June 2016 Book



  • mabug01
    mabug01 Posts: 1,273 Member
    Hi Diamondettes, sorry to be gone for so long. Life is that way sometimes. I read almost all of the Binchey book, but couldn't finish it. It was OK, but I guess I wasn't curious enough to finish it. Is anyone interested in picking a read for January? No pressure, just trying to understand who may be interested in continuing with our reading.
  • lenoresaari
    lenoresaari Posts: 500 Member
    Ive been gone for quite a while. I have read nothing for about 9 months. Just dont feel like reading. But that may change in time. Sorry for being so gone too
  • mabug01
    mabug01 Posts: 1,273 Member
    Nice to hear from you! I've been gone from MFP for awhile (and the waistline shows it). I've been reading, mostly because I need to read in order to go back to sleep at night. I read a mystery by PD James, which was very good, and now I'm reading Death in Disguise by Carolyn Graham. I've also discovered the Murder She Wrote cozy mysteries and I'm enjoying those because I love the Jessica Fletcher character. I'm still a big fan of Angela Lansbury's book Positive Moves and I follow her stretching routine at least 3 times a week. I love the way it makes me feel in the morning.
  • steppingstones
    steppingstones Posts: 569 Member
    Hello. Diamondettes don't know if you are still looking at this spot. Im back and after falling off the face of the earth and gaining pounds, I figured I better give this another go.

    Haven't read very much as I don't seem in the mood.

    If you two are still around let me know. :wink:
  • mabug01
    mabug01 Posts: 1,273 Member
    Hi M and L, I've been back for a week now. I discovered Joan Smith mystery books, and I'm enjoying 2 of them right now. Still also enjoying the occassional Murder She Wrote book. I do miss the good books M used to pick out so reliably.

    I also read (most of) a book that has really helped me a lot with my eating - it's called Eating Less by Gillian Riley. Actually, that's an understatement, it has changed my whole relationship with food. I finallly got tired of being overweight and I'm taking a pre-diabetes class at the Y, joined Weight Watchers, and took up Tai Chi.

    Would love catching up with both of you. M
  • steppingstones
    steppingstones Posts: 569 Member
    Hello. Great to hear from you. I will look into the Gillian Riley book you mentioned. I need a reboot!! I began suffering from this frozen shoulder situation months ago and most modalities have not worked...physical therapy, acupuncture, blah, blah blah. I think if I get back on track and work around the situation I might be able to cope with pain. Because of pain I have become more sedentary and that's not good.
    Last night I attended a family member's grad..Phd and today a granddaughter's kindergarten grad. Both exciting. And M challenging ourselves is a forever thing. Making it to first grade or overcoming many obstacles to finish that thesis. Always been self challenging person and some how gotten off my own train.
    Looking forward to your inspiration. M which coast have you settled on, at the moment?
    Added lots of books to my kindle because Bookbub has lots of good sales. Let you know if I am inspired. Let's keep catching up :)
  • mabug01
    mabug01 Posts: 1,273 Member
    So good to hear from M. Started tracking on weight watchers website so have been neglecting MFP pals. Now I'm not tracking at all, just attempting to eat healthier, and it's working to drop small amounts of weight. I'm still benefitting from the Eating Less book.

    This business of getting old is, well, getting old! Ha ha! Was doing my beloved Tai Chi and messed up my knee; and can barely walk. I think we are in the same place (with your shoulder), it knocks me off my train, too. Health is everything. For me, it's the emotional issues that really affect my eating choices and exercise routines. I'm living with my daugher, son-in-law, and grandchild, in Sonoma county, in order to help them afford a decent place to raise their child. It's such an emotional mind field! Maneuvering this is my current self-challenge. But I do love knowing my grandson in a more intimate way than just seeing him for a few hours each week. Even though I've lost the reliable flexibility of my body that I had in my youth, my age has given me advanced mental flexibility. It's my new secret weapon.

    I've discovered Susan Goodman, and read The Widow's House - it was wonderful. Thought I had the end all figured out, but then it turns out, I didn't! I've just checked out her book The Seduction of Water, so that's next, after I finish Nevada Barr's The Rope. It's one of the first Anna Pigeon books, before she became a park ranger.

    Reading is a good distraction from hearing about Russia all day long. I promise I will check back here more often to keep caught up.

  • steppingstones
    steppingstones Posts: 569 Member
    I have read this last post. It do touched me. My son is encouraging me to move for the same reason! I am mulling it over