Weigh in #6 May 15th - 21st

kayjosh2422 Posts: 864 Member
Almost halfway through the challenge. How are you holding up. I think we have had lots of people drop but I am celebrating those that have stuck it out. Keep moving forward! We got this!


  • dbackgrammy
    dbackgrammy Posts: 229 Member
    I'm still here with you @kayjosh2422 . Trying to get the hang of the IF system. Struggled a little last week, but it was lack of focus. Back on track this week. My weekly weigh in is 209.
  • kayjosh2422
    kayjosh2422 Posts: 864 Member
    Good job @dbackgrammy
  • kaylangrandorff
    kaylangrandorff Posts: 94 Member
    I am still here. Just fell off a bit due to school and work. Priorities need to be put in better order. Lol.
    I have gained some weight. Working on getting back in the habit of exercise and healthy eating habits.
  • kayjosh2422
    kayjosh2422 Posts: 864 Member
    MFP start 278
    CSW 215.4
    UGW 175
    Week 1- 214 (-1.4)
    Week 2 213.8 (-.2) not great, but its still a loss
    Week 3 - 211.8 (-2)
    Week 4 209.8 (-2)
    Week 5 207.6 (-2.2)
    Week 6 206.6 (-1)
    8.8 Pounds so far this challenge

    With the eating out and mothers day, I'm good wil a one pound loss
  • megannxx
    megannxx Posts: 679 Member
    CSW- 205.2
    CGW- 199.2
    UGW- 165 ?

    Week 1- 206.6 lbs
    Week 2- 207 lbs
    Week 3- 209.8 lbs
    Week 4- 213 lbs
    Week 6- 222.8 lbs

    Well, I apparently went way overboard with sugar these last 2 weeks. Cutting back down on how much sugar I have. I'm still doing good with my 3+ liters of water daily.

    Going to be trying to keep healthy and try to limit my weight gain these next few weeks.
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    CSW - 180.4
    CGW - 170
    UGW - 165

    Week 3 - 179.6
    Week 4 - 181.4
    Week 6 - 181

    Building muscle doing all my yard work. I need to pace myself better and remember that I don't have to go to work so I don't have to finish everything on the weekend!!! Hard to break 39 years of work habits
  • typeitdaily
    typeitdaily Posts: 3,322 Member
    I'm still here just been so crazy and lost focus but I'm refocused and getting back to working on losing this weight!