Regain happens



  • weezieweeks
    weezieweeks Posts: 152 Member
    Thanks for invite Louise...... I will peak in from time to time, but I am going another route right now. I also have seen a gastro doctor about a new procedure to . I am giving myself until January to lose 50 plus pounds. and if I am a good candidate for this new procedure I am going to do it. It will be a another tool to help me keep my weight off this time. If I don't qualify I will keep at it without it. Either way I am determined to get under 300 pounds one way or another. I will have an upper GI test in January.

    Everyone keep up the good work and believe you can do it!! We can do it!

    What is the other procedure?
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    I did not catch the name. She explained what they do to my existing pouch.
  • SuzyQ53015
    SuzyQ53015 Posts: 38 Member
    Good morning, Louise and Molly! (And anyone deciding to peek in on the group - please join us!!)

    I had a dream last night that, in the past, would have my crying when I woke up. Not this time! I woke up mad!! Mad that I ignored the thirty-pound gain. Mad that I don't fit in my clothes from two years ago. Mad that I have used life as an excuse to not exercise. Mad is good - sad is not! Being sad makes me want to curl up in a corner and lick my wounds (or chocolate!). Being mad makes me want to go on the attack! And that is just what I am doing - attacking that thirty pound weight-gain and the extra flab that used to be muscle. Oh, we will get healthier!!

    Okay, enough writing - time to get this body moving! Have a wonderfully healthy day, dear friends!!

  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Happy Friday Suzy and Louise!! Yes we will get healthier Suzy.....we just have to keep striving indeed!! Have a great weekend! :)
  • weezieweeks
    weezieweeks Posts: 152 Member
    Good morning ladies!! Welcome back to Suzy - hope your vacation was fun!
  • HealthyDeb
    HealthyDeb Posts: 60 Member
    It's a great reminder that I'm not alone. Thanks for the posts... I totally forgot about MFP and recently began logging my food (yikes) also bought myself a Fitbit for Christmas and it's a big help. Keep up the great work friends!
  • weezieweeks
    weezieweeks Posts: 152 Member
    edited August 2017
    Deb - Welcome back!! We love seeing an addition to our group! Where is your picture taken? Is that Grand Canyon? I am moving back to Arizona at the end of the month.

    I did good on plan yesterday and am doing good so far today. I am working on being mindful of what I am eating, when I am drinking and if I start feeling like I have to eat, to take a look at that feeling!

    Talk soon!

  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Hello Deb, Welcome!! I remember you! Do you remember me? I bet you do, if you read my profile page. This place keeps you mindful if nothing else. I love the 3 groups I am consistent in. Keep up the good work! :)
  • 21RelentlessOne
    21RelentlessOne Posts: 7 Member
    I had VSG in 2014 & did great for the first few years and then I fell back into my old eating behavior and regained a lot of the lost weight.
    I made a very impulsive decision to have a revision to RNY last year in Mexico and had extreme complications. The day after laparoscopic surgery I had a huge blood clot in my small intestine so they had to open me up with almost a foot long incision and cut through the muscle. Then 2 days later I had an obstructed bowel and they had to reopen the incision again to fix it.

    I spent 2 weeks in the hospital in Mexico ( I had an amazing surgery and care and do not blame any of this on going to Mexico so I'm not here to bash Mexico). Upon flying back back home to Canada I went straight to the hospital as I had a deep wound infection and it needed hospital care.
    I spent 2 more weeks in the hospital so that was a month in hospital.

    When I was released from the hospital here I required a home care nurse to come every day for about 2 months to clean my wound and bandage it up.

    The nightmare continued as the complications have let me with a huge abdominal hernia almost a foot long. I have been monitored by the Bariatric Surgeons here but the head surgeon told me he didn't think he could do anything for me. He did offer to refer me to one of the other Bariatric Surgeons and see if you would consider a consult with me. I was thrilled to find out that he would give me a consult.

    Long story short, due to the trauma of all I went through and how immobile I was with the hernia (it was almost like learning to walk again) I gained about 30 lbs. after this nightmare on top of the 60 lbs. I had regained before the revision surgery.

    The Bariatric surgeon cannot attempt to fix the abdominal hernia at this point. He recommended that I work on weight loss for the following year and that he would reassess my condition in a year. In the meantime he has referred me to a Bariatric Dietician (we call them Dieticians in Canada instead of Nutritionists). He has also referred me to take a course called "Craving Change" which was required for my first Bariatric surgery in 2014. He has also recommended that I exercise but he is aware that with such a large abdominal hernia I can only do walking and swimming for now.

    Last week I came back on this ap which I used faithfully while preparing for my first surgery in 2014. They required that we track here as part of the Bariatric program in my community.

    I have been tracking for a little over a week and walked about half of the week.

    I am here looking for friends who have had complications to weight loss surgery & regain.
    I know how great it is to make friends on here to share with, to be a sounding board and to cheer each other on when we have good days.

    I used to belong to the VSG group but I don't feel like I belong there anymore. I really want and need to make some friends on here and those also struggling with regain and starting over.

    If you have taken the time to read this I thank you. If you can relate to any of it or just want to get to know me better I would love to hear from you.

    Thanks very much and I hope to make a friend or two or more to encourage each other.