Information about the Loch Ness marathon????

SteveTries Posts: 723 Member
Hope you all got your miles in this week!

Attracted by the scenery, which I imagine could make for an incredible, memorable event (if the weather plays ball), I've signed up for the Loch Ness marathon which takes place in late September. I'm looking for anyone who has run this race and can give me some insight into how to prepare for the logistics of the event.

I've never run a race I couldn't drive to in under an hour from my home in the centre of England, so a plane journey to edge of Scotland, finding the right hotel, transport once there and a point-to-point race is quite different indeed and something I want to carefully plan.

If you've run this race, I'd love to pick your brains about it.

Thank you


  • polskagirl01
    polskagirl01 Posts: 2,014 Member
    Following, because I'm considering running it too ;)
  • AutumnBlue4
    AutumnBlue4 Posts: 14 Member
    I ran the Loch Ness Marathon in 2016 and loved it! The scenery is lovely and the race well organised and friendly. There were lots of water and gel/shotblok stops, in fact, I consumed so many 1/2 packets of shot bloks I credit that to my enjoyment and success on the day! The start is downhill then pretty flat until mile 18 or so where you climb for about a mile and that was tough. My quads were killing me after the ascent!! I have signed up again this year because I genuinely loved it. I hope you do too.
  • polskagirl01
    polskagirl01 Posts: 2,014 Member
    I'd say book your flights and accomodations early. I'm having trouble with flight connections from Poland. Ridiculous options at the moment (either a 16- to 25-hour journey, or 2000£ price per ticket) are making the trip a no-go. Will keep checking though...
  • danieljay2013
    danieljay2013 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm booked in for the 2018 Loch Ness marathon, it will be my first marathon race and I'm looking forward to it. It should be amazing scenery compared to my city running.
  • SteveTries
    SteveTries Posts: 723 Member
    Thanks for replies.

    AutumnBlue4 - that's great info thanks. I am excited about it. I'm worried a little about the downhill actually. I have a bit of a knee issue that's worse downhill and the course profile looks like it's got some long downhill section.

    polskagirl01 - sorry to hear the logistics are so challenging. I would have thought a flight into Birmingham or Gatwick and a short hop to inverness would have been cheaper and quicker. Good luck finding something.

    daniel - I've only run Leicester mara and whilst it was amazing to complete a marathon, there was nothing memorable about the course, so I think you will be in for a treat for your first!
  • SteveTries
    SteveTries Posts: 723 Member
    the logistics became too much for me on this one.

    Flight schedules force the trip to be 2 nights away, returning Monday, meaning the family can't join me because of school.

    It's a bit bloody pricey too - hotels have marked up the prices so excluding entrance fee (already paid), there's another £650 to pay for an experience I won't have anyone to share with.

    Signed up for Chester instead, which is just a 2 hour drive. Splurged on a nice room overlooking the start line, so I can laze about in the morning and will be home before dinner