


  • lorianncorrea
    lorianncorrea Posts: 151 Member
    Hi all,
    My name is Lori and I'm 44 yrs old. I've been overweight most of my life. I am a serial sister but this time I'm on a quest to permanently change my life style & eating habits. I went the Dr for my yearly physical and was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. She started me on oral medication and I want to lose about 130 so I won't need to start insulin.
  • chantalgal
    chantalgal Posts: 13 Member
    Hi everyone!! My name is Chantal and I'm 45 years old. I'm a single mother of three and would like to lose 105 pounds. I've been overweight most of my life, I lost 65 pounds about 15 years ago but gained it all back. I tend to over eat when I'm bored so I need to learn new coping skills and have a different outlook on how I view food. I joined MFP 7 days ago and I'm really determined to change my lifestyle and adopt better habits. I've recently became a grandmother so I would like to be a positive role model and would love to be around to see her grow. I've been recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes that was really a wake up call for me. Also about a couple of weeks ago a young lady asked me if I was pregnant that was a turning point for me.

    I currently weigh 250lbs, looking to drop to 145. I joined this community because I would love to make new friends along the way and have a group where I can learn and share ideas with. Feel free to send me a friend request if you're interested. :)
  • onanci
    onanci Posts: 15 Member
    Hi, my name is Nan. I'm 38 and a married mom of three from baby to kindergarten. I work full time and my husband recently started a job that took him from an easy 40 hour a week job to a stressful more than 40 hours a week. Coincidentally, this all happened when my oldest started school and my youngest was born. So, my life went from very doable to extremely time and sanity deprived. I gained 30 pounds in that time, so now I have just over 100 pounds to lose. I love spending as much time with my kids as possible and really don't want to take time away from that to meal plan and exercise. But I decided I just have to until I can get my health back in track. So, I made myself a schedule and I work out and meal prep after they go to bed at night. I've only been at it a week but I'm feeling pretty good. Like most of you, I've tried diets in the past and ending up gaining it all back and more every time. This time, I am feeling good about sticking with it for the long haul. I'm looking for an accountability partner or two or more. I'd really love a fellow career mom to share the journey with!

    SW: 252
    CW: 246
    GW: 150
  • SydneyA89
    SydneyA89 Posts: 8 Member
    My name is Sydney. I am 27 years old. I have always been a bit on the chubbier side but it has gotten really bad over the past few years. I dreaded that I would reach the 300s. A little over a month ago I stepped on the scale and saw 299.6 and decided to turn it around. Since then I have lost 24 pounds. I did decide to purchase a meal plan from one of the popular programs and I love it so far. Really helps my portions.
  • athomas4680
    athomas4680 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, my name is April. I have been a big girl for about 27 years (it started when I was 10 years old and now I am 37). At the beginning of this year, I weighed more than I ever have. I was 5'3.75" and 240 lbs. During the previous years, I constantly told myself that this year is the year I lose weight. I would try for the first couple of weeks, not see the results I waz hoping for, and quit. My mom has high blood pressure and had to have open heart surgery to have a valve replaced. My sister has type 2 diabetes. I do NOT want to get there where they are. I have varicose veins in my legs, bad knees and ankles, and plantar fasciitis. I am tired of being tired and hurting. I am finally doing something about my weight. I sort of started the beginning of this year but really took off at the beginning of April. I have lost a total of 26 lbs so far and am continuing. I have a personal trainer now and am getting my crap together. Thank you for reading my story.
  • myrealm23
    myrealm23 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone. My name is Jacqui and I have 130 lbs to lose. I just turned 40 and decided to make some changes. I spent the first half of my life in shape and active but when I turned 20 I took a desk job and have been packing on the pounds since then. I currently work full time (still a deak job) and am going to school online full time so I have little time for meal planning and exercising but I'm doing my best to fit them in. I really want to lose the weight so I can be more active without the knee and feet pain..and to also stop the acid reflux. I've got a long road ahead of me but I'm excited to get started.
  • summerhime
    summerhime Posts: 24 Member
    Hey everyone! My name is Summer and I am 39. So here is the deal with me. I have struggled with weight all my life. It didn't really get "bad" until I was in grad school. After I graduated I had to lose weight as I was in the military and I was sort of normal for a few years until I got out. Then I gained weight again and this time I was placed on phentermine and lost to about 155. As soon as I got off I started gaining slowly until I started having issues with my parents and their health. Was put on antidepressants and I gained 40lbs in about 4 months. Things with my parents are a little better, although it is still an ongoing issue and as I was better able to deal with the stresses I went of of the antidepressants and last September started using MFP to track food. I have lost 43 lbs since September and have about 60 to go to my soft goal of 145. So my loss has been fast or anything but I have made some good progress. I am looking to find support, friends and ideas on how to maintain my weight loss this time.

    SW: 248
    CW: 204.8
    GW: 145
  • ZoneFive
    ZoneFive Posts: 570 Member
    edited June 2017
    Hi. I'm Ann-Marie and I'm 58. I started out wanting to lose 150 pounds, and I'm doing pretty well with that.

    I have the same story as many of you -- overweight all my life; tried various protocols several times, including WW and Atkins, both of which worked for a while. I was diagnosed with hypertension 15 years ago (well controlled with meds) and diabetes a year ago (also controlled with meds) -- and I want to get off or at least reduce those meds!

    I'm currently sorting out a way of eating that minimizes sugars and starches, and emphasizes fresh vegetables and fruits, meat/poultry/fish, dairy, and some whole grains. I hate using the term low carb because very often "them's fightin' words" and I have no interest in having to be on the defensive. Maybe I can just call it "the ZoneFive Plan" and let it go at that! ;)

    SW: 343.5
    CW: 298.2
    Goal: 180? Who knows? It's been so long since I've been there that I don't know what it looks like anymore. I'll decide when I get closer!
  • krazee4katz
    krazee4katz Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all. I'm Valerie, I'm 56 and I'd like to lose about 125 pounds, although I'd be happy with 100. No health issues (yet!). My hub and I have been together for 32 years, married 22 of those. I'm mom to 3 spoiled kitties.

    I have been overweight most of my life, but it really started to balloon in the last 10 years or so. I tried my first serious diet about 5 years ago and lost 50 pounds, but started slacking on watching my eating and eventually gained it all back :(

    Finally decided I really needed to do something about my weight, so I just started last week trying low carb and have lost 10 pounds - assuming much of that is water weight, but it was nice to see anyway :)

    I found on my last weight loss journey it really helped to log my intake and be accountable, I am!
  • slh213
    slh213 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey guys! My name is Stephanie. I am starting my fitness pal (AGAIN), but this time and going to try the social aspect in the hopes that it will keep me on track. I need to lose about 100 pounds. I'm 24, a teacher, and I love to play games (video/card/board) and read.

    I am SOOOO over being overweight. It honestly has gotten to the point where I don't even want to leave my house unless necessary because I feel so unhappy with myself. I'm hoping y'all can help keep me motivated and I can do the same for you.

    SW: 260
    GW: 150

    ADD ME!!! Yell at me if I don't remember to login (: my favorite thing to do is not login when I have gone off of my plan so I don't have to face reality lol
  • rfrieman
    rfrieman Posts: 94 Member
    slh213, krazee4katz, ZoneFive, Summerhime, jmolivia, Calliyope, myrealm23, Athomas4680, SydneyA89, onanci, chantalgal and others.....

    Good Morning everyone. I just want to say that this site and group has helped me so much in my weight loss journey. It is never easy but with the encouragement of others that understand our struggles it helps to overcome some of the obstacles. Keep logging in and tracking your food, that is one of the biggest keys to success.

    Some motivational words for everyone:

    Whenever you find yourself doubting how far you can go, just remember how far you have come. Remember everything you have faced, all the battles you have won, and all the fears you have overcome. YOU CAN DO THIS!!!
  • TheKDub
    TheKDub Posts: 4 Member
    Hello, everyone! My name is Kori, and while this is not my first time using My Fitness Pal, this time I have more motivation than I’ve ever had before. Not only was I at my all-time heaviest weight when I started over ten days ago, I am also turning 45 at the end of July and as of January my HgbA1c was .5 pts away from being officially declared a Type 2 diabetic. I also have chronic joint pain attributed to reactive arthritis, and I know that will improve dramatically if I am not putting so much extra stress on body, from carrying around so much extra weight. I am sick and tired of feeling sick and tired, and I have too many things I want to do and experience to continue letting my weight get in my way.

    One big thing I’m doing differently this time is using the MFP community as a support system. I do have a few people in my life who are wholeheartedly supportive, but I also have a lot of people around me every day that just can’t relate because they’re never had a weight problem. And then there’re those few that – unconsciously or otherwise – have done things to sabotage my efforts in the past, and I’m not even talking to them about what I’m doing this time. I am hoping that within the MFP community, and this group in particular, I can find support and inspiration to help keep myself on track. It’s going to take me a long time to get to my goal weight, and I know I’m going to need all the help I can get to make it happen!

    SW 277.5 – 6/10/2017
    CW 270.2 – 6/17/2017
    GW 140
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    Welcome, Kori! If you are wanting support, this is the right place to be! The folks in this group are from all walks of life and are from a variety of age groups, but we all have that 100+lb goal in common, so we're all in the same boat together. I've found that makes for a group that is very understanding and sympathetic, and the people here are wonderfully supportive and very vocal cheerleaders! They're great to congratulate you on your successes and to be sympathetic on your failures but also great morale boosters to get back up and keep going! So just speak up and join the fun!
  • Toffeegirl23
    Toffeegirl23 Posts: 32 Member
    I have been an active member on MFP since September 2015 with a goal of losing 100-110lbs.
    I have lost 73lbs but recently gained 3 back (I will explain) Total loss 70lbs (5stone)
    It was all going well until January and even though I logged everything and was eating well below calories and i was going to tbe gym at least 5 times a week the weight coming off.
    Then I was forced to break the routine in April as I was diagnosed with a tumour in my quad muscle. I had it removed 6 weeks ago.
    This is why I have gained 3 lbs back.
    I am now back and motivated to finish the job.
    I am hoping the break will kick start my body into losing again.
    If you want to add me as a friend please do as I need lots of motivated people around me. I will encourage and motivate you too.
  • BarneyRubbleMD
    BarneyRubbleMD Posts: 1,092 Member
    I just learned of this group’s existence from member bmeadows380 from a post that was made elsewhere so I thought I’d join. Sorry if this is a bit long but I've posted some of this elsewhere & combined it here into an introduction post.

    BarneyRubbleMD’s Introduction to the group…

    I was diagnosed with Binge Eating Disorder (BED) about 2 years ago & feel I'm finally getting it resolved (I haven't had a binge episode since May 7, 2017) but I'll keep my fingers crossed on that until I'm binge free for at least 3 months. Prior to that I would binge eat anywhere from 1 to 3 times a week to as often as maybe twice a day and when I binge, I don't get full & can sometimes consume over 10,000 calories in a single day which wipes out my dieting efforts for a whole week!

    My diabetes was also a complication with the binge eating stuff & weight gain. If my blood sugar would get too low, I'd get way too hungry & would binge. If my blood sugar got above 180 mg/dL, it would trigger a binge that was difficult to stop (now I know what to do if that happens--start injecting Novolog insulin every 2-3 hours until I get my blood sugar under 140 mg/dL)--sometimes it takes a lot of Novolog insulin if I've binged on a lot of carbs. If my blood sugar gets above 140 mg/dL but is under 180 md/dL, it makes me hungry which makes it difficult to make good food choices which can also trigger a binge and start the whole binge cycle over again! Also, not getting enough sleep or poor sleep can also make me more likely to binge the following day & also messes with my blood sugars.

    The best investment I made to help combat my diabetes & binge eating was a glucometer (blood glucose meter at CVS Pharmacy for about $20) & learned how to use it to keep track of what my blood sugars where before each meal and 2 hours after each meal and how various foods (bread, noodles, rice, crackers, cupcakes, etc. which were awful for my blood sugar) affected my blood sugar readings 2 hours after eating them and even longer like 5 hours later. After a while I could determine what I needed to avoid (like rice, noodles, limited bread) to keep my blood sugar from climbing over 180 mg/dL and re-triggering another binge episode again!

    Not eating enough calories/day also seems to be a binge trigger for me. The last time I reduced my calories/day to 1200 from 1500-1600 (1600 was the MyFitnessPal recommendation for me for 2 lbs/wk), it triggered binge episodes for me (this was about 2 years ago). Reducing to about 1200 calories/day seemed the right thing to do since I had stopped losing on the 1600 calories that MyFitnessPal (MFP) had recommended for me (& that calorie level had been working well for at least 6 months), so, it seemed like a logical idea to continue my weight loss. However, with all the binge episodes that happened after that lowering of calories/day to 1200, I ended up binge eating my way back up to where I started (300 pounds) plus another 17 pounds by 1/1/2017 to 317 pounds--and starting all over again! My Binge Eating Disorder Specialist, who I started seeing in Feb2017, had me keep my calories/day at about 2000 which I would have "bet the bank" I'd gain weight on since I didn't exercise (mobility issues) but instead I've lost weight (63 pounds since Jan2017 & still losing) & now I'm back down to about where I was 2 years ago BUT eating 2000 calories/day which is FAR more enjoyable than 1200! Now, I just keep my calories/day at 2000 & I'll see how that goes over the next month or so. If I make it to mid August2017 without a binge, I'll no longer meet the Binge Eating Disorder criteria (i.e. 3 months without binge eating) that's eluded me for so long. I'll also be curious if I'm still losing weight at that time too as I don't plan to change my 2000 calorie/day plan until after that mid-August date & only (maybe) IF I stop losing weight at that time (I'm hoping my weight just keeps dropping so I can just stick with that I've been doing & gotten use to over these last few months since what I've been doing feels like it's sustainable for me. Hopefully I can keep this weight loss going until I'm at a healthy weight (about 100 more pounds to lose to get there)--the key for me will be to keep the binge eating & diabetes under good control so that doesn't get so out-of-control again like it did 2 years ago thereby wiping out all my efforts to lose weight & get healthy.
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    edited July 2017
    Wow, congratulations! Your after pics are incredible!

    Since you're at the end of the trail we're all strugglinge along, I'll ask the million dollar question: did you have problems with saggy skin after losing all that weight, and what did you do about it?