September 7 Sign In



  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    September 7
    Exercised?: Yes. 3km in 23 mins (hills).
    Calories?: Yes
    Tracked?: Yes

    Busy work day at home today preparing for Spain. Quick walk before dark.

    Had to prepare a presentation document in Spanish. Was complimented by the Spain team that it read very well and was not plagued by the contextual errors usually present with a machine translated document. I'm still a long way from fluency, but also now a long way from totally inept.

    Fly out Sunday morning 5:00am and loads of work to do before I fly out.

    Too much Zelda again tonight.
  • RangerRickL
    RangerRickL Posts: 8,469 Member
    @craigo3154 !Que bueno que hable con fluencia y fluidez! Te me impresiona que dedica tan esfuerzo que aprenda el español.
  • RangerRickL
    RangerRickL Posts: 8,469 Member
    Pass Day #1 for me.
    Rose and I were the hosts of 6 friends from India. Food is love and friendship. No regrets and no worries.
  • Dory_42
    Dory_42 Posts: 3,587 Member
    Pass Day 1 for me

    Everyone faded on me for early morning rolling (cold and raining) and I faded on the option of doing strength training by myself. I planned to do some pt later but spent the morning running errands regarding my trip at the end of the month, including my travel vaccines. By the time I had finished all of that I was having a mild nausea reaction to the vaccines and faded on exercise.

    Food all logged and under so 2 out of 3!
  • fatbambi2017
    fatbambi2017 Posts: 1,295 Member
    Yes @RangerRickL lol, that's me on a friday, I get to walk to work and there are 6 beautiful pussycats at the house I clean on Fridays...
    @scottie1568 are you being too hard on yourself? This takes time, maybe set your goals to a more manageable setting...
    Exercise yes 30 min yoga 120 min cleaning 70 min walking fitbit has stopped working not happy...
    Tracking yes
    Calories no, the box of Maltesers gifted to me beckoned, well they had to be eaten sometime...and tbh I would rather have had flowers, will have to drop a subtle hint
    Pass day #1
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,136 Member
    Sep 7
    Yes x 3
    Ex: 119 mins, 3 mile walk & errands & Active decluttering
    Under 350
    Track all

    Habits, wisely developed, practiced, and refined, make it all so easy. Truly transformative! Habits remove the fear of regaining for me - Invaluable!!

    An example:
    Weighed a few walnuts to eat before bed after checking my calorie deficit. Paid a lot of attention to each bit of the 1st three but began to munch the 4th fast. Stopped, put it down, said good job to myself “why eat it if you’re not paying attention”. Sat down and focused on the remainder of that one & the final one.
    This happened because:
    1) I happily track everything I eat & have since at least Sept 25, 2017. Everything, to the gram.
    2) I read up on nuts, realized they were good for me (unsalted, raw or dry roasted) and said, “OK, you can eat them if you track them & don’t go nuts with them. That’s the deal” so, weighing 15g of them was the result of over 2.5 years of managing my nut consumption.
    3) I was really hungry. I tried water first, and some hot tea, so I used some of my deficit, but at end of the day I was still under by 350, so I’ve learned if I’m truly hungry before bed a few nuts & water will help me sleep. I can trust my hunger.
    4) I’ve practiced eating mindfully for 2-2/3 years now. Paying attention to each bite. Savoring. Lingering. Pausing. I get annoyed if I have to eat in a rush. So I realized when I wasn’t being mindful & changed my behavior.
    5) My self talk is positive & has a few phrases I use often. “why eat it if you’re not paying attention?” “Food won’t fix it— Really - you’ll just have two problems” “it’s not a race” “The Past is past” (let it go)

  • dbhappy
    dbhappy Posts: 46 Member
    Not today Pass day x 1
  • InOneness
    InOneness Posts: 21 Member
    Sept 7 - Pass Day 2

    Exercised: Yes, 33 min walk with total of 7,144 steps for the day
    Calories: Nope, had seconds at dinner.. + 200 cal over for the day
    Tracking: Of course

    So I'll just tell my type A personality to calm the heck and remind myself that making it to the winners circle is NOT my goal, a healthy lifestyle is! My main focus for joining this challenge was to get up, get moving and commit to 20 mins of exercise a day. And I am 7 - 0! It feels good to start to exercise again, and I find I am actually looking forward to it everyday. For me that's a huge success, and I am embracing it!
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Exercise? Nope
    Calories? Over
    Tracking? Yes

    Can I please have one of my "sick" days! I have injured my knee and was forbidden (from my dear husband) to get on the treadmill yesterday. So, my calorie deficit wasn't met either. I'm hoping to be able to at least ride my recumbent bike on Saturday. :/
  • molly3210
    molly3210 Posts: 804 Member
    Yes x 2 .....maybe 3 though it's murky. Im not 100% confident in it. Went into a brewery with 977 calories left. Nursed one glass of wine, munched off other's snacks. Got home, was hungry. Walked the dog to 7-11 where I intended to get some late night ice cream. But nothing sounded right. Went back home and had some cereal. It was the second time in the night that I passed on ice cream and even tho I'm not sure if I was under in calories or not, that's a huge win for this sweet toothie.
  • 57discovery
    57discovery Posts: 3,170 Member
    Yes X3
  • Mrscanmore
    Mrscanmore Posts: 859 Member
    Yes x 3 for me
  • poparna
    poparna Posts: 15 Member
    Pass day
  • windowqueen2003
    windowqueen2003 Posts: 427 Member
    August 6
    Yes X 3
    August 7
    Yes X 3

    Still sick calories way under. Exercise difficult but done
  • Anya_000
    Anya_000 Posts: 725 Member
    Sep 7
    Yes x 3
    Ex: 119 mins, 3 mile walk & errands & Active decluttering
    Under 350
    Track all

    Habits, wisely developed, practiced, and refined, make it all so easy. Truly transformative! Habits remove the fear of regaining for me - Invaluable!!

    An example:
    Weighed a few walnuts to eat before bed after checking my calorie deficit. Paid a lot of attention to each bit of the 1st three but began to munch the 4th fast. Stopped, put it down, said good job to myself “why eat it if you’re not paying attention”. Sat down and focused on the remainder of that one & the final one.
    This happened because:
    1) I happily track everything I eat & have since at least Sept 25, 2017. Everything, to the gram.
    2) I read up on nuts, realized they were good for me (unsalted, raw or dry roasted) and said, “OK, you can eat them if you track them & don’t go nuts with them. That’s the deal” so, weighing 15g of them was the result of over 2.5 years of managing my nut consumption.
    3) I was really hungry. I tried water first, and some hot tea, so I used some of my deficit, but at end of the day I was still under by 350, so I’ve learned if I’m truly hungry before bed a few nuts & water will help me sleep. I can trust my hunger.
    4) I’ve practiced eating mindfully for 2-2/3 years now. Paying attention to each bite. Savoring. Lingering. Pausing. I get annoyed if I have to eat in a rush. So I realized when I wasn’t being mindful & changed my behavior.
    5) My self talk is positive & has a few phrases I use often. “why eat it if you’re not paying attention?” “Food won’t fix it— Really - you’ll just have two problems” “it’s not a race” “The Past is past” (let it go)


    This is great! Thanks!