RNY 4-12-17. Need support !!!

I had RNY 4-12-17. And need some support. I feel old habits start creeping back already !!!!:( I want this success to continue and last a lifetime !!!


  • KendraMonster
    KendraMonster Posts: 46 Member
    I'm so sorry you have some old habits coming back. This is a hard road, take some time to remind yourself why you had this surgery. I would do a couple days of preop diet, journal whatever you need and reestablish your habits. Maybe even looking into a local support group. Dont be too hard on yourself this is a process. I wish you the best!
  • ljstewart0825
    ljstewart0825 Posts: 19 Member
    I am in desperate need of some support right now. I’ve reached my goal weight and have maintained it for just over year now but since The holidays came and being laid up from having skin removal surgery just before Christmas, I too have had some old habits creep back and have been eating a lot more than he should be. I need someone to follow behind me and tell me NO.
  • rlgifford76
    rlgifford76 Posts: 2 Member
    I am trying to reset my tool. Add me I would love some support also. It's not as easy as some people think.
  • itsmebirdie
    itsmebirdie Posts: 13 Member
    i am also a year out and I too have been falling to old habits but thank GOD for boyfriend he is also needing to get back on track with his health so we are back to supporting each other if you need someone to talk to I can not walk behind anyone and tell them no but I can help talk it out
  • CindyLouWho525
    CindyLouWho525 Posts: 6 Member
    I am 4 years out and have recently gained 23 lbs back. I am starting over today to get back into exercising and eating healthy. My mom go sick in November and I have been taking care of her and not myself. I have to make time for me and this lifestyle. I will be glad to work with any or all of you to give my support and encouragement.