
Hi, I’m Elizabeth. I’m 55 and was diagnosed with RA almost 2 years ago. Currently on Enbrel, MTX, sulfasalazine and plaquenil....and Xaralto for the dvt and multiple PEs I developed last fall.
Almost have Ra symptoms under control, but super discouraged by weight gain. Never had an issue before, and was always active and healthy but between prednisone (which I’ve now been off for a year), menopause, reduced activity (because it hurts and I’m short of breath)and antidepressants I’ve packed on 40 lbs..and I feel disgusted by the way I look. I was already focusing on reducing carbs, sugar and no processed foods but wasn’t losing any weight. Signed up for my fitness pal last week and have stuck to the 1260 cal I’m allowed per day (which hasn’t been all that hard, to be honest) but I’m at the point now where it just doesn’t even seem worth the effort to bother eating ☹️
Tips and encouragement much appreciated.


  • BanannieFabian
    BanannieFabian Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Liz! I get very discouraged, but I've gotten better at reminding myself why I need to eat this way and it helps. I want to look and feel better. I want less inflammation and pain. I want to be able to keep working. I want to be able to do things with my friends and family. Reminding myself of these things has helped me to stick to my anti inflammatory diet and take my supplements. My progress is slower than I'd like it to be, but I have to remind myself that I'm only capable of doing so much right now. During the past 3 months I'm down 10lbs just from the diet change and some walking. This week I'll slowly add in some cardio on an elliptical and light weight strength exercises. A year ago I was still lifting heavy weights 5x weekly. That stopped last July/August when all my pain & inflammation issues got really bad. I can already see myself picking up a small dumbbell and feeling "weak". I'll now have to remind myself not to make comparisons to my former physical capabilities. My suggestion would be to think of your goals and what motivates you to reach those goals. Keep in mind that it won't always be easy, but it will be worth it. Also helps to have some positive people around you. I also like to keep images and quotes for inspiration. Find whatever keeps that spark in you going, and just keep doing it. Have fun with your journey!
  • 3mummy3185
    3mummy3185 Posts: 3 Member
    Very inspiring words BannanieFabian.
    How are you doing now Lizchatelain?
    Hope you are both winning the war against this disease.