Welcome and a Pre-challenge Challenge!

themedalist Posts: 3,217 Member
edited April 2017 in Social Groups

Welcome to Sit Less Boot Camp!

We will officially begin this Monday, May 1 with a series of daily sit less challenges. I can't wait to get started! So many of you have signed up, sent me email reminder requests, and enthusiastically told me that you're IN! As someone who cares deeply about helping others "move to a better life", your enthusiasm is very motivating to me!

Sitting less has changed my life. While I've always been a pretty good exerciser (my eating habits were another story), I still sat way too much. Little by little, I found new ways to do what I wanted and needed to do but with less sitting. The results have been remarkable. I have more energy, fewer aches and pains, and I accomplish more throughout the day than I ever did when I exercised 30 to 40 minutes several times a week but sat for most of the rest of the day. I've seen a similar transformations in my friends who also make it a practice to get up and move throughout their day. I believe anyone who commits to being more active will reap multiple benefits. We are made to move!

My chief goal for this session is to help you find one way you can sit less throughout your day that works for you that you can develop into a daily habit. Something that you will just do as part of your daily routine and will want to keep doing long after Sit Less Boot Camp is over. Our tendency is to try to change lots of things all at once, but trust me, that's a mistake. Those who study habits tell us that the best way to develop a new habit is to proceed slowly, deliberately, and to repeatedly practice the new behavior until it becomes second nature.

Our first few daily challenges will be geared to helping us find and select a new sit less habit. I'll have a lot more to say about that in the coming days, but for now, if you are eager to get started, I have a suggestion for you. A pre-challenge challenge, so to speak. Over the next few days, just observe your sitting habits. When do you sit most often and what are you doing? Are you receptive to finding new ways to do that activity that would result in sitting less or is it something you really love doing and just don't want to change? It's hard to change something when your heart's not in it or it's not a good fit for you. You'll be far more successful if you choose a sit less activity that fits well into your life.

More to come very soon! Enjoy your weekend and thanks for joining us for Sit Less Boot Camp!

Best Wishes,



  • Imagine_if
    Imagine_if Posts: 54 Member
    Looking forward to this (I'm standing at the laptop - not sitting - as a I type this reply :) Hello better health!!
  • jdelgado3013
    jdelgado3013 Posts: 12 Member
    I have noticed that today, Sunday, I woke up from my bed (lying down), to sitting for a breakfast, to sitting in Church, to sitting logging in my food intake (Myfitnesspal), to sitting and reading my emails, to sitting and responding to this Message Board. WOW !
    I am ready to be motivated and learn. YOU HAVE MY COMPLETE ATTENTION.
    Lets begin. Lead The Way - I Will Follow.
  • 13MoonsandWolfTunes
    13MoonsandWolfTunes Posts: 1 Member
    This is so definitely needed, especially since I use my chronic pain as an excuse to not move, even knowing that exercise will help that pain. I'm excited!
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,342 Member
    I'll be starting off slow after a bout of the flu. But I'm in. Grading student work keeps me seated in long stretches, especially this time of year. I'll be trying to strategize how to move more while grading.
  • SweetP27
    SweetP27 Posts: 218 Member
    I sit most of the day...in a very small office! (Walking to the printer a couple of steps, to the restroom - a handful.) Today I tried to remember to get up at least once per hour but that fizzled as I got caught up in my work. Tomorrow we will try again!! I know I sit a lot in the evening - social media and watching tv. Will try to be mindful and get up and find things to be busy!
  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    Thank you for these insights. I am slowly catching up on reading the past days postings and challenges because I discovered this group after the challenge started. I am going to continue to observe how much I actually sit. Oh, my, I am surprised to say the least. Yesterday I installed a basic countdown timer on my browser to help my awareness of my time on the internet/ computer. :flowerforyou: