Introductions :)



  • dreamAbetterMe
    dreamAbetterMe Posts: 14 Member
    I just made a week of keto meals and we'll see how it goes! I feel like I'm cheating by eating all these meats and cheeses but hey guess it's keto? Lol
  • Chrissy336
    Chrissy336 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey ladies! I just found this group and I'm so happy to join!

    To tell a bit about myself: I am 23 years old, and I found out that I had PCOS when I was 19 when I went to the doctor about some crazy weight gain and irregular periods. Over the course of 6 months I went from about 150 lbs to about 210 lbs, all while continuing my same active lifestyle (at the time I was playing soccer twice a week, rugby once, and refereeing soccer too)! So she offered me metformin...hate it and went off of it because it gives me stomach cramps...and put me on birth control. Since then I've been unable to make a single pound budge. I recently got back on the band wagon and have started to log my meals for the last 30 days straight. Most days being under my calorie goal, but still not a pound.

    Is anyone else in the same boat? Any advice for me? I'm considering trying out the metformin again...has that been helpful for anyone?
  • leannemas
    leannemas Posts: 1 Member
    chrissy336 in same boat has you all excerise and diet and not a single pound
  • Chrissy336
    Chrissy336 Posts: 3 Member
    Man, it's rough. I'm hoping maybe the healthy diet will balance out the hormones after a bit and I might see some results. It's difficult to stay motivated though!
  • 1991lexi
    1991lexi Posts: 24 Member
    Hi Chrissy I had issues with metformin but have had great success with low GI.
  • Chrissy336
    Chrissy336 Posts: 3 Member
    1991lexi wrote: »
    Hi Chrissy I had issues with metformin but have had great success with low GI.

    Ya I've just started to try that. Good to know you've had success with it!!
  • Cellothere118
    Cellothere118 Posts: 50 Member
    edited April 2017
    Hello ladies! I came back to using MFP earlier this week. I am also fighting the pcos war and I wanted to share a website I found while doing some research on natural products to help get this thing under control. I have ordered a few things and I am happy with how I am now feeling. I know results dont happen overnight, but I can say emotionally I have had a nice improvement. I know we have been told our diets play an important part of what we do and do not eat when it comes to pcos, and exercise is probably the most important factor. I got to the point where I was very depressed over the changes it is causing my body, and decided its time to take the bull by the horns. Here is the website, and I hope the information is helpful to the group. I know natural products are not always helpful to some people, but I figured its worth a share.
  • dreamAbetterMe
    dreamAbetterMe Posts: 14 Member
    Hello ladies! I came back to using MFP earlier this week. I am also fighting the pcos war and I wanted to share a website I found while doing some research on natural products to help get this thing under control. I have ordered a few things and I am happy with how I am now feeling. I know results dont happen overnight, but I can say emotionally I have had a nice improvement. I know we have been told our diets play an important part of what we do and do not eat when it comes to pcos, and exercise is probably the most important factor. I got to the point where I was very depressed over the changes it is causing my body, and decided its time to take the bull by the horns. Here is the website, and I hope the information is helpful to the group. I know natural products are not always helpful to some people, but I figured its worth a share.

    Thank you for sharing, truly! Because of your post, o did research on it and ordered a similar all natural product. Should come in the mail tomorrow! I know it says it can take anywhere from a couple weeks to a couple months to take effect but I'm really hopeful this will do me some good. I will keep you all posted on my progress!
  • Cellothere118
    Cellothere118 Posts: 50 Member
    Thats great, Dream! Id definitely love to hear how the products work for you. I am getting ready to reorder some products, myself. Good luck!
  • ashley_2012
    ashley_2012 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    Just introducing myself. I am back to MFP after falling off the wagon for quite some time. I have been struggling with PCOS for many years. I am currently doing fertility treatments but I also know that if I dont get myself healthy now there will be no chance for a baby..So here I go on my weightloss/New Healthy me journey. I am hoping to meet some of you lovely ladies and share stories, experiences and recipies!!
  • lvinther1991
    lvinther1991 Posts: 2 Member
    New to MFP, currently ketogenic lifestyle for weightloss. I found out I had pcos when I got married 5 years ago. Been ttc ever since marriage with no luck even with a doctor's aid. Gaining weight is too easy with pcos so I am fighting it to have a family and stay around with a long and healthy life :) nice to meet you all.
  • michealacollins
    michealacollins Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone! Been ttc for almost 4 years with no luck. I have been diagnosed with PCOS for over a year. My husband and I are working together to lose weight! I'm down 35 pounds already but have stalled out. Would love extra support, and would love to be able to support someone else! What I'm working on is a lower carb diet including Atkins shakes and a product called Soylent. :)
  • brittany_hickey87
    brittany_hickey87 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Everyone! :)
    I'm Brittany and was diagnosed with PCOS in May, as well as one fully blocked Fallopian tube. Hubby and I have been trying to conceive for well over a year now with no luck.
    I'm on fertility medications and Metformin to help with the weight loss, but I know without dietary intervention and the added exercise I won't be able to get pregnant.
    My overall goal is to lose 60 lbs, and of course to fall pregnant!
    I love the support I have been receiving from fellow sisters on other forums, and I am so happy that MFP has a support group too!
  • eottman
    eottman Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! My name is Liz and I was diagnosed with PCOS in Fall of 2010. My acne was the worst it has ever been in my life and my mom read something in a magazine about PCOS while I was with my dermatologist and rushed in to ask if I should get tested. Lo' and behold, that was the problem. A steady regiment of birth control and skin creams has gotten my acne under control, but I just graduated law school and gained a pretty substantial amount of weight in three years. I'm currently studying for the bar, so the stress is still super high, but I need to do something to begin losing weight. I was so happy to see that this group existed! I would love to hear what has worked for any of you in terms of weight loss. I've decided to try a low-carb, keto style diet.
  • Faithmb88
    Faithmb88 Posts: 8 Member
    edited June 2017
    Hey all! I was recently diagnosed with PCOS. About 5 years ago I had lost 70lbs, and unfortantly I gained 50lbs of that back. I am getting married in August of 2018 and I would like to lose 75lbs. If any of you want to add me feel free. I could use all the support I can get.
  • Perfection623
    Perfection623 Posts: 6 Member
    Hello! I was diagnosed with PCOS in February and I have also been on and off medication for hypothyroidism since 2010. I have been with my boyfriend for going on 8 years, and I have a beautiful daughter who will be 7 this October. They are both very supportive and encouraging when it comes to getting this weight off. I have suffered with PCOS symptoms for years, and I was only recently able to find a doctor to do proper testing and give me a accurate diagnoses for my issues. After years of diet and exercise to get rid of my baby weight with little to no result, I was very discouraged. My doctor put me on medication and I finally feel ready and committed to getting this weight off. I have lost 20lbs just being on medication, so now with daily exercise and tracking what I am eating I am excited to see how much more I can lose. I have never been one for consistency but being here really helps me stay on track! I am recently back to using MFP daily after not logging for awhile. I absolutely love MFP and I am so excited to find a group with other ladies who know the struggle of pcos.
  • Cellothere118
    Cellothere118 Posts: 50 Member
    Perfection623- would you mind telling me what medication worked for you? Thanks!
  • Meh2Milf
    Meh2Milf Posts: 12 Member
    edited July 2017
    Hello everyone! My name is Michelle and I was diagnosed with PCOS 12/13 years ago. I'm currently breastfeeding and I am not on medication for my pcos. I still have 25ish lbs to my pre pregnancy weight and around 45 to my most comfortable/healthy weight (I'm 5'1" btw). It was difficult to get pregnant but I feel very blessed to have my son, I know many women with PCOS are still struggling and my heart goes out to all of you. My hormones have been steadily getting more and more unbalanced since I got my cycle back in November. My obgyn wants my son weaned for 3 months before treatment since breastfeeding can be the culprit for some hormonal imbalances so it's difficult to pinpoint causation. I'm not weaning my son until we are mutually ready so I've decided that in the meantime I want to go hard on proper nutrition and weight loss. I've recently given up dairy and I'm being very cautious of my carbs, gluten, and sugar. Idk about any if you but I'd rather give up sex than cheese! So that goes to show how ready I am for a change. Now I'm rambling.. lol. Anyone is free to add me, I would love some cysters for friends! :smile:
  • Tinkerbell14207
    Tinkerbell14207 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello, all. I am back to getting fit again after falling off of the wagon for quite a while. It pisses me off that I have let myself get back to this point after having been successful before. I have struggled with PCOS for 12 years. I will be turning 38 in September, and I am doing this for my health. My blood pressure is too high, my weight is too high, and I have noticed some other health issues starting to pop up. I am feeling depressed and have anxiety. I am too young to be falling apart like this. I am looking forward to receiving support from fellow "cysters", and getting to know each of you.
  • oceangoddess2017
    oceangoddess2017 Posts: 8 Member
    Not sure if this group is dead or what, but I'll introduce myself in case it's not! I'm Britney Wanke and I'm 24. Happily married to my best friend just short of 5 years! I was diagnosed with PCOS at 15. After a miscarriage of twin babies in 2014 and not getting a period since then I've finally decided to get off my *kitten* and kick this diet so I can be healthy and maybe a Mom one day! I'm looking to lose about 60 lbs! Hoping to lose 30 by my anniversary in February!