


  • JLynRN
    JLynRN Posts: 19 Member
    Hi all,

    I'm Jen, 25, MICU RN...forever dieting, just better at it sometimes than others. I was diagnosed 2 years ago with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis...which I didn't discover until after I had packed on close to 70lb...on top of what was already not that great of a weight, So at my highest I was 278ish...been maintaining at 270 for about a year now - which of course is not good enough. I went to Hershey Park with my cousin last summer and the staff had to push the rail of the coaster down to get it to click..totally humiliating. I take him every year and I'm afraid I won't be able to this year.

    So, while I dream of being 135 lbs, I'll settle now for just being small enough by September to take my little buddy to Hershey Park again on his Birthday.

    So... SW (this time) 271.2
    CW 270
    Goal by June 1st 250
    Goal by September 230
  • FluffyMamaNeeds2Lose
    FluffyMamaNeeds2Lose Posts: 91 Member
    Good morning from Kent Ohio! I am a 36 year old mother of two who has been overweight since 5 years old. I am battling emotional eating and trying to get back to my God given cues for real hunger. I am currently down 29 lbs and my goal is to be down 100 lbs by the end of 2017. I have auto immune issues and have good days and bad so I'm trying to increase my physical activity. Looking for any support and motivation I can get to keep me going and give me accountability. Good luck to everyone on their journey!!
    Add me as a friend if you'd like.
  • BeckThePenguin
    BeckThePenguin Posts: 5 Member
    Hey y'all! I'm Becky! I was a competitive gymnast as a kid, working out 50+ hours at the gym a week, with an unhealthy body fat % the other way, when I went through a growth spurt and had to quit gymnastics due to a calcium deposit growth under each of my knees. I kept eating as though I was working out that much and for a while I did cheerleading or bowling, staying somewhat active, but as time went on my metabolism slowed to a near stop comparably. I went from about 2% body fat when I was 10 years old to about 55% body fat when I was 20 years old, and have more or less maintained that percentage of body fat but fluctuated with weight in the time frame since. I am now 27 years old and weigh 310 with 57% body fat. At my highest weight I was 350 pounds with about 62% body fat (Jan 2016 - 26 years old).
    My ULTIMATE GOAL is 25% body fat. For me, with my muscle mass from as a kid (if I could just tone it), I would still be considered overweight or possibly even obese by "weight" and BMI for my height according to the World Health Organization. So for me, there is a weight goal, but it's more a general target zone of where that body fat percentage will be reached in my health journey.
    I've already reached some goals: I've hit 5 lbs., 10 lbs. 25 lbs., I'm fluctuating around 40 lbs.
    I've also hit some non-scale victories: I've been able to wrap my favorite towel all the way around my body! Something I've never done before! It was amazing! Something so silly, but so awesome feeling!

    Keep up the good work everyone! We all need each other!
  • amwannafit
    amwannafit Posts: 6 Member
    Hey everyone, name is Malik, am 32 yrs old and weigh aroung 425 lbs...targeting to lose 100 lbs in 2017...started stationry bike and litlle walk... I have been overweight forever...though lost around 40 lbs in 2015 and gained it all back later...need friends to keep me motivated...plz help!!
  • Theo166
    Theo166 Posts: 2,564 Member
    edited April 2017
    Hi Malik, welcome aboard and FR sent. To get started I suggest reading some of the links in the Tips & Tricks.

    Since you are just starting, I'd suggest taking my start approach and spend 1-2 wks on building technique over starving.
    - set an easy initial easy target in the MFP tool, <1lb/wk
    - focus on weighing & tracking everything you eat (builds self awareness)
    - work on your meal planning
    - I started dialing down my calorie target after I got into a good rhythm on tracking and eating

    I think a slow ramp prevents early stumbles, it helped me stick with my dieting
  • SheWalksInMoonlight
    Hey just found you guys and being honest I need it. I've never been good at loosing weight I loose motivation quite quickly.
    I've always known I was big there's even pictures of me just starting school where I'm bigger than my classmates. I've always been ignorant to my size.
    I've had my gallbladder out as my diet caused me to get stones - I kept the weight.
    I struggle to move or exercise - even a regular flight of stairs at home brings on an asthma attack. I just suck it up and I'm quite chummy with the local ambulance service as I end up admitted a few times a year.

    The moment of realisation came to me a couple of months ago. I had drove to pick my daughter from school (and from where we live its quicker to walk than drive there as well). My daughter cam e out and said she was asked a question my one of her classmates - "Why is your Mummy so fat?" A child's innocence and inquisition got me like an arrow through the heart. I finally not just looked at a set of scales but stood on them. I was 250 lbs. Im now down to 245lbs but I need to loose a fair amount before I'm "healthy" again.
  • robertmusser
    robertmusser Posts: 25 Member
    Hi everyone, I stumbled across this page doing a random search for Firefly
  • Grammy_Pammy
    Grammy_Pammy Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I'm Pam and I'm 48 years old. I've been on and off MFP for a few years. I'm having some knee problems that are holding me back from playing with my grandson and doing other things the way I want to. I could really us the support and accountability here. I have probably 125 to lose. Feel free to add me!
  • anna4anna
    anna4anna Posts: 123 Member
    Welcome to all the new folks! I loved reading all your introductions, especially the moments that we sometimes feel too vulnerable to share- the "turning points" in our lives, and the inspirations that drive us towards becoming better versions of ourselves. Everything is personal. We all have our reasons, motivations, fears, and matter what yours may be, I hope you find yourselves a safe and open place here. I just wanted to thank you all for sharing a bit about yourselves. Feel free to add me if you like, or even shoot me a message if you are looking for someone to talk to or listen. Here's to conquering the road ahead, best of luck to everyone on their journey!

  • pourmoi
    pourmoi Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone. Very glad i found this group, i will so need the support! I'm 47, mom to 3 teenage boys. I've had weight issues most of my life. I need to loose about 100 lbs, i'm currently at 248. My motivation is very good in the morning but as the day goes by it disappears... I find it very hard to control my food intake in a family setting. It was much easier when i was single and without kids... Only had to think about myself back then ... I've never been good at sports and don't enjoy them. But today i did my first ddp yoga workout and logged all my food. I'll consider that as a victory!
  • kevin_montgomery
    kevin_montgomery Posts: 20 Member
    Hey folks,
    30yr old male. 6ft. 282lbs starting weight. Goal is less than 183lbs. I am down 7lbs in the first 2 weeks. Now at 275lbs. Good luck everyone! I hope we all meet our goals.
  • tricia5715
    tricia5715 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I started on MFP on April 3rd weighing 269. My weight has been creeping ever so slowly upward over the past three or four years now - first it was 232, then 255 now 265 and two weeks ago at 269 I said I have to stop. So here I am 58 years old -I'm 5'6" - now weigh 265.2. My lifestyle is sedentary (office job, taking classes after work-I'm graduating in May - yay!) My knee hurts, I have intermittent back pain (rather mild). I am fighting HBP (on medication which I swear is part of the problem of the weight gain) and - I haven't admitted this to anyone - been diagnosed with sleep apnea so I have a CPAP - ugh!

    Of course, as with everyone - life is busy - I haven't take the time for self care (not a huge fan of that word) - work is busy, school is intense (I have a 3.8 GPA) - going on to get a Masters in Public Administration, I'm a new grandmother, there was a huge fire in my condo development last summer in which my house sustained damage due to being across from the fire (my siding and windows, AC condenser, melted).

    Its time to turn the tide. The past two weeks has been a struggle but I'm keeping my mind focused on the task and not getting sidetracked.
  • sparklesammy
    sparklesammy Posts: 465 Member
    Hi all,

    I'm returning to mfp after a few years. The horrifying thing about having 140lbs to lose is that I did this all once before. I got to target. And then I put it all back on and a bit more. I have the standard excuses, gradually started gaining weight as I had a knee injury and couldn't excercise, gained lots of weight when I was pregnant, then when I was pregnant again. Baby number 2 is 10 months old now, and I've run out of excuses. I'm obese, and I'm so unfit I get out of breath pushing the buggy round the block.

    I'm not really enjoying being this size at all, I know I can do this, and I feel ready.
  • cj_stl
    cj_stl Posts: 3 Member
    Hi name is CJ and I am the new kid (for the moment).

    Hit a new high recently and flirted for a split second with 300lbs as it flashed quickly on the scale. I really want to move the other way this time to a smaller healthier me. It's hard because my family doesn't understand what it's like to be this heavy, my co-workers don't know what it's like to be the biggest person in the office, and because of that and a million other reasons I know I have to do this for me.

    I am 44 and had a hysterectomy in February and I know that makes it no easier but I hope I can rise to the challenge.

    Here I go...
  • hmbuck1
    hmbuck1 Posts: 94 Member
    Hello everyone!

    I am currently on yet another weight loss journey. Many times I have made it down around 20 lbs only to gain back about 25-30 lbs each time. I am working hard to get serious this time as I feel like my future depends on this journey being successful. My ultimate goal is to lose about 100 lbs and then take a step back and see where to go from there. I am a new wife, new home owner, and law school student. My life is chaotic and busy all the time but I am trying to put me first. I have two wonderful doggies that are my everything. I enjoy cooking and hope to use my passion to learn to cook healthier. I'm looking forward to the support this group can offer!

  • rosey0104
    rosey0104 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Rosey, a nerdy, techy, kettlebell addict. I've got about 130 to lose but I've lost about twenty just eating healthier before joining and now I'm adding in workouts and getting a lot better about logging. I've been stalking the boards and reading a lot of posts.
  • PalmettoRose
    PalmettoRose Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, all! I'm a 35 year old divorced female with no kids. I'm 5'11" and creeping way too close to the 300lb mark with no slowing down in sight. I have known I needed to do something for a while now, but seeing Easter pictures this weekend really drove the point home. Yikes! I am starting a doctorate program to become a family nurse practitioner in July. Not only would I personally benefit from adopting better habits, I think my future patients deserve health advice from someone supportive that can prove healthy changes work. I have at least 100lbs to lose and can use all the support and motivation I can get. Anyone please feel free to add me, I would love to have some friends working towards a similar goal!
  • bscroggins05
    bscroggins05 Posts: 65 Member
    Hi. I'm Brittany. I am a mom to 3, ages 11, 10 and 1. And a wife to a disabled vet. We've been married 12 years next month. Ive been overweight/obese my entire adult life. But after my last baby, i put on more weight, and kept it on. Im hoping to lose exactly 100 lbs. That will put me right in the middle of a healthy BMI.
  • Urtel
    Urtel Posts: 43 Member
    Hi, I'm nearly 44 and would ❤️ to be 100 lb less! Joining your group in the quest to better health and fitness. Must must must exercise