I think I saw a runner 5

victory68 Posts: 76 Member
So I was driving home last night and I saw this jogger running up the sidewalk. He kept a good pace and I was taking mental notes of his stride to see if I could copy it later when he started a little and looked behind him. He suddenly shot forward at a full on sprint and passed out of my view. There was nothing behind him. I think he might have been playing the app or I am just so addicted I see it everywhere haha I know I've done some weird stuff while playing (ducking and jumping when nothings around). What about you guys? Ever seen someone playing or done something weird while you were playing?


  • asp415
    asp415 Posts: 1,492 Member
    I saw someone doing knee lifts & I was like I wonder if she doing the ZR C25K
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    I was running a normal way through a big bushy park, off beaten tracks. On the app it said 'zombies 20mtrs ahead' so I run faster.... 'zombies dead ahead' suddenly around the corner come 2 walkers...... OMFG I could have screamed louder.... it was right at the moment with the noise they make and all. I damn near *kitten* my pants.

    It was the best thing to happen.