I hate exercise

charlaj666 Posts: 6 Member
I typed the title and burst into tears.

I'm really fat. I come from a family of fat people. I am the smallest of the sisters so I always lie to myself that I am not really that big. Sometimes the 5X's are too small on me. My doctor said I had diabetes but I don't believe him either. And all my fat family and friends tell me I'm not a REAL diabetic.

The numbers don't matter. So what if I am not a true diabetic now- I will be soon enough if I don't change.

So I started watching what I ate and trying to get 10, 000 steps a day in. And now I am sweaty and crying in front of the keyboard. I don't want to walk on the treadmill. It's hard. I'm tired.

But I am horrified that my world is constantly shrinking. No, I can't go to that place on my lunch break because its too far. I used to go there...and farther, but now, I'm too fat to walk that far.

I can't walk with any of my co workers. I get shin splints trying to keep up with them walking slow. All I do is sit on the couch and watch TV.


  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    Oh, @charlaj666

    My heart breaks for you reading this!!!

    I will say this, and it might help...

    Weight loss is in the kitchen, fitness is in the gym...

    I lost the first good clip of my weight nearly a decade ago - by changing what I was eating. My daughter and I started cooking together, and I focused on getting more fruits and vegetables and just eating less fast food, convenience foods, and anything that came in a package.

    I felt like (and still feel like) I'm not a "real" fat person. I feel like I'm not really "pre-diabetic," even though the numbers still show that if I don't change, I will be fully diabetic...

    I lost from 319 (medical chart highest weight, even though I know it was higher before i started losing) down to 250, then back to 275 them down to 239, and back up. I'm around 275-280 these days. 319 was in 2009. So even though I haven't maintained all of my lost weight, I have maintained nearly 40 pounds of it for several years.


    Sadly, I used to love it, back in my 20's before my metabolism when into panic mode...

    Regardless, I will say that the only thing that finally gave me some hope out of binging out my misery was -

    1) getting divorced (was so hard at first, but eventually, I felt better)
    2) just being around people here on MFP who've made changes are were willing to help others, too!
    3) finally finding a doctor willing to get me on thyroid meds and diagnose some other related issues...
    4) finding out that going low carb, even temporarily, helped me understand my broken brain wiring
    5) figuring out how to love myself as I was, at my worst (the divorce and recovery helped this the most!)

    I promise you, it's possible. I lost weight without any exercise. Basic movement, like walking, does help. But it isn't always possible. Even now, my average days are only 4000-6000 steps, but I feel a ton healthier than I used to. I got plantar fasciitis (micro tears in the heel tendons - which is like shin splints in the heel), and if I pushed too hard, I'd end up with shin splints, too...

    So, for me, the best things I did were - logged in here daily, for support, even if I didn't log my food.

    Started drinking more water. Just a little at a time.

    Started tracking my food - just tracking it, not reducing it yet. Getting a true, clear picture of what I was eating.

    Found friends on the same struggle. Yes, I'm still morbidly obese. I believe I have to get down to 220 or something to get out of the MO classification. So I stopped letting the label mean anything.

    Banished the guilt - food is just fuel. Did I give myself the best fuel today? Probably not. Will my body still operate? Yes. In a week, will my bad choices today matter? In a month? A year? 5 years? 10 years? Will I even remember??? That perspective was something I had to achieve and remind myself all the time, because guilt makes the restrict/binge/punish/etc. cycle stronger and longer... I had to take the power away from guilt. Sometimes I still feel a little bad about less than perfect decisions, but I can't change them, and I wouldn't punish a friend for the same choice, I'd encourage her...so I have to encourage myself.

    It's still super hard, but I refuse to give up. Please try not to give up on yourself either!

    Any small change adds up. Do not feel like it won't help...

    Make a small change and try to stick with it. Then after a week or 2, when the first change has become easier, make another small change...and just keep them up!!! All the hugs and luck. If you ever need support, and I'm not on this group, feel free to send me a private message.

  • charlaj666
    charlaj666 Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you!

    I feel so alone in this right now and it's so good to have contact with someone who understands.

    Your words are very encouraging.

  • charlaj666
    charlaj666 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm doing much better now. I had a horrible day that day.

    Went to the blood donor clinic and gave with our work group. Ended up waiting in the sun, in 95 degree heat, for the donor bus to return us. I was feeling so horrible. Then, when I tried walking on the treadmill later, it just wasn't the day for it and I had a melt down.

    Yesterday, I booked a cruise for January with some friends. It's my first cruise.

    I'm 51 and have never been anywhere. "You're too fat. Go when you lose weight."

    Wow. Now I am 51 and have never been anywhere. I messed up.

    I'm going this time! It doesn't matter how much I weigh. If I need a seat belt extender, I will just ask for one.

    I'm 5'5". I weigh 310 this week. I'm down 14 pounds since I started. Sometimes I think walking is easier, then I think I am kidding myself. Hopefully, in time.

    I'm not losing weight for the trip. I'm finally saying trips and the weight are two totally separate things.
  • SuesNewImage
    SuesNewImage Posts: 743 Member
    edited July 2018
    I just typed in a long Post and pressed done button instead of post reply. I will start again.

    I have found weight loss is 90% food and 10% exercise. Get your food right and your body will love you for it and let you exercise naturally. I have read Dr Fung's book the obesity code , and he says exercise increases appetite. I do not want to eat more. I just want to be more mobile. I have arthritis in my spine and knees at age 55 and need to keep moving. That is the only reason I walk, no sweating I just keep moving only to stay mobile. And I've lost the weight doing this.

    You need to make decisions multiple times daily on what you put in your mouth. This will help break the curse on your family. Doing it one day at a time with one person at a time, being you. I have broken my family's curse in the last 3 years this way.

    It is hard work. This is a mental journey to change our physical situation. We have to decide anyway what we are eating and it's just as easy to make a lazy decision that is not the best, compared to a good decision to nourish our body. I have found I either look back in regret for bad decisions, or amazement how many good decisions I've made and the results of shedding weight has appeared to just happened. That does not mean in anyway this has been easy however it has really boosted my self esteem.

    You can do this. Go through the MFP success stories and find your motivation. And make those decisions every day comma multiple times comma over and over again. You will be surprised how far are you have achieved by the time your cruise comes. We are all in this together.
  • charlaj666
    charlaj666 Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you Sue!

    You and Knit or Miss have given me lots of good suggestions. I keep re reading your posts and I am so grateful that you took the time to help me. I've also started reading some blog entries and looking for more success stories to keep my spirits up.

    Congratulations to you both on your weight loss!
  • SuesNewImage
    SuesNewImage Posts: 743 Member
    You are worth it
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    Another thing I work to remember is that WILLPOWER will fail you.


    Willpower is finite. It has limits. It must be renewed. It is a good tool, but it can't be the ONLY thing we depend on...

    Motivation is also all well and good, but it strengthens and fades over time.

    Dig deep and find the things that make you want to fight back...

    Here are some of the harder walls/realizations I hit on my journey so far.


    This one right here is my favorite writing:


    That one reminds me that I need to get back to writing!

    Just some thoughts on paper/screen...
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    P.S. Someone helped, us, too... And once you make some progress, just knowing you reached out here to find help and support, you will help others, too... :)
  • ceiswyn
    ceiswyn Posts: 2,256 Member
    I hated exercise too, when I was morbidly obese. Fundamentally, being obese makes exercise really unpleasant. It’s all much harder work, especially for your muscles and skeleton, so you get out of breath fast, get really sweaty and get injured. That in turn means you can’t get or stay fit, which makes all of those things even worse; ugh.

    I lost my first four stone doing no exercise at all. That was all on just eating less. Then I started playing Pokemon Go and started taking a five-minute walk to the nearest PokeStop every lunchtime. Another few months down the line I’d lost some more weight and was taking fifteen-minute walks twice a day and swimming on a Sunday.

    You can see the way this is going :)

    Basically, as I lost weight everything kept becoming that little bit easier and I kept finding I could do just a little bit more without the sweating and heart-pounding and joint pain.

    Fast forward to today, and incrementally, without noticing, I’ve somehow become someone who enjoys HIIT gym classes and five mile hikes. But only because I’m fit enough now that it doesn’t suck to do it.

    So... you can do a huge amount just by cutting calories, without any exercise at all. But if you add in some exercise in very small amounts, and then ramp it up slowly, you might gradually find that you stop hating it so much. You might even find something you actively enjoy. Eventually :)
  • charlaj666
    charlaj666 Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you both for your encouraging words!
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,595 Member
    Hey, charlaj666, I hope you are continuing to do better. It's all baby steps. I have been working on this all year. I had a similar experience to KnitOrMiss -- I had to work on eating first. After I figured out a diet that worked for me and my life and got results, weight started coming off, and moving got a bit easier. Hang in there!
  • SiennahLea
    SiennahLea Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Charla. I don't have any uplifting words or great advice but just know that you're not the only one. If you ever want to vent or anything please contact me. We can DO THIS!