July 24 Weekly Challenge: Changing It Up

themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
edited July 2017 in Social Groups

A note about the upcoming challenges: As many of you know, I just had hip replacement surgery last week. I feel good and a little stronger and more mobile every day. Right now, I need to concentrate on physical therapy and walking a lot to ensure I get full use of my left leg again. Since almost everything in my life is more complicated and time-consuming than it was before my surgery, I'm giving myself a little slack regarding our upcoming challenges. This week's challenge as well as the August challenges (look for a listing this week) may be shorter and simpler to implement than some of our previous challenges. There may be fewer suggested resources as well. This approach will help me keep my focus on getting better, while still posting a new weekly challenge, something I really enjoy!

I think this strategy may be helpful to many of you as well. August can be a crazy month for people, as families try to squeeze in their end of summer vacations and other plans. I know several of you are teachers, and I'm sure you are already thinking about preparing for your students return this fall. I don't want our weekly challenges to be an additional stressor on you, or something you feel you need to skip because you just don't have the time. I'd rather have a "lighter" challenge and one that you can more easily fit into your schedule.

Theme: Healthy Eating Challenge
Challenge: Changing It Up

We are creatures of habit. For most of us, our food and meal choices don't change very much. We buy the same groceries, eat the same breakfast, grab the same snacks, and order the same things off the menu at our favorite restaurant. My favorite local restaurant shared with me recently that their regular customers' meal choices are so predictable that they've tagged them as favorites within their system to speed up the ordering and payment process. Consistency and predictability have their merits, but this week, let's shake it up some. Who knows what we are missing if we don't push the food boundaries a bit?

Summer is a great time to try something new. Farmers markets, CSAs, and grocery stories are brimming with fresh and interesting summer produce. You won't have to look far. Or maybe there's a particular healthy food you'd like your family to try? Now's the time to find a few easy recipes and try them out. If you have the not so great habit of grabbing a quick snack at a vending machine, drive-in, or convenience store, maybe set a goal of bringing a healthier snack from home this week?

I'm going to be choosing a few new vegetables from my local CSA farm (Community Supported Agriculture) There are things on their produce list that I have no idea what they are (looking at you, Kohlrabi). I also eat the same oatmeal protein chocolate chip breakfast cookies and have for several years now. It's my go to breakfast on workdays. This week, I'm going to find another breakfast protein cookie recipe to make. The hunt is on!

This Week's Challenge: Whether you try some new foods, a few new recipes, a new restaurant meal, or a better snacking habit, let's all put some variety into our diets this week! We just might find some new favorites!

Wednesday Check-in: Look for the updates post this Wednesday. I'm looking forward to hearing about your progress with this week's challenge. Please post any suggestions or questions you may have for our group. We can all learn from each other!

Make it a great week!


Suggested Resources:

Food variety: The spice of life



  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    Food really is medicine! Thanks for the extra info along with the challenge. BTW, kohlrabi is awesome! We grow it in our garden, wash and peel it, and chow down on it raw. I've never cooked it because we like it right out of the garden.
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,051 Member
    edited July 2017
    Great article! It is hard to believe that the average Australian only eats 15- 18 different foods in a week. I counted my different foods today, and I had 15. I do tend to eat the same thing for breakfast most days, and I find that strategy helpful, because breakfast needs to be an easy meal. I also tend to eat the same dinner entrée for several days since my family lives leftovers and that way I only need to cook a couple days per week.

    Today to change things up, I tried remaking my twice baked potato recipe. I made it lower in calories, but it wasn't really a success.

    Please take the time you need for your PT and recovery.
  • wadeja80
    wadeja80 Posts: 1 Member
    Good luck with your hip! I had both replaced in 2011 8 weeks apart and it was the best decision ever!
  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    I also enjoyed reading the resource article, and I liked the "food color wheel" image. There was plenty of good info tucked into the image, and it was colorful in a unique, but pleasant way. Thanks for sharing it!

    I definitely am a creature of habit, especially in the food department. I could certainly do with a bit of changing it up in what I eat or how I prepare what I eat. We shall see how it goes when I post at the end of week. I've done a few things differently so far.

    These challenges do keep me learning and/or doing things differently. little bit by little bit. Some perhaps for only the week and some that have lasted longer... and perhaps are even being incorporated into a new way of doing things. Which is a good thing....

    Wishing you increasing mobility and being able to increase the number of steps as you continue to heal and recover, Denise. You have some amazing determination which serves you well! You go girl!!


  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,365 Member
    I am a week behind on all these! LOL! I plan to go to the Farmer's Market this Saturday for the first time. I will pick up some new and different vegetables to try. I have a very difficult time getting myself to eat veggies!

    I hope you are feeling better Denise! xoxo
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,909 Member
    I know this is a zombie post but it linked from a sticky and I am thinking that this is going to be one of my challenges for Aug 2020.. I am such a creature of habit that I rarely stray from the same meals day in day out. Not that I am going to go all HOG wild but I think introducing something different every day (and not just a different flavor ice cream o:) ) is one of the things I will challenge myself with.