Let's say hi!

Momagon Posts: 3 Member
Goodness, only 4 of us oldies here? Surely there are more seniors using MFP than that. However, being tech challenged myself, maybe it's a little intimidating.

OK, so I'll start. I am doing Keto (extremely low carb, moderate protein, high fat) and have lost 35 pounds so far, but I've been stuck for a while now. I need to lose another 40 pounds or so. I have a family history of type 2 diabetes (and my husband is type 2, but not doing what he should), so I need to cut the carbs. It isn't easy, but I think it's worth it.

I also started using a Fitbit Charge 2, which I love. It reminds me to get up and move around, and it gives me goals.

Now it's your turn... please say hi.


  • Ila1227
    Ila1227 Posts: 71 Member
    Hi. Sad we are of small small numbers. I am 70 and need to lose 50 pounds, maybe 60(a girl can dream cant she?) First time in my life I have started regular exercise(2 weeks old) gained a few pounds first week, havent weighed myself this wek. eating clean99% ( i did eat a 2 serving corn chip bag) but overall happy with food this past two weeks. I am a vegetarian
    and I also tend to have lots of stress in my life.
  • jojanni67
    jojanni67 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello. Just joined MFP today. I am 67 and hubby is 65. We are both T2 and very out of shape. Trying to get to a point where we can reduce our medication and become healthier and more active. We have both struggled with weight most of our adult lives and could each stand to lose 50 lbs or more. Look forward to getting to know everyone and share our journey together. It's hard to lose at this age and we need all the encouragement and support we can get. Have a great day everyone.
  • RichardHaw
    RichardHaw Posts: 33 Member
    Hi all, feel free to add me as a friend. At 61 and dropping some weight, dropped 20+ in the last couple months and have another 20+ or so lbs to go till ideal. T2 and getting that under better control, exercise levels have fantastically helped that.
  • sun_cat
    sun_cat Posts: 114 Member
    Hi! I'm not actively trying to do anything with food/exercise right now. There's just too much else going on. Things will settle down soon.
  • lady9mile
    lady9mile Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, new here: Just trying to keep better track of my intake to start. Hubby is no help and keeps eating my diet food! Working with osteoporosis, looking for calcium fortified foods like OJ, milk, yogurt to add to my vitamin D supplements.
  • sun_cat
    sun_cat Posts: 114 Member
    Hi all, I just joined the 60 club a few days ago and became an 'empty nester' a few days before that. Life has been so hectic lately, pretty much everything has gotten away from me. I don't like the way some things in my life are going and feel like the time to change it is now.