April 2017 Monthly WL Challenge



  • BrownieKitty12345
    BrownieKitty12345 Posts: 149 Member
    Name: Jenny

    My Numbers:
    SW: 276
    GW: 170

    Weigh ins: Tuesday
    4/4/17 =
    4/11/17= 275
    4/18/17= 275

    Total WL for the month=

    I think next month I will start logging on Saturdays. That just seems easier. I nearly forget during the week. This week I am starting paleo diet. Hope I see some results with it soon!
  • mdgivens
    mdgivens Posts: 206 Member
    Brooke - Thanks, and nice work yourself!

    Malia - Back on track. Here's to a healthy baby girl!

    Jenny - Way to get back in the game!

    Jen - Where are you? Still wishing you luck on hitting your monthly goals.

    Pidge - Looks like you've got your mojo back. Excellent!

    Let's work!

    Name: Mike

    My Numbers:
    SW: 409
    CW: 311.4 (as of April 1st)
    GW: 303
    LTGW: 170-180

    Weigh ins: Wednesdays
    4/5/17 = 308.8 (-2.6)
    4/12/17 = 307.2 (-1.6)
    4/19/17 = 305 (-2.2)
    4/26/17 =
    5/1/17 =

    Total WL for the month = 6.4 lb

    - 50 pounds lost since the beginning of the year! Thanks, y'all. Weekly weigh-ins here help keep me motivated!
    - My sleep is slipping. I haven't been getting as much this month as I did last month, and it's affecting pretty much everything negatively. Part of it is that my kids are having more trouble sleeping and have been waking us up in the middle of the night (it's allergy season), but I also need to be better about bedtime discipline.
    - Did a lot better with CICO this past week, especially on the weekend. Still need to get started on the meal prepping thing.
    - Mile-per-day running streak is at 109 days, with 240 miles/386 km logged for the year, and Tuesday/Thursday lifting is still going well.
    - I changed my long-term goal weight to a range as opposed to a number. 184 is the upper end of the Normal BMI range for me, while 170-180 puts me relatively in the middle.
    - My second and third races of the year are coming up this weekend. I'm doing the Cape Challenge at the Coastal Delaware Running Festival, which is a 5K race on Saturday and a 9K race on Sunday. Wish me luck!
  • Gnawcraft
    Gnawcraft Posts: 762 Member
    Name: Pidge

    My Numbers:
    SW: 318
    CW: 285
    GW: 277
    LTGW: No idea

    Weigh ins: Thursdays
    6/4/17 = 284 (-1)
    13/4/17= 282 (-2)
    20/4/17= 280 (-2)

    Total WL for the month =5 lb

    Thank you for your kind words guys <3 Glad to see everyone is doing well! I'm not sure what's going on last couple of days I've had this crazy back pain and wine seems to be the only thing to ease it up so hopefully that doesn't last too long or I'll undo my good work lol >_<
  • 808malia
    808malia Posts: 631 Member
    Name: Malia :blush:

    My Numbers:
    SW: 250
    CW: 238.5
    Pregnancy GW: stay under 250
    LTGW: 140-150

    Weigh ins: Fridays
    4/7/17=235 (26 weeks) -3.5lbs been sick for over a week, starting to feel better again!
    4/14/17=238 (27 weeks) +3
    4/21/17=240 (28 weeks) +2
    4/28/17= (29 weeks)
    4/30/17=final weigh in for the month (29.5weeks)

    Total WL/G for the month= +1.5lbs
    Sorry I went MIA for a few months, found out I am pregnant so been kinda busy... Not trying to lose weight right now, just keep track of my weight gains and losses... :blush:

    Welcome to all the new people!!! Stay focused, you got this!!! :naughty:
  • brookielaw
    brookielaw Posts: 814 Member
    Name: Brooke

    My Numbers:
    SW: 387.2
    CW: 178
    GW: 170
    LTGW: Between 150-160.

    Weigh ins: Saturdays
    4/1/17 = 178
    4/8/17= 174 (-4) What a weird week. But I'll take it!
    4/15/17= (really 4/16, I forgot to log in) 172.2 (-1.8)
    4/22/17= (moved it to 4/24/17 because the weekend was INSANE) 174 (+1.8)
    4/30/17= (adjusted for a weekend away)

    Total WL for the month=(-4)
    My body is currently doing that frustrating bounce up and down thing. Saturday weight was 172.8, which is still up, but I didn't get to check in here until today, so I'm going to suck it up and put today's weight. I don't quite know what's going on but I do know that our bodies sometimes adjust to a new range, or can we get a little lax about the logging or measuring, or exercise. My exercise was on-point and eating was fairly standard although I may have had less of a deficit, definitely not enough to GAIN that much. This is consistent with a pattern that leads me to believe a huge drop should be coming but I'm just going to keep on keeping on. The focus is there. Great job everyone!
  • BrownieKitty12345
    BrownieKitty12345 Posts: 149 Member
    Name: Jenny

    My Numbers:
    SW: 276
    GW: 170

    Weigh ins: Tuesday
    4/4/17 =
    4/11/17= 275
    4/18/17= 275
    4/25/17= 274.6 (-.4)

    Total WL for the month= .4

    Can't wait to see next month's numbers! I have my elliptical going and ready, i'm on week two of sticking to my calories. Things are happening. :D
  • mdgivens
    mdgivens Posts: 206 Member
    edited April 2017
    End-of-month weigh-ins are coming up fast! Let's work!

    Name: Mike

    My Numbers:
    SW: 409
    CW: 311.4 (as of April 1st)
    GW: 303
    LTGW: 170-180

    Weigh ins: Wednesdays
    4/5/17 = 308.8 (-2.6)
    4/12/17 = 307.2 (-1.6)
    4/19/17 = 305 (-2.2)
    4/26/17 = 301 (-4.0)
    5/1/17 =

    Total WL for the month = 10.4 lb

    - I did really well at the Coastal Delaware Running Festival this past weekend! I completed the Cape Challenge (5K and 9K) with personal bests in both races and no injuries.
    - CICO was pretty good this week, though it was harder to track over the weekend as I was on the road. I just tried to make sensible food decisions with regard to what I needed for my races, drank very little alcohol (although I thoroughly enjoyed my one Orange Crush), and walked instead of driving anywhere I needed to go within a mile of my hotel.
    - I did a little better on sleep this week, but still not averaging as much as last month, and nowhere near what I should be getting.
    - Mile-per-day running streak is at 116 days, with 257 miles/414 km logged for the year.
    - Lifting is going well; weights and reps are going up.
  • BrownieKitty12345
    BrownieKitty12345 Posts: 149 Member
    Name: Jenny

    My Numbers:
    SW: 276
    GW: 170

    Weigh ins: Tuesday
    4/4/17 =
    4/11/17= 275
    4/18/17= 275
    4/25/17= 274.6 (-.4)
    4/29/17= 270.6 (-4.0)

    Total WL for the month= 4.4lbs!!!!

    I am loving my elliptical and I am amazing how things are starting to come together. I've completely changed how I eat. For breakfast I sip an Atkins shake until for a few hours. For lunch I'll eat a progresso light soup and for dinner I usually cook a paleo friendly meal. I'm so happy I'm starting to see results.
  • gin_rummy
    gin_rummy Posts: 222 Member
    Hi all, and WELL DONE on some great losses!

    Just a brief update from me, after coming back on 11th April, I immediately went back on hold. When you're sitting in a meeting at work wondering what that knocking noise is......and then you realise it's your own hand banging on the table because your stress level is so high you've developed a severe tremor.....it's time to cut yourself some major slack.

    However, I'm pleased to report that after a whole month on stop, I weigh exactly the same :smiley::smiley::smiley:

    And now I really am back!

    I won't be taking part in the May challenge, as I will be on holiday for 2 weeks of it and don't need to set myself up for failure. Best of luck to everyone who IS doing it, I'll look in and keep an eye on you! :wink:

    And I'll be doing the June challenge with gusto!
  • brookielaw
    brookielaw Posts: 814 Member
    Great job everyone!

    Name: Brooke

    My Numbers:
    SW: 387.2
    CW: 178
    GW: 170
    LTGW: Between 150-160.

    Weigh ins: Saturdays
    4/1/17 = 178
    4/8/17= 174 (-4) What a weird week. But I'll take it!
    4/15/17= (really 4/16, I forgot to log in) 172.2 (-1.8)
    4/22/17= (moved it to 4/24/17 because the weekend was INSANE) 174 (+1.8)
    4/30/17= (adjusted for a weekend away) 170.6 (-3.4)

    Monthly total: -7.4

    I should have waited until after my bike ride to weigh---it actually temporarily put me in a new set of #s. ;) I'm glad my body got back with the program. I'm excited about May---4.6 lbs to just being "overweight" by BMI standards, my birthday, Mothers' Day, and my first post-baby triathlon on my birthday! I haven't really trained enough but I'm gonna get out there and do my solid best. My goal is to finish and show my girls that you can do anything you set your mind to.
  • mdgivens
    mdgivens Posts: 206 Member
    Name: Mike

    My Numbers:
    SW: 409
    CW: 311.4 (as of April 1st)
    GW: 303
    LTGW: 170-180

    Weigh ins: Wednesdays
    4/5/17 = 308.8 (-2.6)
    4/12/17 = 307.2 (-1.6)
    4/19/17 = 305 (-2.2)
    4/26/17 = 301 (-4.0)
    5/1/17 = 302 (+1.0)

    Total WL for the month = 9.4 lb

    And here's why I can't sweat the big weight swings. I was at or below 300 since the 26th and at 298.8 as of yesterday morning. However, not sleeping more than a few hours a night for the past 4 days and pulling an all-nighter (read: no sleep) last night led to a 3.2 pound upswing between yesterday and this morning, basically cancelling out last week's work!

    I'm not worried though; CICO is still good, and I'm still running at least a mile every day and lifting, so I'm doing what I need to do in all other areas. A couple good nights' sleep will get rid of this bump in the road.

    Great work this month, everyone!
  • 808malia
    808malia Posts: 631 Member
    Name: Malia :blush:

    My Numbers:
    SW: 250
    CW: 238.5
    Pregnancy GW: stay under 250
    LTGW: 140-150

    Weigh ins: Fridays
    4/7/17=235 (26 weeks) -3.5lbs been sick for over a week, starting to feel better again!
    4/14/17=238 (27 weeks) +3
    4/21/17=240 (28 weeks) +2
    4/28/17=240 (29 weeks) 0
    4/30/17=240 (29.5weeks) 0

    Total WL/G for the month= +1.5lbs
    Sorry I went MIA for a few months, found out I am pregnant so been kinda busy... Not trying to lose weight right now, just keep track of my weight gains and losses... :blush:

    Welcome to all the new people!!! Stay focused, you got this!!! :naughty: