What was your calorie intake in the beginning compared to now?

MissImpala Posts: 17 Member
My plan said 600-800 calories a day, 100g of protein. But this past week, due to PMS I have nearly doubled that? Surgery was 11/28/16. Have lost 43 lbs so far.


  • Zillions13
    Zillions13 Posts: 5 Member
    I haven't ever tracked calories as a DS'er. When I was at my highest weight loss period, I was only looking at reaching 100g protein, 100g fat a day and keeping carbs to a minimum while drinking 80oz+ water.
    Remember with a DS, you absorb only about 10% of the fats you eat, 60% of the protein, but you absorb almost all of the carbs (plus the digestive side-effects of too much carbs can be gross!).

    Honestly, if your surgeon is the one recommending 600-800 calories per day, it's likely he or she is just copying the RNY nutrition recommendations.
  • Miss_Hattie
    Miss_Hattie Posts: 49 Member
    I appreciate this info. I'm still prepping for my DS and start the educational part on May 30.... unless they tell me my health makes me too high of a risk. How much fat grams will cause diarrhea? That has been one of my biggest fears. I hear too many carbs causes horrible gas.