Weight check in

elliej Posts: 466 Member
Hi everyone,

I'm publicly posting my weight for Christmas and the New Year as I think it'll help keep me on track - I've only got 58 sleeps to the wedding! Going to post weekly, anyone else is welcome to join in.

Starting weight: 140lb / 64kg
Current weight: 132.5lb / 60kg
Goal: 127lb / 57kg


  • sars89
    sars89 Posts: 20 Member
    This is a fantastic idea! I've been so terrible this week coming up to Christmas and heading to Christmas parties, it will be great to have some accountability to stay on track :)

    Starting weight: 150lb / 68kg
    Current weight: 137lb / 62.3kg
    Goal weight: 132.5lb / 60kg

    How exciting that your wedding's so close! All the best with your last minute prep :)
  • elliej
    elliej Posts: 466 Member
    Hiii *waves* I was at a wedding over the weekend and it's not good news on the scale... Still I did actually fit into the party dress I wanted to, that I haven't been able to zip up properly for months so happy with that NSV.
  • elliej
    elliej Posts: 466 Member
    CW: 133lb :neutral:
  • sars89
    sars89 Posts: 20 Member
    How are you going over Christmas?! I just ate my entire body weight in ham and turkey! I had lost 0.2kg (cw: 136.9lb) earlier in the week but I think I'll be too scared to step on the scales for a few days!
  • elliej
    elliej Posts: 466 Member
    Tell me about it sars89! I caved and have been EATING for the past 2 days. Tomorrow back on track though. Will not be weighing for a couple of days... On the plus side I did a 4 mile run on Christmas morning which will have made a small dent in the day's intake!
  • sars89
    sars89 Posts: 20 Member
    Well done Ellie! Fabulous work doing some exercise Christmas Day! I finally got my butt back into the gym today but it was hard work!

    0.4kg up this morning but hopefully some is water weight :)
  • elliej
    elliej Posts: 466 Member
    I didn't make it back on track until yesterday :neutral: oh well! I did a great PT session yesterday and don't ache too much today. I am going to really go serious for the next month - just 38 sleeps until my wedding!

    Will weigh later at home.

    How are you getting on?
  • sars89
    sars89 Posts: 20 Member
    Gah 38 sleeps, how exciting!!! Great job getting back into it :)

    I've just started dress shopping so that's encouraged me to hit my calorie goal and exercise most days. I'll do a weigh in soon and hopefully see the scales move!

    I'm thinking about going back to my PT, just so much saving to do for the wedding!

    Have a great week :)
  • elliej
    elliej Posts: 466 Member
    131.2! Getting there slowly... with just 26 days to go my only aim is to be under 130.
  • sars89
    sars89 Posts: 20 Member
    Great job! You'll get there for sure :)

    So exciting, best of luck with all the last minute prep!!
  • elliej
    elliej Posts: 466 Member
    129! 2 weeks to go!
  • sars89
    sars89 Posts: 20 Member
    Woohoo!! Great job :) enjoy your special day
  • cvm94
    cvm94 Posts: 5 Member
    How is everyone doing? i still have 14 lbs to go.... and 9 weeks left before the big day ;)<3