February 2018 Monthly WL Challenge

Gnawcraft Posts: 765 Member
If you are new and want to join in, by all means do! We love to celebrate those losses with you! This is the standard format we try to use for these threads:

Name: (if you'd like to share)

My Numbers:
SW: Starting weight before you lost anything.
CW: Current weight at the beginning of the challenge.
GW: Goal weight for the month (what you would like to weigh at the end of the monthly challenge) Try to keep it realistic and SAFE!
LTGW: Life time goal weight ( What you would like to weigh at the end of your weight loss journey)

Weigh ins: What days you will weigh in, for example; Thursdays
2/1/18 = (Fill out after each weigh in.)
2/8/18 =
2/15/18 =
2/22/18 = (Final weigh in for the month.)

Total WL for the month=


  • Gnawcraft
    Gnawcraft Posts: 765 Member
    I've got a little holiday for my husband's birthday from tomorrow til Sunday so I'm just going to weigh myself for Feb after all that's out the way and then get down to business! Will try not to go completely overboard >_> Good luck everyone!
  • gin_rummy
    gin_rummy Posts: 222 Member
    Name: Jen

    My Numbers:

    SW: Starting weight before you lost anything.
    CW: 330
    GW: 320
    LTGW: 252

    Weigh ins: Sundays

    04/02/18 =
    11/02/18 =
    18/02/18 =
    25/02/18 =
    28/02/18 = (Final weigh in for the month.)

    Total WL for the month=

    I'm not looking forward to this week's weigh in. I've logged my SW as my Sunday weigh in (28th Jan) - I think it's gone up since but I'm sticking with it for continuity from the last challenge. I'm also going back to what I did last year, with an extra weigh in on the final day of the month so I truly get a whole month picture and an accurate weight to start the next month.

    Back to this week though - I have done something to my shoulder and every move I make, every breath I take, every step I make is agony. So I'm not exercising, not cooking, not sleeping for more than 20 minute snatches, not doing much of anything except sitting around (at work or home) feeling sorry for myself! Feels like a minor dislocation (of sorts), which I get a lot because of hypermobility but never had in this shoulder before.

    Ok moaning over. Sorry!

    Pidge, enjoy every minute of your 'holiday'!
  • 808malia
    808malia Posts: 631 Member
    edited February 2018
    Name: Malia :blush:

    My Numbers:
    SW: 260
    CW: 260
    GW: 250
    LTGW: 140-150

    Weigh ins: Fridays
    2/2/18=258 (-2lbs)
    2/28/18= final weigh in for the month

    Total WL/G for the month=
    Hey everybody! Been super busy with my baby but trying to get back at it :p
  • gin_rummy
    gin_rummy Posts: 222 Member
    Name: Jen

    My Numbers:

    SW: 364
    CW: 330
    GW: 320
    LTGW: 252

    Weigh ins: Sundays

    04/02/18 = 332
    11/02/18 =
    18/02/18 =
    25/02/18 =
    28/02/18 = (Final weigh in for the month.)

    Total WL for the month= +2lb

    I'm really struggling at the moment. It felt like I was doing brilliantly on most days - but then the days that I went off track, I went off hard. And now I'm struggling to stick to it on any day. Since Christmas I have only gained weight.....10lb actually. Which is about a quarter of what I had managed to lose last year.....it happens far too easily. In fairness to myself, there have been some genuine pressures over the last month which have made it difficult - including surgery, a new job, and injury - but if I'm going to succeed I need to find a way to persist even when things are tough.

    I did some kind of soul searching yesterday. Why is it that, this time last year, I found it quite easy to stick to my target calories, and now I struggle? I've managed to identify a few reasons:

    1. Last year I was miserable; now I am happy.
    But this should make the weight loss easier, right? Less need for comfort eating, less stress.....but actually, for me not so much. My motivation last year was that I wanted to break free of the unhappy life I was living, and I felt that my weight was one of several barriers to that. In the last 4 months of the year, I managed to change everything even while I've still so much to lose. I changed career. I reunited with my husband after 18 months separated. I'm making huge strides on getting my life in order. If life can be this good while I still weigh this much, I've lost my incentive to change it. And I am struggling to find another reason that lights the same kind of fire under my fat *kitten*.

    2. Leading on from that - last year I didn't have a life!
    It's hard to truly convey just how miserable and lonely my existence was. Outside of work, I saw no one, I did nothing, I went nowhere. This meant I had all the time I needed to plan and prep meals, and to immerse myself in MFP, particularly the forums and blogs where I could surround myself with people facing the same battles. I found a lot of support here and it kept me on track. And I could come here whenever I wobbled and you guys inspired me to stay on track.
    Now - I am so insanely busy, ALL the time! I don't want to dedicate my whole Sunday to planning/shopping/cooking for the week, I want to be living life! My new job makes it difficult to come on here during work time (not that I ever did, honest! o:) ) and I always seem to be doing stuff in the evenings and weekends.
    I don't know how I can invest the necessary level of time like I used to.

    3. I love my husband very much, and he tries very hard to support me - but he will never understand.
    He is one of these blessed creatures who can eat and eat and eat, all the junk food in the world, and he's still skinny as a rake. I think it was a contributing factor to me getting as big as I did - I've never been thin or healthy, but when I met him I found myself eating SO MUCH more junk, particularly on our weekly cinema trips - because it's what you do isn't it, one of you matches the other's habits.
    When it was just me, I could restrict what was in the house. I could make meals that suited me and change them without notice. I could spend hours labouring over dishes or make do with a piece of salmon with some salad or kale.
    My husband leads an active life and *needs* to eat a lot more than me. That does make it very hard to restrict myself. And he is wonderful in so many ways, he won't eat trigger foods in front of me for example, and he's come a long way on things like not mentioning take out when I'm hungry and tired. He wants to support me in the struggle I face and lift me when I'm down about it.
    But he doesn't know how because he can't comprehend the enormity of it and how impossibly difficult it can sometimes seem. His relationship with food has never been any kind of trouble. I have tried to explain but words fail me; how do you translate what we are facing to someone who has never had to think about a single crumb they eat?
    I've tried to think of what he can do to support me more, which he really wants to do, but I'm at a loss.

    Sorry to hijack the thread.....but if anyone has any suggestions I'd love to hear them!
  • dembkogirl
    dembkogirl Posts: 361 Member
    Glad I found this thread!

    Name: Amanda

    My Numbers:
    SW: 278
    CW: 239.8
    GW: 231.8
    LTGW: 160ish

    Weigh ins: Mondays
    1/29/18 = 239.8
    2/5/18 =238.4
    2/12/18 =
    2/19/18 =

    Total WL for the month=1.4

    Hi all! Let's do this!
  • ShrinkinMel
    ShrinkinMel Posts: 982 Member
    Name: Mel

    My Numbers:
    SW: 316(1/5/18)
    CW: 312
    GW: 306
    LTGW: 150-160

    Weigh ins: Fridays
    2/2/18 = 312
    2/9/18 =
    2/16/18 =
    2/23/18 = (Final weigh in for the month.)

    Total WL for the month=

    So need something to get my into the habit again of exercising and tracking food. My labs were okay from my Dr's appointment on Jan 5th. My A1C was creeping up again to 5.8. I had gotten it to 5.6 but stopped my morning dose of Metformin and later altogether due to stomach issues. I would really love to kick the prediabetes away and the blood pressure was up that day too. No surprise I had gained weight. I want to focus on making exercise priority and form the habits of daily workouts and tracking again then I'll start fine tuning the diet.
  • Gnawcraft
    Gnawcraft Posts: 765 Member
    Name: Pidge

    My Numbers:
    SW: 318
    CW: 298
    GW: 292
    LTGW: No idea

    Weigh ins: Thursdays
    2/1/18 = Was on holiday
    2/8/18 = 298
    2/15/18 =
    2/22/18 = (Final weigh in for the month.)

    Total WL for the month=

    So I've just weight in for the first time this month and I'm up from the end of January. Between going on holiday and nearly having to shut down my business (I'm self employed) it was a hell of a week -_- I didn't think I'd have gained much if anything but I wasn't tracking or being mindful during that time. I must turn this around for the second half of Feb!

    Jen it sounds like I wasn't the only one having a hell of the week! Hopefully we'll both do better these next weeks.

    Welcome back Malia we missed you!! Hope you're having a fabulous time being a mum!

    Good luck to everyone else. You can do it!
  • MaelynMayhem
    MaelynMayhem Posts: 611 Member
    edited February 2018
    Name: Maelyn

    My Numbers:
    SW: 332.8
    CW: 323.0
    GW: 316.4
    LTGW: 120
    UGW: 112
    Weigh ins: Mondays

    2/11/18 =
    2/18/18 =
    Final 2/25/18 =

    Total WL for the month=

    A little bit about me. I have assorted medical and mental conditions that cause complications when it comes to weight, but there is still some degree of control that I have, not much, but some, and I'm going to take that little bit and run with it. I have a service animal that helps me out each day. I live alone, but I partake in psycho-social rehabilitation program. I am looking into obtaining a volunteer job in the next couple of weeks as well. I enjoy walking and zombies, along with other geek things (I'm wearing a United Federation of Planets t-shirt right now and a zombies shirt yesterday!) My physical fitness inspiration is not Jillian Michaels; I admit it is watching Gabrielle's journey from just peasant to awesome fighter on Xena. Okay, the geek is streaming out now, so... thank you and good luck!
  • 808malia
    808malia Posts: 631 Member
    Name: Malia :blush:

    My Numbers:
    SW: 260
    CW: 260
    GW: 250
    LTGW: 140-150

    Weigh ins: Fridays
    2/2/18=258 (-2lbs)
    2/9/18=251 (-7lbs) woo hoo!
    2/28/18= final weigh in for the month

    Total WL/G for the month= -9lbs
    Hey everybody! Been super busy with my baby but trying to get back at it :p
  • Gnawcraft
    Gnawcraft Posts: 765 Member
    Welcome aboard Maelyn! It's sweet to have a fellow geek in the group. I like everything you mentioned! ^_^ As for geeky tshirts today I'm sporting a Dungeons and Dragons one :D

    And just look at you GO Malia! Amaaaaazing week you're a hero! <3
  • gin_rummy
    gin_rummy Posts: 222 Member
    Name: Jen

    My Numbers:

    SW: 364
    CW: 330
    GW: 320
    LTGW: 252

    Weigh ins: Sundays

    04/02/18 = 332
    11/02/18 = 327
    18/02/18 =
    25/02/18 =
    28/02/18 = (Final weigh in for the month.)

    Total WL for the month= -3lb

    Ok, time to come clean. I've actually lost 6lb since last Sunday, not 5. I was too ashamed to log my weight last week, in fact I had something of a meltdown. I'm sure a lot of it was water retention from that time of the month, but it still hit me hard. It had dropped a pound on the Monday so I dusted myself off and logged at that point, and wrote the rant above. But I've really REALLY tried this week and been very strict with myself - and found the time to do some planning. And it has paid off. BIG time.

    This now puts me back to my new year weight (although I'm not sure that was accurate as the battery in the scale was pretty much dead.) Another 5lb will get me back to my pre-Christmas weight and then it's onto new weightloss territory.

    Welcome aboard newcomers, feel free to geek away! My geek of the week - I finally took the 'P' plate off my car (that's a UK thing for new drivers!) and replaced it with a sticker of Serenity. Shiny!

    Pidge, sorry to hear how tough things are. Hope things pick up with your business, no one needs that kind of stress! You've maintained through your holiday though, and that's a great achievement! Well done!

  • dembkogirl
    dembkogirl Posts: 361 Member
    Name: Amanda

    My Numbers:
    SW: 278
    CW: 239.8
    GW: 231.8
    LTGW: 160ish

    Weigh ins: Mondays
    1/29/18 = 239.8
    2/5/18 =238.4
    2/12/18 =234.6
    2/19/18 =

    Total WL for the month=5.2lb
  • MaelynMayhem
    MaelynMayhem Posts: 611 Member
    edited February 2018
    Name: Maelyn

    My Numbers:
    SW: 332.8
    CW: 323.0
    GW: 316.4
    LTGW: 120
    UGW: 112
    Weigh ins: Mondays

    2/12/18 = 322.0
    2/19/18 =
    Final 2/26/18 =

    Total WL for the month= 1.0
  • mgookin
    mgookin Posts: 92 Member
    Name: Melissa

    My Numbers:
    SW: 332.6
    CW: 330.2
    GW: 315
    LTGW: 170ish

    Weigh ins: Mondays
    2/9/18 =332.6 (First day on mfp)
    2/12/18 =330.2 (-2.2)
    2/19/18 =

    Total WL for the month= To be determined!
  • gin_rummy
    gin_rummy Posts: 222 Member
    Name: Jen

    My Numbers:

    SW: 364
    CW: 330
    GW: 320
    LTGW: 252

    Weigh ins: Sundays

    04/02/18 = 332
    11/02/18 = 327
    18/02/18 = 328
    25/02/18 =
    28/02/18 = (Final weigh in for the month.)

    Total WL for the month= -2lb

    A small bounce this week, but I'm ok with it. I had a tough week with very erratic sleep patterns, poor hydration, and consequently bad decisions. Tbh I'm just surprised/glad it isn't more. Back on the horse this week (I hope!)
  • MaelynMayhem
    MaelynMayhem Posts: 611 Member
    Name: Maelyn

    My Numbers:
    SW: 332.8
    CW: 323.0
    GW: 316.4
    LTGW: 120
    UGW: 112
    Weigh ins: Mondays

    2/12/18 = 322.0
    2/19/18 = 319.2
    Final 2/26/18 =

    Total WL for the month= 3.8
  • dembkogirl
    dembkogirl Posts: 361 Member
    Name: Amanda

    My Numbers:
    SW: 278
    CW: 239.8
    GW: 231.8
    LTGW: 160ish

    Weigh ins: Mondays
    1/29/18 = 239.8
    2/5/18 =238.4
    2/12/18 =234.6
    2/19/18 = 231.4

    Total WL for the month=8.4lb

    I'll be on a cruise 2/26, so may do my final feb weigh in on Sunday before I go to the airport!
  • 808malia
    808malia Posts: 631 Member
    Name: Malia :blush:

    My Numbers:
    SW: 260
    CW: 260
    GW: 250
    LTGW: 140-150

    Weigh ins: Fridays
    2/2/18=258 (-2lbs)
    2/9/18=251 (-7lbs) woo hoo!
    2/16/18=256 (+5) ugh, Valentine's day... :blush:
    2/28/18= final weigh in for the month

    Total WL/G for the month= -4lbs
    Hey everybody! Been super busy with my baby but trying to get back at it :p
  • MaelynMayhem
    MaelynMayhem Posts: 611 Member
    Name: Maelyn

    My Numbers:
    SW: 332.8
    CW: 323.0
    GW: 316.4
    LTGW: 120
    UGW: 112
    Weigh ins: Mondays

    2/12/18 = 322.0
    2/19/18 = 319.2
    Final 2/26/18 = 317.8

    Total WL for the month= 5.2
  • gin_rummy
    gin_rummy Posts: 222 Member
    Well my wheels skidded out from under me and I crashed my way out of February! NO idea what my closing weight was.

    But today I have found a new determination, and tomorrow I will weigh in and start the March challenge - and I think this time I'll actually make it happen!
  • Gnawcraft
    Gnawcraft Posts: 765 Member
    A massive well done to all you guys, you did amazingly well!!! Sorry I dropped off the site last few weeks. The stress I've been under has been unreal and I've just been absolutely awful. I hope I can do better for March despite the problems I'm going through but it's hard to be optimistic :< But grats again to all of you and have a good March!
  • 808malia
    808malia Posts: 631 Member
    Name: Malia :blush:

    My Numbers:
    SW: 260
    CW: 260
    GW: 250
    LTGW: 140-150

    Weigh ins: Fridays
    2/2/18=258 (-2lbs)
    2/9/18=251 (-7lbs) woo hoo!
    2/16/18=256 (+5) ugh, Valentine's day... :blush:
    2/28/18= 256

    Total WL/G for the month= -4lbs
    Hey everybody! Been super busy with my baby but trying to get back at it :p