Any Crossfitters out there?

LazyDavid Posts: 60
edited November 12 in Social Groups
I've decided to add crossfit to my exercise regime and intend to start doing the WOD.

Any other crossfit fans out there?


  • Hello! (hello hello helloooooo)

    I guess by the vast responses and the echo when I said 'hello' there's no crossfitters on here! lol!

    (Walks off listening to the echo his footsteps!) :o)
  • missdaisy79
    missdaisy79 Posts: 566 Member
    What is cross fit? I've not heard of it before.
  • What is cross fit? I've not heard of it before.

    Everything you ever wanted to know about crossfit (but was too afraid to ask!)
  • casey_when_u_go
    casey_when_u_go Posts: 83 Member
    I've done it, and really enjoyed it! I work out with a personal trainer once a week and he was really keen on crossfit for a while but he seems to have moved on from it now!
  • I've done it, and really enjoyed it! I work out with a personal trainer once a week and he was really keen on crossfit for a while but he seems to have moved on from it now!
    Was you doing the WOD from the site or did he put together his own routines?
  • casey_when_u_go
    casey_when_u_go Posts: 83 Member
    It was his own routines :smile:
  • jessicasloan91
    jessicasloan91 Posts: 184 Member
    Hello! (hello hello helloooooo)

    I guess by the vast responses and the echo when I said 'hello' there's no crossfitters on here! lol!

    (Walks off listening to the echo his footsteps!) :o)

    hahahaha! Sorry but this made me laugh!!!
  • 189andFalling
    189andFalling Posts: 58 Member
    I'd like to try it, but don't think anywhere near me offers it (I live in the middle of nowhere).
  • mmanika
    mmanika Posts: 1
    Hey im a crossfitter and i go 5 x a week
    It is awesome
    Best training i have ever done
    I died today WOD 12.5 Thusters and Chest to Bar ahhhhhhhhh
  • Scubdup
    Scubdup Posts: 104 Member
    Did it for a couple of years about 8 years ago. It was awesome until I tore my rotator cuff doing snatches fatigued. Keep your wits about you, and it's an awesome program.
  • Andy__Dane
    Andy__Dane Posts: 46 Member
    Another CrossFitter here
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