What Mini Goal is motivating you right now?



  • summerhime
    summerhime Posts: 24 Member
    edited June 2017
    Hey- I am new here. I break my loss up in 10 pound increments. So my next goal is going to be hitting 200 on the scale and I am four pounds from that. Will weigh tomorrow morning to see how close I am.
  • Working_Hard4me
    Working_Hard4me Posts: 53 Member
    My current mini goal is to reach 227 by Father's Day. I'm at 236 as of this morning. This will put me 60lbs. loss since I started in February.
  • MissSass2
    MissSass2 Posts: 29 Member
    My last mini goal was to be in the 260's in May. I hit it and now in the 250's!! New mini goal to see 240's by July 4th. I can do this!
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    well, since I didn't blow it last week after all, and I'm back on track this week, I'll set a mini goal to try to be under 310 by the end of June - hopefully be at 310 by June 19th (my next doctor's appointment)
  • mebelfanti
    mebelfanti Posts: 326 Member
    I really want to be below 250 at the end of June, which is at least a 10lb loss for the month. I'm averaging 2.4lbs/week so I should be able to do it but I'm worried I'm starting to hit a plateau. My gym has a biggest loser competition each month and I actually WON it for May (still processing that one) and I really want to win again in June, especially since there is a $100 prize!
  • TheVonada
    TheVonada Posts: 66 Member
    I wanted to be 350 by the end of June. Hit that on May 24th.
    So now I'd like to be 325 by the end of August (that's 75 pounds in 8 months)
  • kimbermak
    kimbermak Posts: 148 Member
    Looking to be down a total of 50lbs (227lbs) by my B-day in mid July. Hoping to visit Onederland by my wedding anniversary in October.
  • Jirachii
    Jirachii Posts: 152 Member
    I'm hoping to get to 180 by around July 20th. That'll be the 50 pound mark, roughly, as well as the half way mark between where I was and where I want to be. For June, I want to hit the 40 pound mark by the 22nd. 6.4 pounds to go =)
  • gazellefish
    gazellefish Posts: 72 Member
    Ok new plan. Originally my goal was to lose in 20lb increments for rewards, but seeing as I've been the same weight since May 18th-ish, my new mini-goal is to break this damn plateau! I just want to scream. Then I can deal with the next 10lbs.
  • TheVonada
    TheVonada Posts: 66 Member
    Ok new plan. Originally my goal was to lose in 20lb increments for rewards, but seeing as I've been the same weight since May 18th-ish, my new mini-goal is to break this damn plateau! I just want to scream. Then I can deal with the next 10lbs.

    Good luck! I was stuck on a plateau for about 2 weeks in early May. I don't know what I changed to make it suddenly click back into gear, except REALLY upping my water intake, and pushing a bit harder in my workouts... But still, it doesn't seem like that should have been enough to switch into this renewed downhill slope.

    I've heard some people say that changing their macros around (protein/carbs) helped them get going again, but I don't know how reliable that is.
  • TheVonada
    TheVonada Posts: 66 Member
    Oh, and my mini goal is to be down to 333 by the end of June (that's 12-ish pounds, but for some reason that's the number that's in my head right now so I WANT TO GET THERE.) I volunteer for a week-ish at a camp that starts on June 30th, and there's a GIANT hill that leads from the rec fields to the dining hall, and I'd love to feel like I'm in good enough shape to conquer that hill without feeling so winded every time I go in for a meal.
  • gazellefish
    gazellefish Posts: 72 Member
    TheVonada wrote: »
    Ok new plan. Originally my goal was to lose in 20lb increments for rewards, but seeing as I've been the same weight since May 18th-ish, my new mini-goal is to break this damn plateau! I just want to scream. Then I can deal with the next 10lbs.

    Good luck! I was stuck on a plateau for about 2 weeks in early May. I don't know what I changed to make it suddenly click back into gear, except REALLY upping my water intake, and pushing a bit harder in my workouts... But still, it doesn't seem like that should have been enough to switch into this renewed downhill slope.

    I've heard some people say that changing their macros around (protein/carbs) helped them get going again, but I don't know how reliable that is.

    Thanks!! Granted, I haven't worked out as hard as I normally do because of life stuff in May, so I'm hoping that redoubling on my exercise, adding more protein and hydrating/sleeping more, I can kick back into gear! It's good to hear other people dump that plateau, too. Seriously encouraging!
  • Okiludy
    Okiludy Posts: 558 Member
    Okiludy wrote: »
    I hit my mini goal this morning! I am 284 for the first time in 5 years. I am also going to be 5kg less than I was at last appointment with doc. My resting heart rate is in high 60's/low 70's range. So while I do have work to do it is a marked improvement over the high 70's I was at.

    Next mini goal is going to be 10kg (weight of 124.4kg or 274.25lbs) off my last doc weigh-in. I am going to try for 5 weeks, June 21st it is. I have a doctors appointment every 2-3 months so if I can manage 10kg between appointments I'll be shocked. I know weight loss slows down but I got a long way before that becomes an issue.

    Well I weighed in this morning at 124.2 kg. I think I am going to slow down my weight loss. So my new mini goal is to eat back 75% of calories from cardio instead of none or 25%. I am going to do this for a month and see where I am at.
  • lorianncorrea
    lorianncorrea Posts: 151 Member
    My current mini goal is to get under 300. I'm so close I can taste it. I'm 302. My next mini goal is to lose 15lbs by 8/21 which is when I leave for a business trip.
  • dawnz75
    dawnz75 Posts: 579 Member
    June was an off month for me. On and off all month, mostly off to be honest. Been back at it consistently for 9 days, my next mini goal is to loose those 3 lbs that would put me where I was at at the end of May. Last year about this time I lost focus and gained back 35lbs, going to be glad it was only 5 to 6 gain before I wrestled my mind into being on plan again.
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    @dawnz75 : yep; June was tough for me, too. I didn't gain back, but I definitely slowed way down. We're through the 4th, though, so we've got most of July and August before the next big holiday - we've got time to refocus :smile:
  • dawnz75
    dawnz75 Posts: 579 Member
    Not sure the next 2 months are clear for me... But I feel confident to stay on goal. 2 kids bdays in July, at least 2 out of town trips, August is anniversary and 3rd kids bday. Maybe this was why it was so hard to stay on plan last summer...
    Mini goal...just stay focused through the summer and plan, plan, plan...
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    Yikes - you are busy this summer! A plan will definitely help. Best wishes and good luck; we're all rooting for you! :smiley:
  • Theo166
    Theo166 Posts: 2,564 Member
    I'd like to lose 10 and get below 240 by the end of July, then I'll feel I'm back in the swing with my weight loss (after a 6 wk break)
  • lorianncorrea
    lorianncorrea Posts: 151 Member
    My current mini goal is to be down 50lbs. I am 8lbs away. I have a Drs appt on 8/7 & I'd love to have met my goal by then.