


  • Nerdbear88
    Nerdbear88 Posts: 62 Member
    I am squishy around the mid section and in-between the thighs. But it's not terribly bad at this point. I have a pretty large amount of solid body mass (180 lbs) so that has helped out a lot. Now that I'm pretty close to my goal weight I'll give it a year to see how my skin bounces back. I did this at a 2 lbs a week rate to try and minimize the shock to my skin. But to be honest my hubby is the only one that will see me naked and notice anything. With clothes on you can't tell in the slightest. It's honestly the thing that I worried about most in the beginning. But on the other side of the weight loss, I feel so great I really don't give a damn about it now. LOL
  • dawnz75
    dawnz75 Posts: 579 Member
    Welcome Nerdbear. Just want to say thanks for all your input here in this group. I appreciate that being on the other side you want to help those that are in the beginning or middle of our journey.
  • Lenascrivente
    Lenascrivente Posts: 177 Member
    16 August 2017

    Dear all
    I have been toying with MFP since last year but found out it reactivated an old eating disorder.
    One year after, I decided to start again from mindset and I'm here for the long haul.
    As most people with a past of eating disorders, I did manage to lose weight effectively in the past, and got it all back with some more .
    The last time in 2012 I lost 20 kgs in 6 months, just through self-regulated eating, exercise and a lot of self-compassion and love for myself.
    So how did it all creep up again , with a plus of 9 kgs?
    Increased stress and emotionally traumatic events in my life, poor stress management and a lack of support systems to keep it up. From 2013 to 2017, I put on 29 kgs again.
    So I am here to lose 45 kgs over 2 years, at a pace of about 2 kgs per month on average.
    As by now I know that weight loss is not a linear process, I think I will use less stressful months to lose 4 kgs, and more stressful months to lose a minimum of 2. This will minimise stressing about plateaus and having to deal with difficult life moments that I foresee will be there, given my family situation with 2 members struggling against cancer.
    Also my thyroid stopped working properly last winter and I am still adjusting medication so this should be taken into account.
    This is how it would look like ideally:
    100 lbs (45 kgs) = 20 lbs x 5 (9 kgs x 5)
    Each goal is 9 kgs in five months. I decided to skip February because for me it's the hardest month of the year; and August because I am likely to be on vacation and don't want to track and plan because letting loose is good for my soul. My overall goal is to overcome the diet/binge dualistic way of thinking, make peace with food and my body, stabilise at a weight which is 45 kgs lower than now and my healthy weight. All of this , I want to do in a way that will allow me to stabilise and enter middle-age at a healthy weight. I want to celebrate my 39th birthday in April 2020 by saying: I am in a healthy place and have consolidated healthy food and exercise patterns. I let my old patterns of binging and dieting go and enter middle age with a peace of mind and body.
    In this way I hope to help myself cope better with my thyroid problem and decrease my chances of getting diabetes and cancer (my parents have both unfortunately). I want to feel I have done everything I could to stay healthy.

    Every goal reached brings with it a reward, which for me basically means a TRIP!! somewhere nice!

    GOAL 1
    September 1st 2017 to January 30th 2018
    From 106 kgs to 97 kgs - minus 9

    reward: winter summer break somewhere sunny

    GOAL 2
    March 1 2018 to July 30th 2018
    From 97 kgs to 89 kgs - minus 9

    reward: amazing summer holiday in August
    my 37th birthday in a beautiful outfit

    GOAL 3
    September 1 2018 to January 30th 2019
    From 89 kgs to 80 kgs - minus 9

    reward: winter summer break somewhere sunny

    GOAL 4
    March 1 2019 to July 30th 2019
    From 80 kgs to 71 kgs - minus 9

    reward: amazing summer holiday in August
    my 38th birthday in an amazing dress

    GOAL 5
    September 1 2019 to December 30th 2019
    From 71 kgs to 62 kgs - minus 9 and overall goal reached

    reward: celebrate my 39th birthday at my lowest weight ever
    celebrate turning 39 taking care of my health and well-being

    Before September 1st I will post my plan for the first month and will keep logging in.
    Please befriend me if you have success stories to share about losing 100 lbs, hypothyroidism and eating disorders.
  • scoutgotout
    scoutgotout Posts: 6 Member
    Hi All! My name is Verity, I'm 38 and just started using MFP again after a few unsuccessful runs over the last 5 years. I'm eating a ketogenic diet right now, and it's working very well for me. I have energy and am not hungry, and honestly feel like I can see myself eating this way for the rest of my life (minus a cheat meal here and there). I've struggled with my weight my whole life; when I was younger, I thought I was way bigger than I was, and now that I'm older, I don't recognize how large I've gotten. I haven't decided what my ultimate goal weight should be, but today my scale number started with a 2 for the first time in 2 years, and I'm grateful and more motivated than ever. I'm excited to actually use MFP for a support system, as opposed to just a food tracker as I have in the past. SW: 315.2 on 8/7/17; CW: 299.0, height 5'7". Please feel free to add me as a friend, and good luck to each of you with your individual journeys!
  • whatevervp
    whatevervp Posts: 2 Member
    Hello to everyone, my name is Virginia, and on August 25th I turned 59 so my daughter gave me a Fitbit for my birthday and I stepped on her scale to fill out all of the info for it... went into shock… OMG how did that happen, think I started hyperventilating… thought I was going to get sick…instead I just cried… 301 pounds… Honestly I know how it happened… I got lazy and stopped doing things… going places… just plain not moving much… think mostly just the pain in your joints and back and knees and every other on your body adds to your mental thinking that if you don’t do anything it won’t hurt but instead it just gets worse so I’ve decided to do something about it but really feel the need for some help and support so I started with MFP and then found this group… My goal at this time is 230pds even though I know I would like to be 175 just trying to be realistic about what I think I can do…for now I just am walking… would really like to be able to put shoes on again (find it almost impossible to bend over to do that) so I am thinking of starting yoga? Any advice would be greatly appreciated...looking forward to meeting everyone and starting some new friendships.
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    Hi, Virginia! I can definitely sympathize - but you sound like you have a great plan in place! Start with what you can do and slowly add more as you are able. I've managed to drop 80 lbs so far by just calorie counting without any exercise component at all, but I know the exercise component would help with stamina and strength (if I can ever get myself to start; I hate the gym environment with a passion!)

    Best of luck to you!
  • Lisbydezign
    Lisbydezign Posts: 49 Member
    I'm Liz and I am 50. I've always been "pleasingly plump" but have gained a lot in the past 5 years due to personal tragedies, stress and age.
    Decided "enough!" about 2 weeks ago and I am all in to lose this weight!
    Height 5'5"
    SW: 237.8
    CW: 229.2
    GW: 130

    I am so excited to get into the 100 club again. That's my current motivating goal!
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    welcome, Lisby! Glad to have you! It's been pretty quiet around here lately, but hopefully things will pick back up this fall.
  • MamaMaryPants
    MamaMaryPants Posts: 36 Member
    edited January 2018
    Hello. I'm just starting this journey (again).
    First time trying Keto though so...
    I have 171lbs I'd like to lose but will be setting minigoals for myself throughout.
    I have 2 children under 5 and currently stay home with them.
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    hi, MamaMary! Welcome and best wishes to you!
  • nvlynnae
    nvlynnae Posts: 4 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Stephanie and I turned 50 this last February. I live in northern Nevada, my husband works for the railroad, and I am the mom of a 30 year old daughter and 17 year old son. I homeschool my son who is on the Autism Spectrum (Asperger's). I have several chronic illnesses and I was finally diagnosed about a year ago with two issues that most likely (even according to the doctor) kept me from much success in the losing weight department. I have had several concussions over the years and one when I was 19 years old injured my pituitary gland and hypothalamus and caused my AGHD and possibly helped with my psuedo Cushings (officially called pseudo for those of us with the same symptoms, but not the usual causes). He is the first doctor to figure out that it's not just in my head. Love him! Even without dieting or exercise, I have finally lost some weight, but now I know I need to work at it to go much further. I am on a shot daily for the AGHD (Adult Growth Hormone Disorder), but it's not going to fix it all. He said I should definitely be able to lose weight in normally now. I know my metabolism is totally shot, too. I need to learn how to improve that, as well. I also have an atypical form of Parkinson's, BPPV, Fibromyalgia, a tendency to atrial flutter (therefore on Warfarin), and borderline diabetes. I just joined a local gym this last Sunday night (4 days ago) and have worked out the last 3 days. I'm excited about this journey I am now on and am looking forward to mutually supporting each other. I have well over 100 pounds to lose, but I will reevaluate when I hit that mark. I'm actually down 35 from my highest and about 15 down from after starting the shots. I just started using this program, too. I signed up quite awhile back, but never used it until this week. I am also gluten intolerant (been GF since Oct 2012). I love to cook and would love some new healthier recipes, too.
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    welcome, nvlynnae! sorry I'm late - I just now noticed the new post, but I've been really sporadic this summer with keeping up with my groups.

    this group has gotten really quiet lately; if you want someone to chat with, there's another group - the 350+ pounds support for men & women group - that's still fairly active, and they'll welcome someone even if they didn't actually start out that high :)
  • MamaMaryPants
    MamaMaryPants Posts: 36 Member
    welcome, nvlynnae! sorry I'm late - I just now noticed the new post, but I've been really sporadic this summer with keeping up with my groups.

    this group has gotten really quiet lately; if you want someone to chat with, there's another group - the 350+ pounds support for men & women group - that's still fairly active, and they'll welcome someone even if they didn't actually start out that high :)

    If I started at 356 but am lower now can I join?
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    oh, sorry! I've been really busy and totally missed I hadn't responded! Yes, if you are currently lower but started above 350, you are certainly welcome to the other group! In fact, I dont' think they're big sticklers on the 350 line anyway.......