
Hi there! My story is quite similar to yours! I'm just starting my 11 cycle TTC #2. It took us about 6 months but really one 3 months of tracking and timing to get pregnant with my son, who will be 2 in July. My gyn of course suggested losing some weigh at my annual appointment since we can't start chatting secondary infertility until we've been trying for a year. So my first goal is to get down to the weight I was when I got pregnant with my son then keep going from there! I have already lost 8.8lbs and have 7.2 to go for that first mini goal!

I've also decided to start tracking my BBT and using ovulation tests so that I can try to get our timing as right as I can!!


  • annahus
    annahus Posts: 2 Member
    Anyone still interested in keeping this group going? I’m 11 months TTC and gaining bc of stress and illness (just had reactivation of mono).