Your milestones and progress - accountability



  • AccountableAmber
    AccountableAmber Posts: 90 Member
    SW: 224
    CW: 207.5
    TL: 16.5
    UGW: 110

    Other NSV:
    2 inches off waist
    2 inches off stomach

    What's working: Ab & leg workouts. (I'm REALLY happy with the progress.)

    What's not working: trying to go to restaurants with friends and family. It's really difficult even smelling the food, so I'm just going to try to stay away from now on.
  • Okiludy
    Okiludy Posts: 558 Member
    SW: 300lbs - 136 kg
    CW: 283.07 lbs - 128.4 kg
    GW: 175

    Loss Last Week: 3.09
    Total Loss: 16.93

    Short term goal: 275 by August

    What's Working:
    I am loving swimming well besides the sunburn from yesterday. I did 50 minutes of laps only stopping every other lap to rest for less than 30 seconds. Breast stoke is easily my best and freestyle is getting better.

    What's Not:
    I think MFP over estimates swimming calories. It's just a gut feeling but I am only going to eat back 50% of calories from it.
  • terryt1992
    terryt1992 Posts: 94 Member
    TheVonada wrote: »
    My Starting Weight: 407 lbs (1/1/2017)
    My Ultimate Goal Weight: 250 lbs (First long-long term goal)
    My goal date for loosing 100 lbs is by Jan 2018
    I'm targeting 2 lbs per week
    Next Milestone: 345 lbs (by end of May)
    Current Weight: 354 lbs
    Total loss: -53 lbs
    Current problems: Emotional/stress eating. I work in theatre, and have been getting home late from rehearsals. I do a good job tracking during the days, but when I get home from rehearsals, I can't stop myself from grazing in the fridge or cupboards. I have yet to join a gym, because gyms scare me, and I feel like I don't know enough to be there... but I think that might be my next move in June.

    Dude get a gym membership. No reason to be scared at all. Go there and ask people they will help you. I have the same grazing problem you have here is my solution. Plan out snacks in advance. Plan a late night snack for when you would normally graze. It works but currently I haven't been doing that and I have fell back into the grazing. I started right about where you are at 415 I've lost 90 lbs so far and my goal is close to yours. I'm in a slump where I have been grazing so not losing too much right now but trust me it works to plan it out.
  • faux_scots_lass
    faux_scots_lass Posts: 58 Member
    SW: 325lbs
    CW: 267.6lbs
    GW: Initially 180lbs and then I'll decide from there how much lower I might want to go.

    Loss Last Week: -2.2lbs
    Total Loss - 57.4lbs

    Short term goal: I'll aim for 260lbs by the end of June!

    I had a good loss this week and I'm pleased with that. I'm feeling a bit....weary I suppose. My workouts felt harder than usual this week, I think that was mainly because it got hot here (for us, we live in Scotland, the land of snow and ice!) and it felt rather like wading through water trying to do anything. Humidity I guess. My eating was fine but I had this feeling like I should have "done better" - I'm not sure why. Perhaps I'm just having a bit of an emotional slump. Anyway I'm hanging in there - drinking my water, eating well and working out. I'm in this for the long haul!
  • kimbermak
    kimbermak Posts: 148 Member
    SW: 277.2lbs (Jan 16, 2017)
    CW: 238.6 lbs
    GW: 150lbs by Feb, 2018

    Last Week's Weight loss: 0 lbs.
    Total Loss -38.6 lbs

    Holiday Weekend 0 - Me 1. I made it through a long weekend without a gain - will try to make up for it this week. Too many temptations and too much time out of my "routine".
  • thewindandthework
    thewindandthework Posts: 531 Member
    edited June 2017
    Starting weight: 281.6 lbs (04 Feb 2017)
    Current weight: 234.0 lbs (01 Jun 2017)
    Total loss: 47.6 lbs
    Loss last week: 5.6 lbs (Largely water weight, but a win is a win!!)

    Goal loss rate: 1 lb per week (MFP is set to 2 pounds a week still)
    Next milestone: 225 lbs (03 Aug 2017 target)
    100 lb loss: 181.6 lbs (03 Jun 2018 target)
    Goal weight: 161.0 lbs (28 Oct 2018 target)

    What's going well:
    * Controlling portion sizes when cooking
    * Finally getting back to logging my food. I think making my diary private for now was the right call.
    * Running is going well!

    What's going poorly:
    * Gotten out of the rhythm of making a few days of lunch at a time. Hoping to do that tonight, or over the weekend at latest.
    * My flow practice has been completely neglected for weeks. Gotta get back into it.

    Mission Statement
    * I will log faithfully. I will log faithfully. I will log faithfully.
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    Wow - it's been almost a month since I last updated....

    My Starting Weight: ~375 lbs (01/01/2017)
    My goal: 300 lbs by end of summer
    Previous Milestone: 315 lbs - acheived today!
    New Milestone: 310 lbs, hopefully by the end of June
    Current Weight: 315 lbs, 06/01
    Total loss: -60 lbs; -4 inches from waist & hips

    What's working
    : trying to stick to my calorie limit, trying to limit added sugars, staying away from pop and junk food as much as possible. I lowered my calorie limit another 50 points, as I seem to need to be under what MFP says I should be to lose weight.

    What's not working: The macros are a lost cause. I try to get at least decently close on my protein intake and not go over too horribly with the carbs, but that's as close as I can get. My sugar limit goes over daily, but that's because MFP doesn't differentiate between natural sugar from whole fruits and added sugar - the only way to stay within the sugar limits is to quit eating fruit period, but I need the nutrients from it. I've recently started trying to keep track of fiber because I really need to watch that intake for health reasons. Hormonal fluctuations have not been helping at all - the scale has been bouncing the last few weeks as my dietary intake hasn't been all that great (too much out to eating), and my emotional health hasn't been too good lately. I was thrilled at the loss today; I needed that boost!
  • thewindandthework
    thewindandthework Posts: 531 Member
    Previous Milestone: 315 lbs - acheived today!
    Current Weight: 315 lbs, 06/01

    Awesome!! Congratulations!

  • gazellefish
    gazellefish Posts: 72 Member
    About Me: 27 years old, office worker (marketing).

    My Starting Weight: 260 lbs (01/01/2017)
    My Ultimate Goal Weight: <150 lbs (I'm 5'4" so I will evaluate body composition after this)

    My goal date for losing 100 lbs is by early summer 2018
    Target Loss: at least 1.5 lbs per week

    Milestone #1: 235 lbs (by April for a trip to London - on track, only 5lbs to go in three weeks!) DONE!
    Milestone #2: 220 lbs (my next 20lbs loss and my next reward bracelet)
    Milestone #3: 199 lbs (I'd love to be in Onederland for Ren Faire in early November. 33 weeks, and 33-66lbs are possible!)
    Last Check-In Weight: 229.0 lbs, 05/01
    Current Weight: 230.1 lbs, 06/01
    Loss between checkins: +1.1 lbs
    Total loss: -30 lbs

    Basically wasted May in a holding pattern, but I'm ready to get back on track. Had a lot going on at work, but that's calmed down now so I should be able to try and watch what I'm eating and work out more often. This week has already been better but I'm still holding onto 230.1lbs. Hoping some of it is water weight from being sore again.

    The important thing I'm trying to take away from this is that I can't give up. I have to keep pushing. This is just a minor setback.

    June Goals: Track. My. Food. Also, workout 4-5x a week again.
  • mebelfanti
    mebelfanti Posts: 326 Member
    Joining in on this for June!

    Starting weight: 281.4 lbs (3/27/17)
    Current weight: 259.6 lbs (6/1/17)
    Total loss: 21.8lbs
    Loss last week: 1.6lbs

    Goal loss rate: 2 lb per week
    Next milestone: 250lbs - should hit that sometime in June!
    Goal weight: Not sure, will talk to my trainer and doctor to find the right number but probably 150ish

    What's going well:
    * Logging my food has become second nature
    * 6AM workouts are the best, who would have thought?

    What's going poorly:
    *Eating out is a challenge. With Memorial Day and my wedding anniversary last weekend, it was tough to stay on track with both diet and exercise
    *Weekends in general are still challenging. Not as hard as it once was but I still definitely eat better during the week.

    Mission Statement
  • Working_Hard4me
    Working_Hard4me Posts: 53 Member
    Oh wow I haven't updated in awhile.

    SW:287.6 (2/17/2017)
    CW: 236.8 (6/1/2017)
    UGW: 140

    Short Term Goal: Hit 227 by Father's Day. This will put me at 60lbs. lost since I started at my highest weight.

    What's working: Getting my 10,000 steps in daily, tracking, water consumption, and not eating out.

    What's not: When the weather gets this nice out I love to enjoy cocktails by a campfire. On the weekends I struggle with this hard. Doing low carb makes this difficult at times. So I just try to pick one night and enjoy 2 :)
  • rfrieman
    rfrieman Posts: 94 Member
    Rhonda 57 year old female

    Update for this week
    Starting Weight:256 lbs. (01/20/2017)
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 150 lbs
    My goal date for losing 60 lbs is September 15, 2017 (going on a cruise - only 19 lbs to go!)
    My goal date for losing 100 lbs is January 2018

    Next Milestone: 200 lbs (by end of June)
    Current Weight: 215 lbs (06/1/17)
    Loss this week: 1.0 lbs
    Total overall loss: 41 lbs
  • Sector725
    Sector725 Posts: 27 Member
    Height: 5 ft 9.5 inches
    SW: 304.3 lbs (12/28/16)
    CW: 272.6 lbs (6/1/17)
    Total loss: 31.7 lbs

    July 12: 260 lbs (music festival with zip line. 275 weight limit)
    August 12: 250 lbs (company retreat to adventure park, 265 weight limit)
    September 11: 240 lbs (meeting my boyfriend of 2 years’ mom for the first time)
    October 26: 225 lbs (possible trip to Las Vegas)
    November 28th: 215 lbs (my 27th Birthday)

    UGW: 150 lbs

    What's Working:
    Being OCD about tracking and working out
    Eating tons of fruit
    Allowing myself a cheat meal every now and then
    Bringing my own personal food to parties and on vacations
    Ditching doing only cardio and ramping up weight training

    What's Not Working:
    Drinking Alcohol…
    Tracking after the damage has been done (pre tracking is best for me)
  • sparklesammy
    sparklesammy Posts: 465 Member
    edited June 2017
    SW : 24 st 7lb
    CW : 21st 13
    GW: 14 st 7lb (then reassess)

    Old small goal : below 23 st by end of April - MET!
    Old small goal : below 22 st by 12th June - MET 3rd June.
    New small goal : below 21st by 22nd July.
    Loss this week : -1lb
    Total loss since SW: -36lb

    What's working- I'm finding the Fitbit a good motivator. I know I'm moving more than I would without it.

    What could be better - I'm going to try to meet my daily step count every day this week! Didn't manage this last week. Have asked my husband if he can watch the kids in the early evening to let me get out and walk the dog every day.

    We were a bit all over the place this week with meal planning. Will be better this week at deciding what we will eat for our evening meal in advance.

    I've been significantly under the calorie goal because the Fitbit has adjusted my goal significantly but if I have only lost 1 lb eating way below this then I need to aim to not eat back a lot of the calories. I will aim to eat bacon less than half the calories this week.

  • faux_scots_lass
    faux_scots_lass Posts: 58 Member
    SW: 325lbs
    CW: 265.4lbs
    GW: 140-150lbs

    Loss Last Week: -2.2lbs
    Total Loss - 59.6lbs

    Short term goal: I'll aim for 260lbs by the end of June! Mini goal for this week - lose 0.4lbs to reach my 60lbs lost milestone!

    This week I finished my 5 week workout programme - T25 Alpha. In those 5 weeks I've lost a total of 12.2lbs and 12.5 inches off my body. Feel pretty amazing and looking forward to moving on to the 5 week Beta phase!
  • TheVonada
    TheVonada Posts: 66 Member
    SW: 407 lbs (1/1/2017)
    UGW: 250 lbs
    CW: 343.8 lbs (-2.6 lbs since last week)
    Total Loss: -63.2 lbs

    Short Term Weight Goal: 335 by the end of June.
    What's working: Drinking a LOT more water this week, and continuing to do better at planning out my meals for the day before I leave my house in the morning. I've found that getting up a little earlier, drinking 2-3 cups of water and eating a banana, then working out and drinking another 2-3 cups of water throughout the workout has helped curb my appetite until lunch. I've also started trying to do a better job pre-logging meals so I can see what I *might* have left over for some snacks. I'm also proud of this week's weight loss, because it doesn't show that I bounced back up about 2 pounds after Memorial Day, so I got it off as well as an additional 2.6 pounds this week. (I swear I'm not starving myself!)

    What's not working: I'm in a very hectic time at work - I'm there for both my desk job and stage managing the show that opens next week (the 16th), so this is the time in a production when I really start overindulging and snacking... trying REALLY hard to not do that. This also means that I'm not walking to work anymore, both because it's gotten hot quickly, as well as the fact that it's not totally safe to walk home through my city after 8pm... Trying to build in more walking in other ways, though.
  • TheVonada
    TheVonada Posts: 66 Member
    I will aim to eat bacon less than half the calories this week.

    LOL! This might be my favorite goal I've ever seen!
  • Tatyanakuster
    Tatyanakuster Posts: 163 Member
    SW: 270 (February 18th 2017)
    CW: 228.2 (June 4th 2017)
    Loss so far: 41.8 pounds

    I FINALLY hit my 40 pounds gone forever goal today!

    Ultimate goal weight would be 150ish but it's hard to even imagine myself that way.

    First big goal is to get to 200 pounds. Small goals are in 10 pound increments.
    I would like to lose 10 more pounds before July 1st( 8.2 to go) but really it's about balance and my mental health as well as my physical health!

    What's working: I started IF and whole 30 June 1. Its working! I'm staying under calories, getting more sleep, keeping accountable with friends and mfp.

    What's not working: when I get negative self talk going. I'm learning to push it out and change it.
  • kimbermak
    kimbermak Posts: 148 Member
    SW: 277.2lbs (Jan 16, 2017)
    CW: 236 lbs
    GW: 150lbs by Feb, 2018

    Last Week's Weight loss: -2.60 lbs.
    Total Loss -41.2 lbs

    Short term goal: 225 by July 17.

    What's working: logging and water. I am starting a new exercise routine today!!

    What's not working: I have my mother living with me for the summer and she is dealing with memory loss and back pain issues (she's 93). I tend to eat junk when I get nervous or upset and seeing her like that is tearing me apart. So far, I am keeping ALL the junk food out of the house - told my husband if he wanted it he'd have to hide it really well!!!!!
  • sparklesammy
    sparklesammy Posts: 465 Member
    TheVonada wrote: »
    I will aim to eat bacon less than half the calories this week.

    LOL! This might be my favorite goal I've ever seen!


    It's supposed to say eat BACK less than half the calories.

    I might eat bacon once this week though, I do like bacon for a special breakfast!