January 2019 Babies



  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    @2lovemyself I am not going to lie, I am so glad about living in Canada and the maternity/parental benefits we get. I won't actually have to decide if I want to stay home or work until July of 2020.

    Man I kinds feel like the sleep regression is lasting an insanely long time. We are on or 3rd week, maybe more like 5th... its so long, which is why I'm wondering if it's something else too. Growth spurt maybe...

    Sounds like we are the same age! My first child is a boy, this one should be a girl if they read the scan right lol. I'm honestly feeling really old and tired right now... We wanted 3 but I'm not sure I can do another pregnancy being this tired. If we do have a 3rd, we will do a larger gap than 19 months. Maybe more like 24...
  • 2lovemyself
    2lovemyself Posts: 12 Member
    @VeryKatie That’s how we felt too... we had 20 months apart between our girls and then this little boy will be born 23 months after my last little gal. I definitely feel tired and scared of the sleep deprivation that’s coming in January!!
    I’m sure you’re right and it’s a growth spurt or teething! Who the heck knows!? I’ve exhausted myself trying to figure it out. Lol! I hope you get some solid sleep soon!! What a difference it makes!
    I was thinking about reading one of those books like “12 hours by 12 weeks” with this baby to see if I can learn some miracle that’ll help my baby sleep through the night younger than 6-8 months... I don’t even know how it’s possible by 12 weeks but gosh it sure would help my return to work!
    Canada sounds so wonderful when it comes to maternity leave!! We live in South Dakota and apparently just aren’t far enough north! It actually snowed today already! Crazy place!
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    @2lovemyself I think sleeping through the night is 100% dependent on the baby. My friend has a 3 year old who still wakes up every hour or so and her younger child slept 10 to 12 hours by the time he was 2 months old. My guy, I forced him to drop his night feed at 9 or 10 months. And through the night lasted maybe a couple months. Now it eludes us. I would LOVE for our little girl to be a lover of sleep hahaha. We are thinking we may try a night light in his room. See if that helps. Maybe hes waking up and cant tell where he is. But tonight we gave him a huge snack (like the size of breakfast) right before I nursed him to sleep. We also bumped his bedtime by 30 mins since hes been fighting it for an hour anyway. He fell asleep well so here is hoping he sleeps till 7 am!

    Haha it snowed here too, today (though it's our 3rd or 4th snow fall of the season, which is very early... only one of those stuck around for a few days. It's still melting). You may as well just move to Canada. You're pretty much there. We're actually in Manitoba, so directly north of you (Winnipeg). We drive through North Dakota often (Fargo and grand forks) to get to Minneapolis for flights (it's cheaper that way). I highly recommend the new and improved 18 month mat leave option. I'm taking that option so I can delay deciding for sure if I will stay home or find a different job.
  • Puerulus
    Puerulus Posts: 53 Member
    Late to this board, but due 30 January! Sooo excited. Its my first and were expecting a girl.

    Ps - my husband is renovating our loft (or planning to) in March. When we have a newborn. Urgh.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    @Puerulus oh good another mom as crazy as me for saying yes to a reno hahahah. My renovation is starting today. My husband worked all weekend clearing out the basement and I helped yesterday. I'm already beat. And very stressed about vapour barrier. I want it redone from scratch, I just dont trust patch jobs. What kind of renovations are you planning?

    I'm also having a girl, she is due around Jan 28 :)