Friday, March 24, 2017

arkham_ma Posts: 62 Member
My numbers for the week:
SW: 204.6
Last week: -
This week: 175.4
Loss: -

It's been quite a while since I weighed in regularly. Haven't been found great since starting a new job in November.

Now that I'm settling in and the days are getting longer, I'm getting back to it.

Welcome to anyone who wants to join in.

No worries if you miss this or any week, we're happy to have you join whenever you can.


  • RaeBeeBaby
    RaeBeeBaby Posts: 4,246 Member
    This group just re-started after about a year's hiatus. There were a lot of old threads (now deleted).

    A couple people posted on last year's thread, so I'm moving their entries here:
    My first weigh-in.....

    SW- 258

    Carmetta3 wrote: »
    Happy to belong to this group. My first weigh in...

    SW: 286.4
  • RaeBeeBaby
    RaeBeeBaby Posts: 4,246 Member
    edited March 2017
    Here's my numbers:

    Starting weight: 180
    October 2016: 155 (initial goal)
    January 2017: 165 (oops)
    Last week: 160.8
    This week: 158
    Goal weight: 145-147

    I had a little backslide over the holidays, but got back on track. Life happens!
  • Jirachii
    Jirachii Posts: 152 Member
    Thanks for restarting the group :smiley: I hope more people join up soon!

    SW: 228.2 (2/20/17)
    CW: 215.6 (3/24/17)
  • Carmetta3
    Carmetta3 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm happy to be here with you guy's, Let's get busy! Have a wonderful week. :smiley:
  • RaeBeeBaby
    RaeBeeBaby Posts: 4,246 Member
    I'm going to post a couple times on the main forum and see if we can get a few more peeps.
  • Carmetta3
    Carmetta3 Posts: 6 Member
    Sounds great!