Ice breaker

fivestarlight Posts: 12 Member
edited February 2018 in Social Groups
How long have you been vegan and what are your motives?


  • fivestarlight
    fivestarlight Posts: 12 Member
    edited February 2018
    I have been vegan for 2 years and 2 months.
    I have dropped weight and gained weight and dropped it and gained it again in that time, but right now I’m the biggest and heaviest I’ve ever been! Ever! What can I say, vegan food is delicious.
    Originally, way before I committed fully to veganism, I was so addicted to weight loss regimes. I tried everything form waterfatsing to the Dukan diet. But every time, I realised that I had to be able to eat a lot of food and so was I attracted to veganism. What could be better than an abundance of nature’s fast food!? Except my mind wasn’t in the right place. I knew that health benefits but I still loved eating meat and I felt deprived.
    Eventually I watched Earthlings. That documentary changed my life forever. I signed up for veganuary in 2016 and did a ton of reading, research and documentary/lecture watching. Feeling enlightened by the devastating facts about how animals are treated and how we are destroying our planet, I have been vegan ever since.
    Unfortunately, I went from super healthy, ‘not really sure what I can eat so I’ll eat fruit and veg’, to ‘OMG that’s vegan? Give it to me now!’, not so healthy vegan.
    Anyway. It’s time to educate myself and really start to work for the vegan goddess bod that I’m dreaming of.
    That’s why I started this group. I want to hear everything there is to know about vegan diet and fitness. More so your experiences, and success stories. I’ve read so much info. I think I’ve read too much and sort feel a bit lost due to info overload.
    Hoping this group will be fun and helpful for everyone x
  • jeremyb1234
    jeremyb1234 Posts: 21 Member
    I have been mostly vegan for almost a year although fairer word would be flexitarian, this is due to societal pressure to eat foods that i don't want to mostly out of fear of being disrespectful or impolite. this even happens with my family occasionally.

    My motives for being vegan are health, environmental and ethical. Health in that I want to fuel my body with the most nutritious food that will make me physically, mentally and spiritually strong.

    Environmental and ethical in that I believe that animals have a soul and spirit just like us and the aspect of bringing creatures into existence only to slaughter them for foodis very sadistic. What would you think if someone only bore children in order to make them their slaves.

    In my opinion, the reason that the world is messed up is that humans (mostly white men) believe that everything that is not them is there to be used by them, chop down every tree, kill every animal, all in the name of corporate gain.

    Yeah... that's my 2 cents... sorry if i got a bit carried away.
  • katythe7th
    katythe7th Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone. I have been vegan for 4 years (I'm 29). To be honest I've always thought that eating animals was a little odd. I became vegetarian at age 12 when I realised fully where food came from, even before that I was very picky with fat on meat etc. For a long time I thought that veganism was extreme, a step too far for me, until I started a new job and met a real life vegan (!) The more I looked into the dairy and egg industries, the more I couldn't face eating these products. So it's the animal welfare that's the big thing for me.
    It would be great to have more vegans to chat to.
  • mariaalh
    mariaalh Posts: 5 Member
    Hello All, so pleased to find a vegan group on here as I need as much inspiration and encouragement as I can get as I am also the heavier I’ve ever been and I’ve been vegan for 4.5 years and vegetarian since the age of 7 but still can’t seem to get into fitness and healthy eating for more than a few days at a time. I last about 3 days and then pig out. So, you may find me peeking at your food diaries for inspiration as to what else I can have when eating healthily
  • fivestarlight
    fivestarlight Posts: 12 Member
    Welcome mariaalh.
    Happy that you have joined us
  • fivestarlight
    fivestarlight Posts: 12 Member
    Welcome Katy.
    Looking forward to chatting with you x
  • winter_willows
    winter_willows Posts: 10 Member
    I became a vegan after looking into it for curiosity's sake and seeing the reality of the price we, the animals, and the environment pay for animal products. That was nearly a decade ago and I haven't looked back since :)
  • carlosguzman928
    carlosguzman928 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone, I went vegan almost 3 years ago. I had a vegan professor who made us write an essay about the environmental benefits of veganism, but it wasn't until I watch a YouTube video of Gary Yourofsky titled, "Best Speech you will ever hear." and with the logical bases and moral understanding of veganism I went vegan.

    That night I had just gone grocery shopping and all my non-vegan food went to waste, except a bag of frozen chicken breast in my freezer thats still there as a reminder of that day!

    Around the time I went vegan I was trying to lose weight to get into better shape and about a month in I'd say I was in the best shape of my life. However, a little after that I got busy with life (school and work) and I stopped exercising, but now 2 years later I'm getting back to the grind of things and I'm trying to get into really good shape again.

    I prep my meals for the week, it's just so hard to get inspiration ( I never know what to cook) and so I'm looking to work on exploring foods to make and being more creative!