
rayvn Posts: 12 Member
Hi, I'm Stephanie... little hello :)~
I am over 40 and really happy about that. I do have kids, 7 from 27 to is good at moment & I am on to hubby #3, great job and healthy but really REALLY needing to drop that extra 120 lbs I packed on since my 22yr olds birth... I am carrying around a person.
I need to lose about 120 lbs and I figure I better start now. I do not want a hoist mounted to my ceiling as I grow older to get my happy *kitten* out of bed or anyone changing my diaper like I am toddler because I can't get out of bed :( I don't have control of a lot of factors that might get me into that spot as I grow old BUT I can control my contributions...eating habits, stress factors, sleep patterns all that jazz and I feel this moment in time I am ready to face my demons... ;) Hi


  • NicaRuthe
    NicaRuthe Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I'm Nica. I'm over 40, divorced, & have 3 kids in their twenties.
    I can totally relate to wanting to get healthy before I grow any older. I have no health issues yet, but feel like I better get a handle on my weight before things start to unravel. I've got about 100 lbs I'd like to lose to get down to 160 and then reevaluate from there. I joined weight watchers a couple of months ago & have lost 12 lbs, but don't want to continue with their monthly fees. Ugh! I love to walk 3-5 times s week. I'd like to find community here in MFP to keep the motivation going, to encourage & be encouraged by other people in the same shoes.
  • sjaa71
    sjaa71 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I'm Julie
    I am 45 with a husband two children in their 20's and a grand baby. I have been having some health issues ex. hypertension and I want to be chasing around my grandson when he learns to walk. I need to lose about 100lbs. I have tried everything in the past and have lost quite a lot only to gain it all back and then some. I am done with all that. Now is the time to do the hard work and get it done! I'm hoping to find some friends in the same boat.
  • hil331115
    hil331115 Posts: 189 Member
    edited June 2017
    I just turned 40 in March and decided this was the year to start making changes. I changed jobs in January and put on 10lbs since then, now have 50lbs+ to lose and need all the support one can get from others on MFP. Add me as a friend if you like ☺
  • mamasara2
    mamasara2 Posts: 194 Member
    Hello! My name is Sara. I'm 40 with two children under 10 and hoping this group is still active.

    I do so much better when I surround myself with like-minded peeps.