August 28 Sign In



  • conchita962
    conchita962 Posts: 327 Member
    Aug 28
    Exercise: 35 min walk
    Calories: yes
    Tracked: yes

    I should be in the winners circle this month!!! Whoop!!!
  • pears734
    pears734 Posts: 496 Member
    Hello, thank you for your well wishes. My brother is in the ICU, but continues to improve. I appreciate your kind words!

    Exercise? Yes; 54 minutes of strength training and a 1.25 mile run
    Calories? Yes
    Tracking? Yes
  • bocasdelbadbob
    bocasdelbadbob Posts: 111 Member
    edited August 2017
    Aug 27 - 3 x yes
    Aug 28 - 3 x yes

    But I am not really in the winners circle. Every month I resolve to be more diligent on tracking.
    But I think it is the tracking diligence that is my weakness rather than excessive eating or drinking because I am not gaining. Not gaining is the name of the game for me because I am all about maintaining. Well, sometimes not exercising is my other weakness but I tend to lower my eating so that is ok. I think I am settling into good habit equilibrium.

    Not gaining, well actually my wife and I had an August goal of losing five pounds each. We are going to go to an antique hotel as a reward if we pull it off. She has her goal and I am a pound shy of it. So I got two days to get a pound. I think I got it but it is just the case of weighing in at the right "empty" weight.

    I spent a couple of days at the Colorado trail. I love that. It ain't all that much climbing but it is all at high altitude. I spend all of that time between 10,000 and 10,500. I love it there but my imagination of my ability kind of exceeds my reality. I guess that is an ok place to be.
    I keep thinking I could do a forty miler. That don't pan out.

    Defeated by sweat. How can that be? I am in the middle of nowhere. Nobody can smell me. Sweat should be no problem. But it all goes wrong if that sweat is in your pants. Ugh, it is a big problem because it causes your saddle to become really uncomfortable. Hey, stop me if I get too much detail. But I wear this spandex pants like you see bike riders wearing. I like it because it has padding in it that my bicycle saddle is way lacking.

    Problem with them spandex pants is that there ain't no pockets. So I put on cotton cargo pants to get pockets for my phone and camera. Big mistake, that is too many layers for exertion at like 80 degrees.

    So now the object is to remember all of this before my next excursion. No cargo pants.

    Long winded post ...

    I still got to talk about sleeping in the dirt like either a hobo or a cowboy. Let's say cowboy.
    My wife won't do this so this is my excursion for after schools season starts. I camp where there ain't no nothing but a flat spot and it ain't even really got to be all that flat.
    My concession to luxury, I have an air mattress. When I get really, really feral I don't even put up a tent. I put my sleeping bag on top of that air mattress. I got a plastic tarp folded up kind of over my feet if I hear that pitter patter of raindrops.

    Ahh, beauty, the most beauty thing I can think of is waking up in the middle of the night, opening my eyes and looking up ... stars.

    Hey, all of that is worth a mosquito bite or two if you ask me. Then again some people say I got mental problems.

    I better put a picture of my bike on here ...

  • Anya_000
    Anya_000 Posts: 725 Member
    @pribud, CONGRATULATIONS! On making your goal!
    Yes x 3 today. Hike with dog.
  • LoraineGB
    LoraineGB Posts: 926 Member
    Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? Yes

    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? No

    Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? Yes

    I do not expect to be in the winners circle for August but want to tell you how much I am enjoying the UAC. It has been harder than I thought, I obviously do not stay within my calorie budget as much as I thought I do!

    I've signed up for September, between trips and visitors it will be another tough one. Fortune favours the brave, eh?! ha ha ha

  • marthall
    marthall Posts: 96 Member
    @bocasdelbadbob lovely place to take a bike. I love the outdoors camping as well. I do some, and would love to do more. Currently experimenting with a sleeping hammock.
  • jesscutedol
    jesscutedol Posts: 40 Member
    Yes yes yes.