Pet rat lovers!!! :)

casscass78 Posts: 25 Member
yess you read that correctly :)... I have 2 pet rats currently named marie and ruby (grey) and they are the best pets ever they are intelligent, cuddly, easy to clean, cheap to feed, unlimited kisses (even if they don't want to), great study partners, and squishy with cute ears lol :). I have owned 10 rats in total and have loved every single one of them.Id anyone else on MFP has pet rats that would be awesome !!!



  • Ozzyzmommy
    Ozzyzmommy Posts: 142 Member
    Years ago I used to raise rats and breed them
    Everything you said about them is the truth
    I'm glad to see your post ...
  • 8purplesnails
    8purplesnails Posts: 15 Member
    I adore rats! They are completely awesome pets. The photo of your girls cheered me up, they are just so ratty!
    I used to have some, but I'm terribly allergic, so when they passed (worst part about them, short life span) I didn't get any more. They're among my favorite animals though, fascinating survivalists, incredible athletes, and stunningly clever!