38yrs, Fem, 5'4" CW 170, GW 150? 140?

genivar Posts: 22 Member
I really don't care what number my weight is, I just don't want to look like a cow in photos. Wearing a size 10-12, was once a size 6-8 that's where I'd like to be. My kids are grown (16, 17 & 18) so I have no "baby weight" to lose. I'd just like to do better at doing better.


  • natalie3505
    natalie3505 Posts: 169 Member
    We are kind of similar - feel free to add me. I'm 36, 5'5", 165 pounds, size 12/13. I'm also not that concerned with the scale, but I think once I hit 145, I will be fairly happy with how I look, because I do weights as well as cardio. My kids are 19, 16, almost 9, and twin 7 year olds.....so I don't think it's baby weight for me anymore - just plain old, every day excess fat. :)
  • goatette
    goatette Posts: 8 Member
    Similar too, 5'3.75", 34 yrs, currently 156 pounds size 14ish due to large hips. No kids, just trying to maintain existing weight & tone. Workout daily
  • luckywizard
    luckywizard Posts: 71 Member
    I'm also similar! 5'6'', 35, currently 170, 35% body fat with a goal to get to 27%. (not sure what I'll weigh when I get there)

    I wear size medium and 8-10 for pants. I'm really into circuit and strength training. No kids yet though, but trying and want to start my pregnancy from a place of fitness.
  • Momma2Boyz
    Momma2Boyz Posts: 7 Member
    39 (40 next month) Female, 5’3” 161 (last time I checked), goal of 130. XL top, 12 pants. Two sons (17 & 13) Definitely not baby weight.

    Lost 20 lbs, then had foot surgery and put on 25. Last I checked I was down 11 pounds to my current 161 (although I have not been trying lately and that may not be accurate). I bought a shirt today to show school pride for the local homecoming game and although the size should have been plenty big enough to fit, I was terribly self conscious all evening. It’s time to get back to it.

    I would love to work through this with others who have similar goals. Let me know if you are still interested in teaming up.
  • BlackGarden
    BlackGarden Posts: 3 Member
    edited March 2018
    ... just realised how old this thread is and it won't let me delete!