Lem0nyFresh Posts: 14 Member
Does anyone play any D&D 5E or use Roll20 at all for their campaigns? I'm currently DM'ing a group of about 5-6 people every other week, but other than myself and two others, the rest don't really seem to care to learn, they'd rather dick around and ruin the fun for everyone else.


  • hcorehenry
    hcorehenry Posts: 14 Member
    I'm trying to teach a friend how to "run" (more like support the DM) in a 5e campaign. I've played Pathfinder before and one or two srssions in the roll 20 system... They're all basically the same. I feel you on the motivation problems though... It can be like pulling teeth sometimes lol
  • Lem0nyFresh
    Lem0nyFresh Posts: 14 Member
    No joke. We've been playing this campaign for like 3 months, people still don't understand/want to do anything for themselves. I'm really considering a meteor shower or some other godly natural disaster to just remove all their characters from the world.
  • hcorehenry
    hcorehenry Posts: 14 Member
    That's a little harsh, bit understandable lol. Think about what they are enjoying in your campaign and focus on that...If the plot isn't working, just change it! Make it whatever you want, and if the rules are getting in the way, just simplify them. What are they enjoying about your campaign now?
  • LadyMustard
    LadyMustard Posts: 104 Member
    I've played 5th edition, but I'm really big into Pathfinder. My husband wanted to play the Iron Gods Adventure Path and none of other friends were interested in playing. In the end, I wound up modifying it so that we could play it with just the two of us. I created a homebrew "intro" so we could get a couple levels in and we took on the adventure path with two characters, one controlled by the me (theGM), the other controlled by him (the player).

    If the two players are the only ones that are being constructive, consider starting a campaign that is geared towards a smaller number of characters. It's a lot of fun, because you really need to beef up your characters to handle the encounters and even if you've got a freaking cannon powerhouse, it's still a challenge since the CR is geared toward a party of higher levels.

    For a party of two, I would make sure that they are at least two levels higher than the suggested CR for a party of four.

  • LadyMustard
    LadyMustard Posts: 104 Member

    Improved Initiative did a great blogpost on this, concerning problem players and how to deal with it.
  • Upbeatbox
    Upbeatbox Posts: 1 Member
    I'm a long time gamer, but i've been going through a custom campaign with my friends and its somehow the first successful d&d campaign I've ever been a part of???
  • Crowned_Clown
    Crowned_Clown Posts: 9 Member
    I have a small (and I mean small) group I'm playing with, but getting everyone to meet up and play feels impossible.

    We can only meet at my sister's place for various reasons, and for numerous reasons, she's not usually up for playing so... :neutral: Feels bad.
  • Gnawcraft
    Gnawcraft Posts: 765 Member
    I play in a 5E game on roll 20 weekly with a group I've been PC gaming with for something like 12 years and have just started DMing for my family ^_^ Love D&D, makes life better!
  • ZodFit
    ZodFit Posts: 394 Member
    I want to play what’s the best way to get started? DMing?
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    Great series on getting into D&D 5E:


    Tons of videos and channels out there in the era of geekdom. Find one you like. Find a local game/comic shop - meet a good crew and start playing.
  • ZodFit
    ZodFit Posts: 394 Member
    CSARdiver wrote: »
    Great series on getting into D&D 5E:


    Tons of videos and channels out there in the era of geekdom. Find one you like. Find a local game/comic shop - meet a good crew and start playing.
    Awesome thanks!
  • andreascjonsson
    andreascjonsson Posts: 433 Member
    edited October 2018
    I´m playing a really amazing Runequest campaign atm with an amazingly dedicated DM, we only meet up every 2nd to 4th week though. But thinking about that we are 6 ppl in the campaign im glad everyone even manage to line up their free time that often.
  • UnicornSmoothie
    UnicornSmoothie Posts: 20 Member
    I am getting ready to play in a Curse of Strahd campaign on one character and also preparing to do Tomb of Annihilation with a different character and different DM. I also casually DM my own original setting as well as playing in another DM's 3.5 original setting. Basically like half of my life is consumed by D&D, but over time, I've had to shed players or leave tables that were a little too "lolfactory" or lazy for my tastes.
  • PikaJoyJoy
    PikaJoyJoy Posts: 280 Member
    I'd love to get back into D&D but unfortunately, no luck finding a group where I'm at. So envious of everyone that gets to play.
  • KetoLula
    KetoLula Posts: 29 Member
    I'm primarily a Pathfinder/Starfinder player, but at the moment, hubby and I are on game hiatus and I'm missing playing. I've got books for D&D so I can work out the game if I were to switch (I had some friends online who wanted to play, but life got in the way).
  • lilithsrose
    lilithsrose Posts: 752 Member
    I'm playing my first D&D realm. We're doing the Princes of the Apocalypse module. Our DM isn't a good story-teller and the module is mainly fighting and then railroad you to the next location, so its kinda boring. I'm at least learning the basics of the game.

    I'll likely be joining an upcoming realm that a different friend is building within the next year. He's a better story-teller and his realm will actually include puzzles, which I'm much more interested in.
  • eastjc
    eastjc Posts: 32 Member
    If any of you need a player via Skype or discord, let me know. I am itching to play after 10 years but nothing worthwhile I'm my area.