Part of the journey is when the student becomes the teacher.

Geocitiesuser Posts: 1,429 Member
You won't know it's happening until it already has. You'll still be progressing in your curriculum. You'll still be getting instructed by higher belts, you'll still be getting corrected when you do things incorrectly. However; you'll also find yourself demonstrating. Giving advice. Giving back that same instruction and correction that was once given to you. In academia it's joked that those who can not "do", "teach", but in martial arts teaching is doing. Through-out your training you will get out what you put in, and you will give out what you have received. Each master was once a student, and each student strives to become a master.



  • Out_of_Bubblegum
    Out_of_Bubblegum Posts: 2,220 Member
    edited November 2017
    As the student strives to become a master, the master strives to remain a student.
  • Geocitiesuser
    Geocitiesuser Posts: 1,429 Member
    I'm trying pretty hard to stay a student and I'm not even at black belt yet. Fortunately helping and teaching has the side effect of reinforcing your own skills. It's also a huge honor to be respected enough that you are trusted to help pass down knowledge. The past few weeks in particular I've done a huge amount of helping.
  • Out_of_Bubblegum
    Out_of_Bubblegum Posts: 2,220 Member
    I'm trying pretty hard to stay a student and I'm not even at black belt yet. Fortunately helping and teaching has the side effect of reinforcing your own skills. It's also a huge honor to be respected enough that you are trusted to help pass down knowledge. The past few weeks in particular I've done a huge amount of helping.

    I knew from the first time I was asked to help that I wanted to become an instructor. It really is an amazing reinforcement, and even a discovery of sorts, as I had to find ways not only to teach what I knew, but to correct problems I had never even thought of in technique before, which deepens my understanding of the technique itself, and the mechanics involved.

    Over the years, the joy of teaching went from technical to something more, as I realized what a positive impact that teaching had on others' lives - sometimes incredibly profound impact.

    Glad to see the torch is being passed - it is a great thing!
  • Geocitiesuser
    Geocitiesuser Posts: 1,429 Member
    I love teaching too, but much prefer teaching computer science and math lol.
  • Out_of_Bubblegum
    Out_of_Bubblegum Posts: 2,220 Member
    edited November 2017
    I have many favorite moments in teaching over the years, but there are a few that really stick with me.

    Here is a message I got from one of my students, who tracked me down years later after he was my student:
    It's great to hear from you as well. It looks like you are still active with Taekwondo. I really enjoyed your teachings and it had a huge impact on who I became. Thanks...
    I left Tucson to finish high school in Phoenix and then finished College in California. First Job with good pay was in Las Vegas NV. This was not my choice to raise a family, but God had seen it differently.
    I became a Technician and am currently living in Henderson NV. I have a great loving wife with three beautiful girls. We all are loving and caring while following God as Christians.

    This was from a kid who had a rough start in life: He had an abusive, alcoholic father, and the family was living from paycheck to paycheck.. often his Taekwondo dues were late or just not paid (and I conveniently never collected, knowing their situation).. he was one of my hardest working young students, and watching him grow up in Taekwondo (he started at age 9) and transform from a small kid who was always nervous and looking over his shoulder to a confident young man who earned his black belt and later grew into the man who sent me the message you see... I don't know how much part martial arts had, but from talking to him, he believes it to be a big part.

    To be given the opportunity to shape someone's life like this is for me the greatest reward.
  • Soy_K
    Soy_K Posts: 246 Member
    @bwmalone <3<3<3 amazing story
  • trackercasey76
    trackercasey76 Posts: 780 Member
    I have learned so much more teaching. It forces me to think about a technique or a drill instead of just doing it.
  • Faiz031
    Faiz031 Posts: 81 Member
    I agree with tracker, teaching helps me thing about the technique and the steps of how I do it. It's not everyone's cup of tea, some are just good at doing it, but teaching is a whole different area, which allows me to perfect each one.