Vegan and need to lose some weight

BalkanBlonde Posts: 17 Member
Hi, I would like to lose 20 lbs and I am a vegan. Lots of people lose weight by using macros, which I feel like doesn’t work for me being a high carb low fat vegan! Have you all had success with weight-loss? Can I just do calorie counting and working out or do I have to start doing protein shakes? I prefer not to do shakes. Need some advice.


  • KelliAK
    KelliAK Posts: 3 Member
    I have lost weight in the past counting calories. I have tried macros and calories together and that works also. I have gained some weight and I’m back to loose it. Good luck
  • rachelalethea
    rachelalethea Posts: 10 Member
    I’m in the same boat. For a couple weeks now I’ve cut out sugar completely and bread and pasta. It seems to be helping along with tracking. You can add me if you want. My diary is set to public.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Counting macros is just another way of counting calories. It works as well for vegans as it does for anyone else. You can set your macros to be higher carbohydrate and lower fat if that is what works best for you.

    I lost weight by counting calories. Working out is optional (although it's great for your health and fitness). Protein shakes are optional.

    I suggest you start by putting your stats and goals into MFP and getting a calorie goal. Don't be afraid to adjust your macros to what works best for you. Log accurately and consistently hit that calorie goal.
  • ladyzherra
    ladyzherra Posts: 438 Member
    Hi there! I have found that being a whole food vegan makes a difference. I cut out all refined foods, like pasta, bread, wraps, crackers, etc. Focus on the Whole Foods and I think you will see a difference.

  • Riley4ever
    Riley4ever Posts: 225 Member
    I lost 70lbs in 8 months calorie counting (tracking on MFP) and walking an hour a day only - that was in 2010 and unfortunately after a very stressful last two years (and going completely ‘junk’ vegan) I’ve put most of it back on. Hence, I’m here to do it all again ... so far down 9.5lbs in 3 weeks. It’s a long road but if you can get through the first month and go WFPB then good chance of success 🌱🌱🌱
  • jaifeiertag8412
    jaifeiertag8412 Posts: 7 Member
    ladyzherra wrote: »
    I cut out all refined foods, like pasta, bread, wraps, crackers, etc. Focus on the Whole Foods and I think you will see a difference.

    Is pasta and bread really a non-whole food? I can imagine like white bread of course being holy refined but whole grain/homage bread seems like it would be reasonable as a whole food
  • ladyzherra
    ladyzherra Posts: 438 Member

    Hi. Yes, bread and pasta are not considered whole foods. A whole food is one that has not been refined, which means that it hasn't been modified from its natural state.

    So, like, when wheat is ground into flour, it becomes refined. Flours are especially refined -- more than say refining avocado into guacamole -- because a lot of nutrients are removed or modified in the process for most conventional flours. When that flour is made into pasta, this is even more extreme.

    Eating a while food means it has not changed from when it was in nature. I hope that helps!