NEW CHAT! Share with us your plans to get the weight off!

raraCoco Posts: 27 Member
I am so happy so many people have joined the group!!! We can do this people, this is an attainable goal! I have created another chat "What are you doing to get that 20lbs off" We can all share some tips and maybe our routines!


  • Sockpoppa44
    Sockpoppa44 Posts: 2 Member
    My goal is to actually pack my lunch for work. I think that's my biggest danger zone for food. Also making a list when grocery shopping. Myself and my husband are easy snackers. Hopefully lose this weight I've gained after having my little one. :smile:
  • laughlovechill
    laughlovechill Posts: 4 Member
    I am going to start weighing my food and doing meal prep on the weekends. Hopefully that will be the extra kick for me to get a change to happen. I’m also researching the best weight lifting program. (Nothing too heavy) but I’ve read that this really helps with weight loss.
  • raraCoco
    raraCoco Posts: 27 Member
    I had a baby in April and have totally been slacking since then!! I plan on doing cardio at least 5 days a week (step aerobics) and eating a lot more veggies and lower calorie foods. I did some calorie counting and I was well over 2500 calories a day with little to no exercise! No wonder I wasn't losing any weight!
  • Finding_Deeds
    Finding_Deeds Posts: 23 Member
    I'll be back to counting calories and weighing/measuring my food. And I've started the couch to 5k app again which is how I lost the weight the first time. If I did it once I can do it again right :)
  • kellyn38
    kellyn38 Posts: 4 Member
    Counting calories, tracking food, being more mindful, trying to be more active, trying not to give in to the temptation of co-workers sharing baking experiments while having an office next to the kitchen :s

    I can do this!
  • LeslieW77
    LeslieW77 Posts: 34 Member
    I'm trying to reduce portions, and do at least SOME exercise each day. Sometimes it's regular activities like gardening and walking, and other times it's more-concentrated circuit training or cardio with DVD's and Wii programs. My biggest hurdles are ignoring all the snacks coworkers bring in, and not mindlessly eating in the evenings!