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Let's get to know each other!
It looks like I have some catching up to do!
10. Favorite music/band?
It's hard to answer this question! I love anything from Beyonce to Billy Joel, to Wham! to Guns 'n Roses.
11. Why this time?
I have been feeling very lonely lately, so I joined Tinder to see if I could find a match for myself. I went on one date and he treated me like a slob, and I basically cried myself to sleep for a week. Somehow once I got out of that funk, I had a lot of anger that I channeled into taking walks, and that somehow fueled me to want to eat better as well. I have another Tinder date this weekend, wish me luck!
12. What is an interest or hobby that you have that you enjoy but are rather embarrassed when most people find out about it?
I am going to copy everyone and say that I enjoy crocheting! I actually re-taught myself how to do it a few months ago. My grandmother taught me years ago how to crochet right-handed, but I'm a lefty so it wasn't comfortable for me. So I learned again how to do the other way. Other than that I don't have many embarrassing hobbies, unless you count the number of hours I'm at my computer to be embarrassing (which it kind of is!).
13. What do you do for a living?
I'm an accountant (yawn).
14. Do you have any pets? What kind and what are their names? Bonus points if you post a photo!!
I have one cat whose name is a long story. I came up with a long ridiculous name as a joke, to see how people reacted when I told them. But then the name stuck! It's Her Majesty Queen Meow Meow von Buckingham III, Esq.
15. If you could have lunch with any person, living or dead, who would it be?
So many people to choose from! I would probably say Amy Poehler because she is my hero.
Also, just to jump in on this GoT discussion, I've never seen the show but I am actually currently reading the first book so that I can have some kind of frame of reference when people talk about it. It's a pretty good book, but definitely not something I would have actively chosen to read myself if it weren't for how crazy people are about the show. I've never seen or read LOTR though, I might pick up the books at some point.
(PS: Harry Potter all the way)2 -
crazykatlady820 wrote: »You guys!!!! I don't like GoT either!!!!! And I love, love, love LOTR!!!! Do any of you guys have the Walk to Mordor app? I find it highly motivating. Haha!
I do have Walk to Mordor! I love it and it does get me to push just a little bit harder to get to that next mile!
@bmeadows380 I'm sending you a message so we don't hijack the thread lol
Edit: I'll catch up while I'm at it.
14. Do you have any pets? What kind and what are their names? Bonus points if you post a photo!!
I don't have any photos readily available, but I do have pets....
Pitbull - Fable (From Fablehaven, my favorite book series)
Chow - Axel (From Kingdom Hearts 2)
Maltese - Tempest (From The Tempest)
4 cats - Spooky, Odin, Poe, JJ
Snek - Crowley (From Good Omens)
15. If you could have lunch with any person, living or dead, who would it be?
Tolkien, or, and bear with me, Snoop Dogg. Tolkien because I grew up on The Hobbit and LOTR. Snoop Dogg because I feel like he'd just be really chill and fun to talk to.2 -
Ok here it goes
1. I am from Georgia
2. My kids and I are binge watching American horror story on Netflix
3. Umm this is hard, the first thing that comes to mind is a tomato for some reason
4. Dream vacation this is easy .... Ireland
5. Favorite movie... space camp/ favorite books... anything by Nora Roberts, Harry Potter books, dark hunter books/ tv shows.... wheel of fortune, jeopardy, Big Bang, charmed, house hunters
6. Who inspires me: my family, my kids
7. I love everything about myself, why wouldn’t I??
8. Walmart
9. I read, put together puzzles, spend time with my family
10. My question is...... do you have any tattoos??? I have 11 with more in mind
11. Cucumber with tomato in red wine vinegar
12. Because I am 40 and I want to go to Ireland
13. I watch anime with my son
14. I am a housewife and mom
15. I would love to have lunch with my grandmother, she died before I was born
16. Music is hard for me I love so much of it, I listen to everything between heavy metal with my husband, pop with my daughter, crazy stuff with my son, and Celtic stuff because I like it
17. I have a Jack Russell name Charlie, and about 15 cats
I really enjoyed reading everybody’s post it was fun and insightful.4 -
Ok here it goes
1. I am from Georgia
2. My kids and I are binge watching American horror story on Netflix
3. Umm this is hard, the first thing that comes to mind is a tomato for some reason
4. Dream vacation this is easy .... Ireland
5. Favorite movie... space camp/ favorite books... anything by Nora Roberts, Harry Potter books, dark hunter books/ tv shows.... wheel of fortune, jeopardy, Big Bang, charmed, house hunters
6. Who inspires me: my family, my kids
7. I love everything about myself, why wouldn’t I??
8. Walmart
9. I read, put together puzzles, spend time with my family
10. My question is...... do you have any tattoos??? I have 11 with more in mind
11. Cucumber with tomato in red wine vinegar
12. Because I am 40 and I want to go to Ireland
13. I watch anime with my son
14. I am a housewife and mom
15. I would love to have lunch with my grandmother, she died before I was born
16. Music is hard for me I love so much of it, I listen to everything between heavy metal with my husband, pop with my daughter, crazy stuff with my son, and Celtic stuff because I like it
17. I have a Jack Russell name Charlie, and about 15 cats
I really enjoyed reading everybody’s post it was fun and insightful.
15 cats?!!! And folks around me think my 6 are excessive! lol I have a sign in my kitchen that says 'cats are like potato chips; you can't have just 1'
Nope, no tatoos here, but my brother has several.0 -
Realised the reason I couldn't upload photos is because there is no option on the app, but there is on the website! So here is my bunny, Monty, and old B'lizard (RIP)
What is a hobby or interest that embarrasses me?
I don't embarrass easily.....so probably just some of the more questionable music I listen to!
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1. Where are you from? Connecticut
2. What are you currently binge watching on Netflix / Hulu / etc? Nothing. I listen to podcasts
3. If you were a vegetable, what vegetable would you be? Lima Beans
4. Where is the best place you've ever traveled? OR Where would your dream vacation be? Been to: Bahamas; Would like to go: Europe
5. What are your favorite movies / books / tv shows? The Bird Cage/Multiple History Books/The West Wing
6. What is the best piece of advice you've ever been given? OR Who inspires you the most? Best advice? Don't run with scissors? I don't know. Inspires me? YOU PEOPLE!
7. What do you love about yourself? Warped sense of humor
8. If you won $1mil but could only spend it in one store, where would you spend it? I wouldn't - it would go to the CT Foodbank
9. What do you most like to do in your spare time? Crochet, knit, do craft projects
10. What do you do for a living? Accountant
11. If you could have lunch with a person, dead or alive, who would it be? Maria Mitchell https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maria_Mitchell1 -
oh, and I don't have any decent pics right now, but I have 6 cats who are my 'fur children' lol.
Smokey, the oldest at 15, is the king and ruler of the roost and my grumpy old man, complete with his own recliner to lounge in and yell at the young people fromHe and I are especially bonded and he's lived in a lot of places with me. I am HIS property, and he greatly resents any intrusion on his territory lol I once had to leave him for 4 months while I did a temporary job in Idaho, and it was just horrible for me; my roommate at the time said he pined for me the whole time I was gone
He loves to cuddle and crawl in my lap and to be held and petted and loved, and he's very special to me and I'm going to grieve like crazy when I lose him
Lizzie, Dot, Charming, and Sam are all next at 6? 7? I lose track. Anyway, they are the result of me taking pity on a newly stray cat in my backyard. The lady that owned her had to move to a place that wouldn't let her keep her, so she asked a neighbor up the street to take them, then when the 1st lady was gone, the neighbor put the cats on the street. Horrible! She also had a golden retriever that had belonged to her ex boyfriend that she left in a kennel in the sun with no food or water and the city had to take it away from her......Anyway, the poor cat was young and starving to death, so I started feeding her, and when I realized she was pregnant, I took her in to my basement. Smokey of course wasn't happy in the least *grins*
I'll have to post a picture I had of her when she had the kittens because she was skin and bones and it amazed me she gave birth to 5 healthy kittens, though I joke that everything went into their physical development and not their brains because they really are the dumbest cats I know lol My mom took 1 kitten, and a co-worker of my roommate took the mother after a year (good thing because she wanted to be queen and Smokey wasn't giving up his title, so they fought constantly, and he kept her living under the couch!) But I couldn't find decent homes for the other 4 and the humane society was completely worthless in helping me, so I ended up keeping the last 4 kittens.
Lizzie is my 'problem child'. She and I have had rounds - she would out of the blue decide to start using the carpet, so I had boxes stacked everywhere and rugs down to discourage her. than I moved to a house with all hardwood, so she started going on the beds when it suited her! So I started putting a clear shower curtain on the bed to stop her. Here in the new house has been better and I haven't found where she's gone outside the litter box yet; its all 1 level so she doesn't have to go down stairs to use it, which I think had a lot to do with the problems before......She's also very cranky and temperamental and detests her brother Charming, so she's usually growling at someone. She really would have been better as a single cat or in a house with one younger cat instead of so many, but with her temperament and occasional bathroom issues, I'd never find a good home for her. And I do like her, even with her quirks; she's my girl!
Charming is my California surfer dudeHe's big and throws his weight around, especially when food is concerned, but he's not aggressive, truly - he's just a big, blond, goof ball
He loves attention and food and shoves his way in for both without even pausing for anyone else in the way! He does terrorize Lizzie at times, though, and sometimes Dot. He's a huge cat, though - they all have a touch of Main Coone in them, and it's strongest in Charming. He's 22 lbs last weight, and its not fat, and he stands nearly to my knee - in fact, last week, he was curious as to what was on my new table, and mom called my attention in time to see him standing on his back legs and running his paws across the top! thankfully, because of his size, he's not a jumper! He's big but doesn't realize it and truly doesn't much bully the others, except Lizzie, and many times I think its because Lizzie started it. And its also because he's a "ladies man" and Lizzie has no interest in him......He's also bigger than Smokey but doesn't challenge Smokey for dominance at all and will always submit and back off when challenged; he never fights for dominance. Poor thing, he wants to be petted all the time, but Smokey won't tolerate him near me when he's around. The girls will all get on the bed or couch and ignore Smokey's growling and just avoid him, but if Charming tries, Smokey will chase him off, so he's often sitting in the floor looking up at me pitifully, poor guy!
Sam is my lovable coward and sneak. He's really good at doing something naughty and getting someone else blamed for it it; usually Lizzie....He's very jumpy and a scaredy cat, so any strange noise or unexpected sound will have him scrambling. And yet he's also the only one that can put Smokey on his back.......He's also the strange one that absolutely will not eat anything but dry cat food or treats. Oh, and he's also my slob. All 4 of the 'kittens' are long hairs, but Sam will not keep himself groomed, so he's the one who gets bathed the most often. He and Lizzie both also get shaved at the vets from time to time because of hair mats and because they absolutely will not let me cut them out myself.
Dot is the 'cute' one and my talker. She's the smallest of the 4 and the one usually pushed around by the others, so she's usually the last to eat and the one that gets her treats stolen the most, poor thing. She's a little skittish but is friendly to some strangers after a while as her curiosity will get her in the end. She also loves to grab a toy and then meow loudly until I congratulate her on her 'catch' and when you pet her, she 'talks' the whole time. The talking thing is the funniest sometimes - when she had to ride from the old house to the new, she followed me around for a half hour meowing, just like she was telling all about how horrible it was!
My sister pawned my youngest off on me 2 Christmases ago. She called me up one day to say that there was a lady in the area giving away Siamese kittens and asked if I was interested because I had mentioned that I might get one when Smokey passes - hopefully a LONG time from now! I told her to send me a picture and I'd think about it. The next she calls me and says "I've got your cat!" I had a fit on her because she forced me into a corner - the poor thing was half wild and terrified and wouldn't eat for 4 days and stayed in hiding all the time, but the situation it came from was horrible and I hated to send it back, so I kept her.
She's officially named Sadie May, but she's called Little Bit as she's my smallest. She still hides a lot, and the smallest noise will send her scurrying, and she still wont' let me approach her very often, but she has gotten calmer since I got her. If its just me at home, she'll come out when I get home and will stay in the same room I'm in, and if I'm sitting down, she'll even come to let me scratch her some. She'll also get up on the bed when I lay down and will stay for a little while, as long as I don't make any sudden moves. But she has hidey holes and spends a lot of time out of sight. She will play with the others and they all seem to not mind her - the 4 had never seen another cat in their entire life except for Smokey and my roommate's cat, so they didn't know what to do with her as a kitten when I first brought her in! Thankfully, they weren't mean to her and quickly accepted her and played with her. Smokey eventually came to tolerate her and isn't too aggressive with her, and she will talk to me a little, so I figure this is the best I'll be able to get out of her. She frightens very easy and will disappear for days when I have house guests, especially my dad. She's my night owl - she sleeps all day and comes out of an evening.
As you can tell, I don't have kids, so I talk about my cats as my children!
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@bmeadows380 I loved reading about your sweet kitties! You did a wonderful thing rescuing that Mama cat and her babies! My cats are my babies, too. I have 6 dogs too, ranging in age from 7 - 12) but they live with my parents. I couldn’t take them when I moved out.
@gin_rummy your bunny is ridiculously adorable!!0 -
@gin_rummy Monty is adorable! And B'lizard looks absolutely content in that picture
@Mellykay88 Thank you!0 -
Hi, I'm Amy. I've been quietly reading both the thread in the message area, and things in this group. I am definitely uncomfortable talking about myself and prefer when others talk about themselves.
I was at 360, but, I lost some weight and have been hovering around 330 for sometime how. I'm 5'11" tall though. I've lost around 90 lbs, twice in the past. Both times, I severely limited my food intake and exercised my butt off.
Back in 96, I injured my back pretty bad and had to quit work. At that time, I was working as a concrete finisher, doing bridge walls. I had finished concrete for 10+ years, working around guys. After rehab for my spine, I got mad when my no-good lawyer told me to go to the park and feed the pigeons. He was a #1 jerk too. I channeled my feelings into going back to college (I had an AA degree from when I was younger) and I got an AS degree, and went and worked in an office environment for a few years.
Then, my mental health issues got way too bad, with all the stress in my job. I then had to go on disability, for both my back and my mental health issues. I eventually found a great psychiatrist and was with him for around 17 years, until last year, when he suffered a bad heart attack and had to have open heart surgery. Heart attacks run in his family, with multiple family members having heart attacks. He then had to almost stop working, only working 4 hours a day, doing inpatient hospital care.
He is the most wonderful person and Dr. It has been rough losing him. He was the most important person in my life, for so many years. I care a lot about him and am so sorry that things happened to him, like they did. He exercised and kept his weight down.
1.Where are you from? Jacksonville, FL. Born in 1964 here and moved back in 1976.
2. What are you currently binge watching on Netflix / Hulu / etc?
Nothing. Sometimes, I watch the original Law and Order some days.
3. If you were a vegetable, what vegetable would you be? A vegetable....humm...just don't know.
4. Where is the best place you've ever traveled? O R Where would your dream vacation be? I've worked long hours, when I was working and never traveled anywhere. Now, that I'm on disability, I don't have the $$$ or desire to travel.
5. What are your favorite movies / books / tv shows?
Movies...Fried Green Tomatoes. Oceans 11, 12, & 13, The Matrix series
Books... John Sanford books and Patricia Cornwell books
TV shows...so, so many...Wild, Wild West, the original Hawaii 5-O, Gun Smoke, original Law & Order, original CSI, NCIS, Major Case, Blacklist, SWAT, etc.
6. What is the best piece of advice you've ever been given? OR Who inspires you the most? My Dr. that I lost last year gave the best advice that I'd ever gotten and he inspired me so much.
7. What do you love about yourself? that I care about others
8. If you won $1mil but could only spend it in one store, where would you spend it? Amazon.com
9. What do you most like to do in your spare time? Ride the city buses and go to the gym and workout. Other than that, I like spending time at home, by myself, on the computer.
10. What question would you like to have people answer? Hum, I always like asking people questions about them, and I always try to ask them questions rel event to them. So, for on here, I would just like to start with people feeling free to open up some on their own, and taking it from there. I feel that's a big enough step for everyone.2 -
@amy_kee Welcome, Amy! I know everyone is happy to have you join in! That really sucks about your lawyer making that wise remark... I had to deal with some legal stuff last year and I will never go back to court again if I can help it. The whole system is broken and I finally understand why so many people have such bad opinions of lawyers!1
looks like its been a little quiet in here lately so thought i might liven it up a bit.... here goes lol
1. Where are you from?
Australia - about 3 hours west of Sydney
2. What are you currently binge watching on Netflix / Hulu / etc?
i don't actually watch TV. I've over committed myself with other things
3. If you were a vegetable, what vegetable would you be?
mushroom.. kept in the dark and fed s#$t.. nah... ummm.. zucchini - the most under-rated veg lol
4. Where is the best place you've ever traveled? OR Where would your dream vacation be?
My fave spot was probably Tasmania.. i'd love to go to Germany or Canada one day though
5. What are your favorite movies / books / tv shows?
Fave book is Wicked.. Fave movie is the greatest showman!! TV - dont know.. i dont mind crime documentaries or the ghosty ones..
6. What is the best piece of advice you've ever been given? OR Who inspires you the most?
Just do it - we say that a lot at work.. the nike people know what they are on about!!
7. What do you love about yourself?
i think im pretty smart. i love to study and i just love that i can do thatwhen i put my mind to it.
8. If you won $1mil but could only spend it in one store, where would you spend it?
i would go Kmart
9. What do you most like to do in your spare time?
Does that even exist?? i usually sleep lol or hang out with my kiddos
10. What question would you like to have people answer?
all of them haha
11. Favourite healthy meal?
My fave right now is a salad made of just lettuce, celery, mushrooms, tuna, grated cheese and chinese noodle dressing.. yummo!!!!
12. Why this time?
Im over it.. im over trying to do things and having this weight in my way.. as i get older its getting harder to do the simplest of things.. im done! onwards and upwards!
13. What is an interest or hobby that you have that you enjoy but are rather embarrassed when most people find out about it?
probably the amount of time i spend online 0 here and facebook hahaha. or crocheting - my friends tell me im old!!
14. What do you do for a living? .
Im a mental health worker and a nurse in a mental health facility.. and i also do driver education courses in a youth club.. and im a part time uni student!!
15. If you could have lunch with a person, dead or alive, who would it be?
My mum.. she is still alive and healthy, i just love spending time with her
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1. Where are you from?
From Ohio but Live in South Carolina !!
2. What are you currently binge watching on Netflix / Hulu / etc?
I binge watch anything BBC or mystery
3. If you were a vegetable, what vegetable would you be?
potato , i look like one .
4. Where is the best place you've ever traveled? OR Where would your dream vacation be?
my dream would be to live in England
5. What are your favorite movies / books / tv shows?
Horror movies , CSI books , mysteries , comedy , stand up shows
6. What is the best piece of advice you've ever been given? OR Who inspires you the most?
you are worth it ...my sister , who has cancer but she is just living life and kicking *kitten* and she is so beautiful
7. What do you love about yourself?
I am funny and I care about my love ones so much , i take care of them.
8. If you won $1mil but could only spend it in one store, where would you spend it?
9. What do you most like to do in your spare time?
watch movies or go places with my kids , family stuff like picnics, or at the lake
10. What question did you like the most
most of them
11. Favourite healthy meal?
My fathead pizza and salad
12. Why this time?
Because I am dying , not cancer but I am killing myself with food , and I am done . I can not do that anymore , because I am worth more !!!
13. What is an interest or hobby that you have that you enjoy but are rather embarrassed when most people find out about it?
yeah Facebook and those stupid games
14. What do you do for a living? .
I stay at home and take care of my disabled daughter, my son ,and my husband !! they are a full time job
15. If you could have lunch with a person, dead or alive, who would it be?
My Mother , she passed in 2010 and everyday I want to call her , I miss her so much.
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oh hey I love love musicals and Sia and most 80's music , , also we have 2 little dogs and one mean but pretty cat . snoopy , tank and Lessee (cat)0
1. Where are you from? Pennsylvania
2. What are you currently binge watching on Netflix / Hulu / etc? Mike & Molly and Gotham
3. If you were a vegetable, what vegetable would you be? None, I hate veggies!!!
4. Where is the best place you've ever traveled? OR Where would your dream vacation be? Myrtle Beach Bike week, it was so much fun, and going forward a cruise to anywhere.
5. What are your favorite movies / books / tv shows? Walking Dead, and books about business marketing
6. What is the best piece of advice you've ever been given? OR Who inspires you the most? Work for yourself, don’t help build someone else’s dream.
7. What do you love about yourself? A lot of stuff, but definitely my determination
8. If you won $1mil but could only spend it in one store, where would you spend it? Walmart
9. What do you most like to do in your spare time? Fish or ride motorcycles
10. What job do you have? I own my auto Detailing business1 -
1. Where are you from? Alberta (Canada)
2. What are you currently binge watching on Netflix / Hulu / etc? Don't have either, but enjoy mysteries and who-done-it type shows.
3. If you were a vegetable, what vegetable would you be? An onion - lots of layers to be be peeled off.
4. Where is the best place you've ever traveled? OR Where would your dream vacation be? Cuba (my only hot spot vacation - I'd like to dream of traveling in another 100 lbs)
5. What are your favorite movies / books / tv shows? History, historical fiction, Suspense, Self-improvement
6. What is the best piece of advice you've ever been given? OR Who inspires you the most? Find pleasure in those tasks you must do everyday, and that way you will be happy every time you must do them.
7. What do you love about yourself? My attention to detail, drive for excellence, work ethic, and optimism
8. If you won $1mil but could only spend it in one store, where would you spend it? Farm equipment dealership for my brother
9. What do you most like to do in your spare time? Cook, Read, Quilt, socialize with friends and family
10. What question would you like to have people answer? What's your sign? Do people still ask that?
11. Favourite healthy meal? Stir-fry with lots of spices
12. Why this time? Because I'm facing the need for bariatric surgery if I don't, and I'm afraid - I have always been more successful in changing when it's fear-based as opposed to reward-based
13. What is an interest or hobby that you have that you enjoy but are rather embarrassed when most people find out about it? An addiction to a farming sims app my nephew loaded on my iPad.
14. What do you do for a living? administrative clerk
15. If you could have lunch with a person, dead or alive, who would it be? My maternal grandmother, a wise and kind woman who loved life and loved to laugh. She died 20 years ago, and I regularly think of her.
This discussion has been closed.