My hairy body & Bald head

er5234 Posts: 19 Member
What do y'all do for your hairy face & balding head?


  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    I'd focus on getting your hormones level, as to me, (just my opinion, mind you), that you have excess testosterone or something, as that's more of a male hormonal thing!

    Look into using inositol if you don't already, or vitex - but this one has more limitations. Get lifting heavy things (it balances out everything!), and such. Eat fewer starches/sugars...

    Make sure to get enough B vitamins, and zinc, boron, magnesium, etc.

    Good luck!
  • Hichiko
    Hichiko Posts: 97 Member
    My doc recently put me on Spironolactone. It's decreased the speed at which I regrow stubble, and I've noticed growth on the top of my head, as well. :3
  • FFoodLover14
    FFoodLover14 Posts: 4 Member
    I use hair fibers for my head
  • littefish2018
    littefish2018 Posts: 96 Member
    don't waste your money on electrolysis like me, saving for laser removal at this point for my face, until then i'm a pluckin fool! i agree with everyone about getting the hormones balanced for the hair loss, try to reduce stress on your body, that seems to be a big cause in a lot of us. i'm just trying to exercise and get my heart rate up everyday bc i'm not ready for the hormone meds. good luck!! let us know what works for you!
  • KaciWood19
    KaciWood19 Posts: 396 Member
    I recently started Just Nutritive Grow New Hair Treatment! I also take biotin and vital proteins collagen every day. Left is 1 month ago, right is yesterday!

  • hebreos416
    hebreos416 Posts: 3 Member
    I had been looking into the Nutritive products. This looks great congratulations!