Pre-Weight loss Surgery Behavior Goal

. Eliminate carbonated drinks
. Eliminate caffeine
. Eliminate Alcohol
. Eliminate Simple Sugars
. Assess your hunger level before eatting
. Take small bites
. Chew food 20 times per bite
. Put your fork down between bites
. Stop eating when no longer hungry
. Don't drink with meals
. Eat 3 meals per day, including breakfast
. Limit snacks/ nibbles to 3 per day
. Eat protein with each meal and snack
. Drink 64 oz of calorie fluids daily
. limit fried foods and high fat condiments
. Begin regular physical activity
. Record regular physical activity
. Record food and beverage intake
. Identity sources of support
. Write down or chose an eating plan
. Begin daily multivitamin / mineral supplementation
.80-100 grams of protein daily
. Find a protein drink shake no lower then 30 grams of protein
. Bars no less then 15 grams of protein
