Pressure cooker yogurt!

JButlerEagle Posts: 45 Member
I've made this several times and keep in my fridge. Like because you can control the additives. I generally make the 1/2 gallon at a time and add quarter cup sugar and half cup powdered milk at the same time as the starter yogurt. I think it helps make it thicker but also increases protein count. I'm still experimenting with which recipe I like best... But have loved having it around for smoothies and as sour cream substitute.


  • Rachelmilloy
    Rachelmilloy Posts: 158 Member
    Greetings JButler! This isn't a recipe, just a ringing endorsement for making yogurt in the Instant Pot!

    ...initially I used full fat milk and Yogourmet yogurt starter from the health food store, but with my last few batches I'm just using 2% milk (2 litres) and 8 generous teaspoons of yogurt set aside from my previous batch. With all my batches, there has been plenty of liquid in the yogurt after the incubation period. However, overnight straining in the fridge has always delivered a-stand-your-spoon-up-in-it, gloriously thick Greek yogurt, which is exactly what I wanted! So thrilling!!! My straining process usually drains off 4 1/3 cups of whey. The yield is approximately 800 grams, and since I buy gallon jugs of milk at about $4.50 Cdn dollars, the 800 grams costs me $2.25 (hehe, not counting time and electricity). Frugal me is delighted because I eat a lot of Greek yogurt and used to pay about $6 for the quantity I now make for about a third of the cost. I mix each serving with golden raisins just before I eat it, and top it off with sliced banana, and some broken up pecan halves. I love it so much I've been eating it daily!
  • dklibert
    dklibert Posts: 1,196 Member
    I so want to try making yogurt. Thanks for your tips and recipes.
  • annacole94
    annacole94 Posts: 997 Member
    i use this method and strain to get greek yogurt:

    No sugar, no powdered milk. I've done everything from skim up to full fat; I think my yield is better with 1% or 2%, but the skim is ok too.
  • MimiOfTheLusciousLawn
    MimiOfTheLusciousLawn Posts: 2,212 Member
    Have any of you tried making yogurt with nut milks? I'm curious how it would work/taste.