal planning and have found the Sknnytaste recipes to be good jumping off points.
    Trying to make more time for exercise, both for physical and mental health reasons. I've done NROLW and Strong Curves (great program) and really enjoy strength training. Being strong and able to keep up with my active child is more important now than what my scale reads. But, I'd definitely like to see some lower number there and on my clothing tags.
  • kellyrmags
    kellyrmags Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! Big lurked on site, infrequent commenter. Trying to lose about 10 lbs. Low carb works for me, but is hard! I am very active. My problem is food not gym.
  • Hi! Usually a lurker on the site, occasional commentor under the handle NationalAnthem. My weight has been slowly creeping up for a while, but I've gained a more dramatic amount of weight in the past year, I think due to being in a relationship with a lovely man who enjoys food, wine, and hibernating. I'm trying to be better at saying no to temptation.
  • IDreamofJennie
    IDreamofJennie Posts: 2 Member
    I've been a frequent commenter since about the year Kat started the blog.

    My weight fluctuates. I've been overweight since the middle of college. After reaching a high weight at the end of law school, I lost about 80 pounds but gained it back and more. October 2015 was my highest weight ever. I've been seeing an internist who specializes in weight loss at NYU monthly since then and she has me on a few medications to help. She thinks I'm insulin resistant, which makes it harder. I've lost a little over 40 pounds since I started seeing her. I have about 80 pounds left to go.