In need of community support

CoCoFluff Posts: 36 Member
Hi Everyone!

30yr old Femme from NY, trying to get her life back on track. I started MFP back in 2012... and it's been pretty much a roller coaster since then. As hard as this journey can be, the support and community encouragement goes a long way. My page is pretty much my uncensored fitness diary, documenting my progress. I am open to new friendship to uplift and learn from one another for our own personal goals. *Love & Light to all*


  • princedeac
    princedeac Posts: 6 Member
    Hey! Queer femme in Boston looking to keep accountable with! Wanna be buddies?
  • CoCoFluff
    CoCoFluff Posts: 36 Member
    Sure! sent you an add. :)
  • VPShannon
    VPShannon Posts: 9 Member
    This online format is a great way to stay accountable.. I have started and stopped and started again but what encourages me is being able to go back in my weight history and see at one point I was getting results and then further encouragement comes when I see connections still hanging in there!! I will send you both connections as well.