
Hi New Members!

Tell me about yourself here. My goals have been listed on the main description of this group.

What are your goals?


  • gradyfamily
    gradyfamily Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Jess! I'm much older than you (56) but we are about the same weight and have similar goals so I'll play!! I have a daughter your age so maybe I can get her to join us also. (She's a skinny lil thing but calls it "skinny-fat" as she needs tone more than loss. My goals are to get to 185 after being over 200 for a very, very long time. I'm so happy to see that busting that doggone 200 mark is your goal as well, especially since you are so young! Thanks for creating this group. Maybe more will join in and we can come up with a group name.

    ABOUT ME: 56, Full time RN, 3 kids (all over 20), 3 big dogs, 2 cats (adore animals), going on a modified Keto Diet (High Fat, Low Carb), like to swim, but will be doing a lot of walking, New FitBit Ionic owner so glad MFP syncs to that, like to listen to Podcasts, (especially True Crime), Limiting factors- I have systemic Lupus plus some other things (but luckily only a shoulder issue from all this causes problems).

    So folks come join Jessica and I!! Im committed to checking in on everyone weekly, probably Sunday or Monday.


    Lisa G.
  • strawber2016
    strawber2016 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi everyone! I read your description and it seemed like a group I want to join. I'm new to this site so please forgive if I'm not doing something correctly. I really think a support group will increase my chance of success.

    My name is Shelley and I am 31 years old. I live on my own. No kids. I have terrible eating habits because I never learned to eat correctly. Also, it seems that every year I tack on 5 pounds. I am currently at 145. I want to lose weight. I also want to eat right, so no more junk food and more vegetables/fruits. I also want to get in shape because when I walk to my mail box and back.. I am out of breath. I need do do better.

    Anyway, I look forward to checking in every week. I have a feeling that I can be inspired by this group and I hope I can make positive contributions to this group as well.

    Have a wonderful rest of week. :smile:
  • jessicafetter
    jessicafetter Posts: 11 Member
    Welcome Shelley and Lisa! Sorry it took me so long to respond, I wasn't feeling well last week so I didn't check my weight or anything. :( This is my week though! I can feel it!

    Lisa - how did your weigh in go? Have you checked in Shelley? How was yours? My next weigh in will be this Friday, 01/26/18. I ate crappy food while I was sick so I am afraid to check it right now.

    I am going to try to make it a habit to check in here everyday for new posts from you. I love MFP, but their group notification settings aren't the greatest. I rarely get notified for posts in groups that I follow. :)

    Shelley - your lifestyle sounds exactly like mine! I also have terrible eating habits. My boyfriends habits are worse than mine but he has no desire to lose weight or become active. I eat my sad plate of chicken and vegetables while he dines on mac and cheese, cheese smothered french fries and double bacon cheeseburgers. :'( I must be strong though. I am doing this for me. Make sure to remove the bad foods from your diet slowly. I have done this over and over again. If you cut it all at once, you will likely fail. Currently, I am eating right Monday - Friday and enjoying less healthy things on the weekend. Eventually, I will repair my weekend eating as well but right now, eating right and exercising during the week is still wielding results!

    Lisa - we will reach that first 199 lb mark!
  • ammoarmor
    ammoarmor Posts: 1 Member
    I was just thinking that it would be good to have a buddy to have a weekly check in with! I'm just trying to get back into a groove after the holidays and the winter where I live is wearing me down. It's hard to pick up steam and have good goals right now.

    I'm on the treadmill as we speak so I'm not waiting for the right "time" to start but I'd officially like to have a plan in place by Feb 1 and do a weigh in and measurements.

    I'm Jo and actually similar to where you're at Shelley - living alone at 29 and close to your weight. Haven't stepped on a scale for a while. I think I generally eat well and have (mostly) consistently exercised for 6 years but health and satisfaction isn't a destination.

    I find it helps with my anxiety: it's one thing that keeps me from falling into depression and lacking consistency makes me anxious that I will. How ironic lol.

    Anyhow I like hearing where you guys are at and like the idea of having Sundays as check in day. This is my first time using something like this as well and you're right Jessica that if there's no notifications for this that kinda sucks but I'll do my best :smile:
  • strawber2016
    strawber2016 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi everyone!!! :smile: I am sorry I didn't get to check in on time. I failed.

    I was doing really good, but Jess is right. Don't quit cold turkey! I ate only healthy food every day for like four days. I couldn't do it! And I crashed! I binged on so much junk food on Day 5. And then I felt guilty. And then I quit this app for like a few days. Now, I am back.

    Today was my first day back. I ate a yogurt and a protein bar for breakfast, a protein bar for a snack plus a handful of gummy bears, cereal for lunch (I love breakfast food), yogurt again for snack, and then chicken Alfredo for dinner. I ate a few pieces of chocolate for dessert. It wasn't the best. But I think I could do this for a longer term. I just love sweets!

    Thank you Jess for your kind words! We can do it! And Jo, I am trying to make an exercise plan too so if you come up with something... I will join you. I downloaded this Nike Training app. I start it tomorrow. I hope Lisa and convinced her daughter to join us and checks in with us too!

    I'm really excited about this group.

    Also, if you guys are on another platform, we can start a group there too? So that we don't keep missing each other?

    Happy Tuesday!
  • 1996DEJ
    1996DEJ Posts: 2 Member
    Hi ! Is this group still active?