Introduce yourself

Kgerber777 Posts: 105 Member
edited September 2017 in Social Groups
Hello, I am a 26 year old stay at home mother for 1 beautiful little girl (1 1/2) and I have a little man on the way. I am currently 20 weeks pregnant and have already gained almost 20 lbs. My goal is to hopefully only gain another 10 lbs before my due date and develop healthy habits which will make losing the weight an easy task.


  • BananaJoanna
    BananaJoanna Posts: 25 Member
    Hello! This is exactly the kind of group I was looking for. I am mid-30s and recently learned I will be expecting my second child next spring. I don't want to necessarily be dieting while pregnant, per se, but since I began this pregnancy about 7 lbs heavier than I began the last one, I want to make sure that the weight I gain is related only to the pregnancy and not unhealthy eating habits. Since I'm still so early, I have decided to stick to a calorie total that allows me to lose a pound a week, which is what I was doing in the six week leading up to this pregnancy. I will likely switch to maintenance in a few week and then slow and steady weight gain, but so far this is working for me. Good luck everyone!
  • bstroup16
    bstroup16 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I am 26 weeks preg. with my first baby, a girl! I started my pregnancy a few pounds short of my goal weight of 135 at 141. I had lost about 40 pounds since 2015 leading up to this pregnancy. Since then I have gained almost 30 pounds :/ I failed my one hour glucose test this week and it was a wake up call! I need to be more mindful of what I'm eating and actually exercise! I go in for my 3 hour test next week and I'm hoping to not be diagnosed with gestational diabetes, mostly because I am afraid of needles!!! So i'm getting back into MyFitness Pal and using the community to stay on track!!!
  • Cementite
    Cementite Posts: 17 Member
    Hello! I'm 30yo and this is my first pregnancy. I started with 140 lbs and everything was controlled until the beginning of the 2nd trimester. I've been gaining weight too fast and I now, at 22 weeks with 154 lbs. I should be 149 lbs so I'm getting scared. I really don't want to gain too much weight since it's not good for me or the baby.
    I hope we can motivate each other to keep on track!
  • kureiko
    kureiko Posts: 48 Member
    edited January 2018
    Hello! Just found this group searching. I'm 31, this is my second pregnancy. I just found out on Jan 6th, and I'm currently about 6 weeks along. :smiley: I'd like to be able to only gain the reccommended amount of weight, as I gained too much with my first child, and didn't really lose much of it before this one. LOL I'm going to actually use MFP this time to monitor what I'm eating the ENTIRE pregnancy and keep healthy habits, and not just when I developed gestational diabetes and had to keep a log for my Dr like the last time. :D Nice to meet everyone! :smile:
  • Odiliawine
    Odiliawine Posts: 116 Member
    Hello all! I have one amazing little man at home who's 4 now (4?! When did that happen?) and I am currently 11 weeks into growing my new tiny human. My goal is to try and gain at a steady and healthy rate through the pregnancy. My OBGYN said she wants me to gain 25-35 pounds which frankly is terrifying to me. With my last pregnancy I maintained the whole way through, granted I was heavier then, but it's still scary to me to lose all of that progress that I worked so hard on.
  • Carmenmarie7237
    Carmenmarie7237 Posts: 4 Member
    33 y.o. F, due with 2nd child due August 26th. 5'5", started obese at 197 lbs.

    Caught flu, and went down to 182 lbs d/t not tolerating solid foods. The nurse practitioner at my OB was concerned that I'm not eating enough, but I told her about the flu and ensured her that I am eating now. She didn't seem fully satisfied, and I am confident there is a note in my chart to follow up on that. I'm not giving into my cravings as they come, like fried pickles and milkshakes, but I am eating when I'm hungry. My focus has shifted to more healthy than indulgent foods since I found out I was pregnant.

    Back on MFP to log and get insights on maintaining healthy pregnancy, while caring for my body.
  • custardapplepie
    custardapplepie Posts: 7 Member
    Hi ladies! Im 35, 18 weeks, due Aug 1st, second pregnancy. I am showing much sooner this time around and gaining weight much more quickly. Now that the nausea is mostly subsiding, it should be easier to get my eating under control (though it hasn't been really out of control?) I think some of the food aversion had me reaching for high calorie foods that wouldn't turn my stomach.

    Just downloaded mfp today to keep a log of my eating habits throughout the day to find a better balance and to also find the motivation to get outside more and have a really healthy pregnancy like my last one! ♡
  • SarahPreen
    SarahPreen Posts: 3 Member
    Hey I'm 24weeks and mum of 4 already. I was overweight to begin with but thanks to stress I've been making really poor choices time to get back on track for me and bubs
  • CLfitness2016
    CLfitness2016 Posts: 1 Member
    hi i am 32 years old and now am 9 weeks pregnant. My pre-pregnancy weight was 51kgs. I was active before I got pregnant and was sick from 1st week pregnant till 7 weeks. I have just gone back to regular workout. At the moment I am jogging 5k 3 times a week and one hour fast walks everyday during lunch time. I was a lot active before this. Thank you for reading
  • Cassasassie
    Cassasassie Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I’m 19 and a ftm. I was working full time and going to college but once I started showing decided it would be best to just focus on college and baby. I saw last year in a Facebook I was 129 lbs. and made me want to get in shape as before I got pregnant I was 143. Since I was so sick starting out, I just this week got back up to 143. I want to be healthy and try to maintain this weight or not gain too much. I’m currently 20 weeks and due April 2019!