Gastric Bypass 8.22.17

Hello all!

My name is Cynthia and I am coming up on 3 months post bypass. Since June I have lost almost 60 lbs, I'm finding it hard to get in my 60-80 grams of protein every day. I guess if I liked coffee it would be easier, since everyone seems to use their protein powder in their coffee. I cant choke it down. The smell is terrible and the taste is not much better.

I have found my taste buds changed a lot after surgery. I used to eat because it tasted good, now I eat things because they are "eh, its not disgusting". So the bar has lowered quite a bit, which has helped me not engage in overeating. (Along with not having much space for food!).

I'm getting most of my fluid in, but the vitamins give me nausea, so I am juggling a lot of supplements to make sure I get everything in.

I'm looking for others who are facing these same struggles to share tips and tricks for making sure that all my macros are met.
