Lower Body Program - Need some input

ashton44 Posts: 47 Member
To give a little bit of background: female, 29, 40lbs to lose, athlete - strong lower body, 2 surgeries on my knee (acl, mcl)

I've been off about 8 weeks due to illness and life. Just getting back in to the swing of things.

This is what I've been doing for lower body...

leg Press - 125lb 3x 20
Hamstring curl - 60lb 3x12
Leg extension - 60lb 3x12
calf raise - 40lb 3x12
leg abduction - 60lb 3x15
leg adduction - 60lb 3x15

Twice a week

I'm already bored. I used to be able to do squats and weighted lunges and a much more dynamic workout. I'm not able to do anything that 'loads' my knee. So squats, lunges, step ups....goodbye. Any ideas? I just don't feel I am getting anywhere near the same workout I used to get.

Thank you in advance


  • tross0924
    tross0924 Posts: 909 Member
    Knee injuries suck. You're knees are kind of important when trying to exercise your legs. You're doing about the only basic movements that you can right now.

    For a little bit of variety you can try throwing in some cable abductions, stability ball leg curls, wall squats (not sure if that's post knee operation approved or not), and hanging hamstring curls with a dumbbell.

    One question though . . . It seems to me that leg presses still load your knee. Are you sure those are OK to do with your operations?
  • retrobyte
    retrobyte Posts: 169 Member
    Straight legged deadlifts
    Cable pull throughs
    Low pulley hamstring thrusts
  • mshanepace
    mshanepace Posts: 23 Member
    Kick backs (donkey kicks as my bud calls them)... There really is a ton of exercises to play with. My knees suck but I love doing leg workouts. I can't do five squats with just the bar without fairly major joint pain.

    But (with the right wraps on), I'm doing:

    Leg press 705 4x6
    Standing Calf Raises (Smith) 475 4x15
    Stiff leg Deadlift 225 4x8


    I really don't change it up but I also don't get bored since I am pushing to do more weight all the time.
  • fi_b
    fi_b Posts: 121 Member
    Have you looked at single leg deadlifts? They definitely get the burn happening!
  • gimli1122
    gimli1122 Posts: 1 Member
    I had knee surgery and bought Rehband sleeves. Back to 415 for singles.. Also start with box squats and keep your knee behind the toe...
  • sreagan6604
    sreagan6604 Posts: 2 Member
    Romanian deadlifts for the butt and hammys. I have knee issues and squats helped me. Go light and squat deep.
  • jennyko_xo
    jennyko_xo Posts: 1 Member
    dead lifts are my favorite exercise of all time. regular, straight leg, and sumo. they make me happy.