Getting to know each other....

ladylego1 Posts: 56 Member
Hi guys,

As we all have a quiet a bit to lose and all here in the group together for positive vibes.

Would be great to get to know you all a bit better as we go forward...

Where are we all based? What is our motivation for doing this and what are we hoping to achieve etc?

Guess would just like to know you all a bit better.

Thanks helen


  • rugratnation
    rugratnation Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Helen and everyone. My name is Patty and I am from Baltimore. 5 years ago I lost 60 lbs and then had several strokes. I have gained 85 pounds since then and am determined to get back to the former me, lol. I have balance problems so I use the treadmill's handle bars to get my walking in, and several YouTube videos for low-impact aerobics and such. With the help of MFP I have lost 30 lbs since Feb 17th. It is getting hard to stay motivated now and that is why I finally jumped-in and joined a group. Here's to positive vibes and conversations to come!!!!
  • caitky1013
    caitky1013 Posts: 31 Member
    Hello - I'm Jenn, from CT. I've been big all my life but a couple months ago I weighed in at my heaviest...334. I've gone up and down through the years, most recently losing fifty pounds two years ago, but gained it back plus 24lbs! My motivation at this point is my health. With high blood pressure, a thyroid condition, prediabetes, and pain whenever I move, I am ready to do this. Plus after seriously considering having the gastric bypass surgery I really wanted to give losing the weight myself a serious try. I'm trying work on my eating habits before jumping into a serious exercise routine. As far as MFP, I'm really hoping to meet people that understand the struggle so we can help keep each other motivated.
  • sarahannevarty
    sarahannevarty Posts: 16 Member
    Hi everyone, I am Sarah. I gained a lot of weigh t in university when I was prescribed medication for my anxiety. Cipralex basically turned me into am eating machine and I became sort of obsessed with food. I gained 70 lbs and now that I am off the medication, and have been motivated after reaching my all time high, I have now lost 26lbs since March with changing only my food choices! I am encouraged to look amd feel better about myself. MFP has been very encouraging and helpful so far!
  • itsallgood803
    itsallgood803 Posts: 133 Member
    Hey all! I'm Stefani...I've been overweight my whole life. I had lost 60lbs about 2 years ago because of a terrible relationship/breakup. But then I met someone amazing and we got comfortable and I gained it all back plus an extra 15lbs. So I was at my heaviest I've ever been. I decided I needed to get by butt in gear because I have 3 little ones and I want to be able to play and run around with them. I've done really well with my exercise so far...but still trying to get my eating under control!
  • LaGrandePeche
    LaGrandePeche Posts: 34 Member
    Hi all! Sorry for the late reply! My name is James! It's so exciting to be building a community of motivated positive people.

    I have been extremely over weight for the last 8 years. It has now taken a toll on me mentally and physically. I have high blood pressure. It's scary plain and simple. I have come here to deal with my problems head on. I have realised that I'm worth it and I want to be around for a long time!
  • LaGrandePeche
    LaGrandePeche Posts: 34 Member
    Hey all! I'm Stefani...I've been overweight my whole life. I had lost 60lbs about 2 years ago because of a terrible relationship/breakup. But then I met someone amazing and we got comfortable and I gained it all back plus an extra 15lbs. So I was at my heaviest I've ever been. I decided I needed to get by butt in gear because I have 3 little ones and I want to be able to play and run around with them. I've done really well with my exercise so far...but still trying to get my eating under control!

    So happy you've joined the group! How are you doing so far food wise? It's really admirable trying to get healthy for your kids! Keep in touch! :)
  • LaGrandePeche
    LaGrandePeche Posts: 34 Member
    caitky1013 wrote: »
    Hello - I'm Jenn, from CT. I've been big all my life but a couple months ago I weighed in at my heaviest...334. I've gone up and down through the years, most recently losing fifty pounds two years ago, but gained it back plus 24lbs! My motivation at this point is my health. With high blood pressure, a thyroid condition, prediabetes, and pain whenever I move, I am ready to do this. Plus after seriously considering having the gastric bypass surgery I really wanted to give losing the weight myself a serious try. I'm trying work on my eating habits before jumping into a serious exercise routine. As far as MFP, I'm really hoping to meet people that understand the struggle so we can help keep each other motivated.

    I can relate to this. I too am 333 pounds.

    I am happy you decided enough is enough and you are doing what is right for you!

    I too have high blood pressure! It has really helped me to exercise daily and incorporate potassium into my diet! I'm rooting for you! Anytime you want to chat I can listen. You got this!! I'm excited for you! :smiley:
  • LaGrandePeche
    LaGrandePeche Posts: 34 Member
    Hi Helen and everyone. My name is Patty and I am from Baltimore. 5 years ago I lost 60 lbs and then had several strokes. I have gained 85 pounds since then and am determined to get back to the former me, lol. I have balance problems so I use the treadmill's handle bars to get my walking in, and several YouTube videos for low-impact aerobics and such. With the help of MFP I have lost 30 lbs since Feb 17th. It is getting hard to stay motivated now and that is why I finally jumped-in and joined a group. Here's to positive vibes and conversations to come!!!!

    So inspired by this! I could def use a bit of your determination! 30 pounds is quite the feat keep going! :)
  • itsallgood803
    itsallgood803 Posts: 133 Member
    Hi all! Sorry for the late reply! My name is James! It's so exciting to be building a community of motivated positive people.

    I have been extremely over weight for the last 8 years. It has now taken a toll on me mentally and physically. I have high blood pressure. It's scary plain and simple. I have come here to deal with my problems head on. I have realised that I'm worth it and I want to be around for a long time!

    Hey James! You are worth it!
  • caitky1013
    caitky1013 Posts: 31 Member
    caitky1013 wrote: »
    Hello - I'm Jenn, from CT. I've been big all my life but a couple months ago I weighed in at my heaviest...334. I've gone up and down through the years, most recently losing fifty pounds two years ago, but gained it back plus 24lbs! My motivation at this point is my health. With high blood pressure, a thyroid condition, prediabetes, and pain whenever I move, I am ready to do this. Plus after seriously considering having the gastric bypass surgery I really wanted to give losing the weight myself a serious try. I'm trying work on my eating habits before jumping into a serious exercise routine. As far as MFP, I'm really hoping to meet people that understand the struggle so we can help keep each other motivated.

    I can relate to this. I too am 333 pounds.

    I am happy you decided enough is enough and you are doing what is right for you!

    I too have high blood pressure! It has really helped me to exercise daily and incorporate potassium into my diet! I'm rooting for you! Anytime you want to chat I can listen. You got this!! I'm excited for you! :smiley:

    Hi James. This time is it. I'm finally taking things seriously. I think MFP is going to be a life changer. I've only been here just over a week and have already spoken with several people that are in similar situations to me. In my home/work life I am the biggest person I know so having people that I can talk to that understand what it's like to have to change something as ingrained as how I eat on a daily basis - and how hard that is - is going to be a huge help. I'm so glad you started this group - positive vibes is exactly what I am all bout now. :):)
  • HunnyBunnyKagome
    HunnyBunnyKagome Posts: 22 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Jennifer, and I'm from Louisiana. I have about 110 pounds to lose, and I have already lost 8. :)

    I hit my top weight of 260 pounds and finally got sick of being unhappy with myself. I am a cosplayer and really dedicated to my craft. There are so many outfits I want to be able to pull off, but I'm too self conscious at my current weight to do so.

    On top of that, my weight is interfering with my work. I own a maid café that prides itself on being cute. I am one of the head dancers and felt extremely embarrassed after watching myself on stage. Because of my size, I can't order a uniform without getting it made custom to fit me. Not only is that more expensive, it made it impossible for us to order better/cuter styles since they don't offer it in plus or custom sizes.

    My non-weight goals are to eat healthier and build better habits with lower sugar, fat, and sodium.

    Diabetes runs rampant in my family. My uncle just recently passed away due to complications from his diabetes. My grandmother is slowly going blind thanks to hers. This really put my life into perspective.

    I am working hard on finding healthier ways to make the food that I love. Some have been busts, but some have been great. I refuse to give up now. I am all for motivating one another. :)

  • VirGinnyIA
    VirGinnyIA Posts: 5 Member
    Hello everyone my name is Virginia but a favorite nickname is Vir-Ginnyi.a. So I’ll lead with that. I have around 250 lbs to lose and am looking for an active motivated group of individuals
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    Hi all!! I've been a member of MFP for a while and had great success at one point, but you know.. life happened and a bunch of excuses.

    I'm now 277 pounds and have around 120 to lose. A big part of that is health but also there are quality of life concerns that are kind of knocking at the door.for instance I love to travel, i like finding good deals on travel but my last trip to Asia and Africa were so uncomfortable because I BARELY was able to fasten the seatbelt and even then i had to struggle.

    I will be logging everyday and have already started making exercise a part of my daily life as well as getting out of the habit of having eating huge portion sizes.

    Good luck to everyone! :-D